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Who is feeling poorer today??

vladi123456 - 2008-09-29 17:52

Dow fell by almost 800 points, and Europian markets had a pretty *good* day as well, although not as bad as here in the USA. Is anybody else feeling more broke because of what's going on with Wall Street? Because of all that crap with credit and financing - my clients can't pay me anymore - they can't get loans to pay salaries, so they fire people left and right - how am I supposed to maintain my lovely boombox collection if I can't even come up with $50 to get one of my boxes repaired!! They screwed the entire country - if not the whole world - morons Mad

ford93 - 2008-09-29 18:03

Plain and simple GREED!!

Thats whats happening in this country!

If I see anybody floating down on a golden Parashute he or she is mine! Mad

- 2008-09-29 18:04

well people always have a need to get to work Eek OR a Need to go elsewhere cheaply to find work Laugh Out Loud therefore Riding the Bus is a Safe place for My employment Big Grin Wink

sinister - 2008-09-29 18:05

DUDE!!! i feel ya, i keep thinking any day now im gunna get canned. they have let go of 25% of the working @ my spot i swear anyday now their going to kick me to the curb. Eek some days i feel like just hijacking a bus!!!

masterblaster84 - 2008-09-29 18:23

Originally posted by ford93:
Plain and simple GREED!!

Thats whats happening in this country!

If I see anybody floating down on a golden Parashute he or she is mine! Mad

I Agree Too many people are never satisfied no matter how much they make. Seems like the more money people make the greedier they get, it's really discusting. I think this whole bail out idea is really pissing people off big time, especially those who take care of their finances. Where is the reward for being responsible?

masterblaster84 - 2008-09-29 18:26

Vladi and Sinister I feel for you guys, this mess that greed has created is hurting good people.
Just so you know I can send you $50 for one of your grails anytime you need it.
Laugh Out Loud

Only joking, I hope you guys don't have to have a fire sale due to this mess. Nod Yes

moncheeto - 2008-09-29 18:30

Originally posted by ford93:
Plain and simple GREED!!

Thats whats happening in this country!

If I see anybody floating down on a golden Parashute he or she is mine! Mad
what the Mad

fatdog - 2008-09-29 18:32

I wish I could get a "do over" for $700,000,000,000.00!! A lot of people don't realize that if this bailout package passes, inflation is going to go through the friggin' roof! Greedy slime-ball pigs like the ones who are getting away with it just make me sick. And the thing is, they don't care about any of it.

Reminds me of a T-shirt I used to have:

Some people are alive simply because it is illegal to kill them.

Nod Yes

vladi123456 - 2008-09-29 18:41

Don, I might take you up on that $50 deal Wink

Ya, that is just sad....steal a pack of gum - go to jail. Waiste a few billion dollars - and get a 20 million dollars *retirement* package. Maybe Wall Street firms should hire us, small people, to be CEOs and such - we're not used to stealing, and if we do steal - it would be two-three boomboxes tops Big Grin

But seriously - I agree with Don - this bailout idea sounds pretty bad. Why not start with senior management of WAMU or Wachovia or all those investment companies, that so *wisely* invested trillions of dollars into nothing - and get all of their moneys first Tap Toes

monolithic - 2008-09-29 19:02

Originally posted by SINISTER:
Eek some days i feel like just hijacking a bus!!!

That's an interesting statement! Laugh Out Loud

oldskool69 - 2008-09-29 19:12

Fortunately I work in the commecial side of constrction which gives me a lot of flexibility in fat and lean times. I've also always kep a conservative portfolio and minimized risk for slow and steady growth.

Despite all that, I know that any day I could be out of a job or worse. I hope that all the "fatcats" corporate and political, gettheir come uppance. Nod Yes

To many of the "little guys" are getting hurt. But the bottom line is the little guys can punch these goofs in the pocket and vote them out. But they don't fear or respect that. Roll Eyes

masterblaster84 - 2008-09-29 19:36

Originally posted by vladi123456:

Ya, that is just sad....steal a pack of gum - go to jail. Waiste a few billion dollars - and get a 20 million dollars *retirement* package. Maybe Wall Street firms should hire us, small people, to be CEOs and such - we're not used to stealing, and if we do steal - it would be two-three boomboxes tops Big Grin

Don't get me started on this, it's friggin rediculous what these execs get. Be CEO for one year then get $20 million or more for a severance package! WTF!!!!! Then after they leave the company goes bankrupt and everybody loses their retirement and gets nothing to leave except a boot in the rear on the way out the door. Lots of good honest people paying with everything they have so a privelaged few can walk away with millions of dollars and for doing what? It's sickening!!!!! Mad

Vladi, I told you not to get me started. Leaving

vladi123456 - 2008-09-29 20:17

Don, I know!! I can't decide if I need to go get my $100 savings from the bank before it goes belly up - or down - you never know what position those banks prefer when they screw us - probably not missionary though Big Grin

sinister - 2008-09-29 20:27

just tell me im pretty Smile

thafuzz - 2008-09-29 20:34

I honestly worry for people. The bad thing is this will not be done shaking out before the Holiday Season arrives Frown. I've seen people that normaly wouldn't rob/steal- actually do just that to feed their families. When I've arrested them and ask them "why?", they break down crying, stating they were desperate to feed their kids, give Christmas gifts, steal gas to get to work, etc. I feel horrible booking someone into jail trying to feed their family Frown Sadly, it's job security for me.

