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sweet find non boombox

billpc55 - 2009-03-20 18:18

i just scooped a vintage tube guitar amp from the sixties from a canadian company named garnet.
i got it for only sixty bucks plus tax.
the guy before me was looking at it but kept saying.
that thing dont work i turned it on and hit the side but it made no sound.
ok jack i thought to myself just get out of my way and go back to hitting the crack pipe that amp is a tube amp now get the hell out of my way.
i kneeled down and popped my head up inside to see a lone power tube with two ax7s besides it staring back at me.
i powered it up and the power tube glowed to life which made me very happy indeed.
off i went with the amp.
theres a small rip in the original grill cloth and the tolex is slightly deformed on one corner
but over all it is in excellent shape.
no guitars at home anymore since i got rid of all of them.
i plugged in a synth and spent a few minutes letting the amp warm up and had a go.
now i know its not the best test of a guitar amp using a synth no doubt about it.

however the amp sounded fantastic.
i span the reverb up and the trem control.
it sounded great on a nice rhodes patch i have written on one of the synths. i was stoked.
i then went to the internets and spent some time looking up this old beastly amp.
wow only seven watts through a twelve inch speaker why would anyone do that.
well after some poking around i found this lil big amp is really sought after and well respected.
i think i will use it on the upcoming recording for somethings and then sell it.
sorry no pictures.