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From speeding ticket to jail. LOL!!

fatdog - 2008-10-13 11:43

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-10-13 11:58

do you think that was a mistake or road rage for the average guy ?

kittmaster - 2008-10-13 11:59

neh, he was trying to get the cop, that is the whole point of those bumpers.....listen to him revving the gas to get more out of it.......LOL

Too funny

jt - 2008-10-13 12:26

I don't know... from hearing the person's voice, it could have been an elderly person well past his driving years. That revving at the end could have been panic reflex.

Things like this actually happen with regularity here in Florida. Not so much backing into a police car, but accidents from hitting the gas when they meant to hit the brake, or vice-versa.

We have a high percentage of elderly drivers here who often drive all the way up until they find out the hard way that they shouldn't be...

skippy1969 - 2008-10-13 14:25

Yup,that guy is a real dork,a dangerous one at that. Pretty scary stuff. Confused Roll Eyes

thafuzz - 2008-10-13 15:50

You could hear the computer controlled rev limiter working cause he's revving the engine so much! I'd have to change my underwear after that one. Can you imagine all the ridiculing from his fellow officers the next day at briefing?

jvc.floyd - 2008-10-14 05:40

what a dork i can't believe that the dude can't tell forward from reverse ,in my opinion he was trying to run over that cop no other explaination.

isolator42 - 2008-10-14 07:37

My Grandad, God rest his soul, did something similar while parking his automatic Volvo in his garage. He rolled into the garage & when attempting to slow to a stop he pressed the throttle instead of moving over to the brake pedal. Apparently confused as to why the car wasn't stopping he instinctively shoved the pedal nice & hard.
He ended up in his back garden having hammered right through the brick wall of the garage.
He was completely unhurt & the Volvo wasn't even a write off. The garage needed completely rebuilding Smile

It wasn't even one of those tank-Volvos. It was a 345!
Did he give up driving? No. He sold the Volvo & bought a Nissan Micra, which had less power Big Grin