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Warlord - a movie

kid.sensation - 2008-09-08 11:17

A short movie that really caught my eye.

An interesting piece of art.

watch it here.

It may shout out a lot of critic, but it's not my intention to point that out..Just wanted to show this awesome film.

ford93 - 2008-09-08 13:58

I wonder when they get old will they change their diet from cur to their parents? I'm sorry not dissing this movie, but if I had kids hell no would I let them see this.

beatbox - 2008-09-09 17:33

Powerful message very obviously and clearly put. I liked it.

Beats the hell out of all the subliminal **** our children have to put up with each and every day.

I spent a vast part of my late teens living for long periods away from it all in forests, the countryside, festivals and generally anywhere where I didn't have to see a billboard, television or here the sounds of the city. Granted, I didn't eat dogs, but I slept in a lot of moss. I would definitely show my kids this.

My mum raised me to be free. I would like to think I would do the same.

fatdog - 2008-09-09 17:56

I'm not sure whether to view it as "Whoa!" or "WTF?!" Sort of reminds me of The Tin Drum in style.

jt - 2008-09-09 18:07

Yea, consumerism sucks...

If my parents were as $hitty as that kids, I'd probably want to run from it all and excape into the wild, too...

Here's a movie, based on a true story, about a kid who gave up on society. Rent it sometime.

Into The Wild