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Some good news and some bad news.

beatbox - 2008-09-04 10:07

Well, it's now the beginning of September, and not to speak too soon or anything, but I think my luck may be changing.

Some may know about my troubles this year including losing my mum, losing my girlfriend, losing my job, getting run over on my bike etc. Well, for the past 3 weeks I have been working, YES!, working as a model builder. I build models for architects, ranging in size and materials, and do you know what? I love it!!! It's right up my street. I work for 9 hours a day, because I can, and build things! I mean, how cool is that? I get to create great looking landscapes complete with detailed buildings out of wood, plexi, soft stone, anything the architect asks for.

I got the job through a friend, and even though its a freelance position and I dont know how long it'll last, I'm just glad to be active ancd keeping myself busy... and earning money of course!

So, all this has kept me busy with very late nights and incredibly early mornings. I've had only 2 days of in 3 weeks.

Which leads me to the bad news...

Walkgirls boombox!!!!!

She bought a JVC from me around 3 weeks ago, and due to my job, I haven't been able to post it yet, let alone wrap it up!

I finished work early today, at 6 instead of later just so that I could get it sorted, and luckily the post office opens at 8 tomorrow, so I can get it off before I go to work.

So, apologies AGAIN Nicolle, but please forgive me and believe me, you will have your radio soon.

joe.cool - 2008-09-04 10:30

Congratulations bb, glad to hear things have improved for you.

I'm sure that when Nicolle learns of your change in fortune, she'll be just as happy for you, and won't consider her late shipment as "bad news".

Best wishes to you... Smile

jaredscottfla - 2008-09-04 10:56

I Agree Totally
Glad to hear some good Karma coming ur way BB.
Best wisjes,Btw,The Job sounds really Cool

ford93 - 2008-09-04 11:12

Thats the way it should be among ourselves as members. Trust me beatbox if she has not bugged you for three weeks she is one patient girl. I'm glad you're keeping yourself busy after what I've read you need it bud. Smile

redbenjoe - 2008-09-04 11:24

thats one of the very best type jobs to have , beatbox --and it never needs a bunch of bosses and co-workers all around -
its good independant work-

and you can 'bet-a-box'- that walkgirl will be cool with this --(as usual)---
---and she might be so daffy /thrilled with sinisters pc100 --she might have forgot Smile
or watch for your nasty feedback Laugh Out Loud

good luck with your new luck --

kid.sensation - 2008-09-04 11:25

Hey Mirko,

so glad to hear that you finally got around to fight back all this struggle!!
I think Nicolle is ok with the delay and she sure will understand your issues Wink

Hope you can keep up the job for the architect , sure sounds very cool!

On a positive side note: you do not need to sell some of your beloved boxes now anymore Big Grin

In times like the ones you had/ maybe slightly still have a buisy job is maybe the best thing that could happen to you.
"Das lenkt ab" Wink

Wish you that the luck will be on your side for the next years!You deserve it Smile

walkgirl - 2008-09-04 11:37

Jippieee Smile

I do know this a bit all ready, abd I did tell
Mirko it is not a problem Smile

YAY! Big Grin

skippy1969 - 2008-09-04 11:56

Good going Beatbox. I hope everything works out for you and yours... Big Grin

oldskool69 - 2008-09-06 05:34

Originally posted by beatbox:
So, apologies AGAIN Nicolle, but please forgive me and believe me, you will have your radio soon.

Great to hear things are going your way. And believe me dude I understand about being busy. I work out of town during the week trying to close out a $22 million project. So on the weekends kids have all kinds of stuff to do, need to spend time with my wife, fix things around the house, church obligations etc. etc....

I owe Bobby some discs...
I owe Chris an HK-9000...
I owe John some speakers...
I owe all the atendees of the Sunshine Mix a video...
And everybody here a load of gratitude...

Don't worry. I know Nicolle understands. The key is making sure everyone is kept up to date and aware that they aren't forgotten. Smile

928gts - 2008-09-06 10:40

I think the best news near is that you,beatbox,have found something that you love to do. Even though the hours are long it must feel good to do what you're doing. I'm happy for you,man. Keep your chin up and good things will come to you!

beatbox - 2008-09-06 12:26

Thanks for the comments guys!

Yeah, the job is amazing actually. I've always loved building things, and my ex hated the fact I was a perfectionist, even to how many times I squeeze the tea bag out with the spoon after stirring it twicw, each time for 4 turns... Big Grin

Nicolles radio went out on Friday, so I hope whe gets it soon.

walkgirl - 2008-09-06 13:36

yay Smile

ford93 - 2008-09-06 14:36

Great to hear things are going your way. And believe me dude I understand about being busy. I work out of town during the week trying to close out a $22 million project. So on the weekends kids have all kinds of stuff to do, need to spend time with my wife, fix things around the house, church obligations etc. etc....

I owe Bobby some discs...
I owe Chris an HK-9000...
I owe John some speakers...
I owe all the atendees of the Sunshine Mix a video...
And everybody here a load of gratitude...

Don't worry. I know Nicolle understands. The key is making sure everyone is kept up to date and aware that they aren't forgotten. Smile[/QUOTE]

I demand to see this video right NOW!! Big Grin

oldskool69 - 2008-09-06 16:08

Originally posted by ford93:
I demand to see this video right NOW!! Big Grin

I demand that I get five minutes of sanity! Laugh Out Loud

(Did you get the PM'd update?)