thafuzz - 2008-09-29 20:42

I'm trying to refinance my home using my "Guaranteed V.A. Home Loan" for the first time. I'm being told to "also consider looking at Fannie Mae for financing alternatives". Sheesh!! I scolded the poor girl on the phone "Fannie Mae? The same one that's involved in that mess all over the news?!?!" (I thought she was gonna hang up on me).

jt - 2008-09-29 21:01

I think this whole bail out idea is really pissing people off big time, especially those who take care of their finances. Where is the reward for being responsible?

I've been saying that for the last week! Us folks who pay our bills & taxes on time end up getting to foot the bill, and in the process possibly lose out on our social security benefits. Where the he11 is the $700+ billion going to come from?? And the candidates are talking about cutting taxes.... WAKE UP!!!!

Meanwhile these bastids in suits write questionable loans and pad their numbers to make them look better for Wall St and then get to retire with multi-million bonus payouts as all the bad loans start to default and their companies are about to fold. But no! Here comes a big safety trapoline shoved under them by the Federal govt so they can bounce back???

I'm not an economist and I don't know what the right answer is to fix this... but I do know everything runs in cycles and that you gotta have bad days every now and then so you can tell when you're having good ones.

Things here in America have been too good for too long, I guess....

Deficit spending has become a way of life here. Not just for the government, but for consumers too. I say, let the chips fall where they may on wall street. Maybe its time that we, as a society, learn some humility and suck it up for a while.

I feel bad for the folks who are close to retirement, the people who have lost their jobs already, and those who will.

I heard one analyst today say that she felt it could take until 2015 for this downturn to show signs of recovery!

vladi123456 - 2008-09-29 22:24

Ya, I mean - one doesnt have to have a degree to figure this one out - if health insirance goes up 50-60% each year, if house prices go up 15-20% every year, if companies outsource all decent paying jobs to China and India and Mexico - then how are people supposed to pay their bills? Do they think we can all work as waiters and strippers and make the same money as we used to make working as engineers and such? I'm just so irritated with all the latest news - what a bunch of crap Tap Toes

isolator42 - 2008-10-01 06:57

Who is feeling poorer today??

I have zero savings, a massive mortgage & a whopping overdraft.
Now all that's changed is lots of other people are as badly off as me...

I'm hoping my bank goes under so I can forget the overdraft & keep the house Smile

vladi123456 - 2008-10-01 08:33

Isolator, what would change if your bank goes under? In the USA if a bank fails - the Feds would normally sell the banking operations to another bank, and for consumers nothing would really change - how does it work in the UK?

isolator42 - 2008-10-01 10:13

Originally posted by vladi123456:
...In the USA if a bank fails - the Feds would normally sell the banking operations to another bank, and for consumers nothing would really change...
There you go, destroying my dream... Smile

jvc.floyd - 2008-10-01 10:22

like cheech and chong said 'things are tough all over' and theres no relief in sight i havent bought a box in months and dont plan too either ,now thats tough .lol

nelsongf9696 - 2008-10-01 10:25

No worries here I've always been broke. Nod Yes

vladi123456 - 2008-10-01 10:50

Ya, I havent bought a single boombox in almost 6 months - good thing I bought quite a few boxes a year ago when I wasnt broke yet Big Grin

ford93 - 2008-10-01 17:30

Originally posted by jvc floyd:
like cheech and chong said 'things are tough all over' and theres no relief in sight i havent bought a box in months and dont plan too either ,now thats tough .lol

Hey, jvc floyd now that you mentioned Cheech & Chong. I got this DVD recently called (American Drug War) the actor Tommy Chong is interviewed in this documentary very interesting stuff.

Whats amazing is that us at the bottom of the todem pole must bail out the elite, now would they do the same to us? No No

jt - 2008-10-02 12:22

My retirement plan has dropped $24k in value since Jan 1.

Retirement is moving farther & farther away for me.

With baby boomers getting ready to start retiring, there is rampant fear that the social security benefits will not be here for us in the future.

The future looks like this... we will all be working into our 70s and 80s.

Unless we can get one of those cushy CEO jobs!

matrixambience - 2008-10-02 12:30

I'm already practicing saying "Paper or plastic" for when I am over 70 working at the grocery store!

jt - 2008-10-02 12:35

I'm already practicing saying "Paper or plastic" for when I am over 70 working at the grocery store!

LOL! or how about "Welcome to Walmart"

sinister - 2008-10-02 12:36

how bout. "welcome to mcdonalds, can i take your order"

fatdog - 2008-10-02 13:07

How 'bout "Sucky sucky five dollars."

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

masterblaster84 - 2008-10-02 13:18

Well I want an outdoor job at 70 so I'm picking out a nice piece of cardboard and a big felt tip pen.

I'm trying to come up with what to write on the cardboard.

"I'm was never a CEO of a company, I didn't screw you! but I need your money"