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McCain grabs a chic

jovie - 2008-09-04 18:47

I seem to remember seeing some pictures of Sarah with the old school blaster she bought new during the early '80s.Does anyone have a copy of one of these to share Wink ?

ahardb0dy - 2008-09-05 13:21

"during this brief absence of our florida sleeze, ahardbody --our back-up florida sleeze --ol ramon -
got on it -- "

I resemble that remark,LOL!!!
Hello, all just checking in, still up in NY, hit a few thrift satores with my mom yesterday, absolutely nothing!, i did find the box of cassette tapes I was looking for including the tdk mar's!! pictures will follow when I get back to FloridA, got to run talk to you all later

moncheeto - 2008-09-05 13:39

tony you are safe up there for now have fun Nod Yes

jaredscottfla - 2008-09-05 18:03

Big Grin Here's somethin' new to add to sarah,
Heard on The radio they actually did a Poll if Sarah should Lv her Hair Up or down.
Laugh Out Loud
Kinda Ridiculuos,but somethin' else to gnaw on,LOL!
My vote,Sarah Lv it Up Love The Librarian Look! Laugh Out Loud