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Discussion about Auction.

ford93 - 2008-08-26 05:37

Just recently there was a thread posted from JT as to members here should not post about ebay auctions. Reason is that once it's posted it drives the prices high and gives the seller the advantage of making more money which in turn hurts the buyer I agree. Well I still notice there is still members especially new members posting about ebay auction what I don't understand is when I posted about an M-90 I got grilled from the very same people that are now posting about another auction. What gives guys is that some auctions are O.K. to mentioned if it is then theres a contradiction here!

- 2008-08-26 06:28

I also get grilled Mad
I guess you have to be in the players circle to post ebay finds.
But, i'm getting used to watching from the stands Razz

redbenjoe - 2008-08-26 07:09

hey ford -- it took a long post for me to explain it all --about the different kinds of ebay posts --but now its all on the s2g sales forum thread -

i sincerely hope you understand it and agree --
but if not --
that was the best i can do -

ok ?

jt - 2008-08-26 08:04

Yea, its a touchy subject that I am starting to regret having started. The last thing I want to do is start arguments or any kind of bad blood on this forum.

As for my perspective on what should be posted in the BB's for sale section of this site..., I must preface what I'm about to say that I have also been guilty of posting about grails and active auctions.

However, I have also spent a fair amount of time anlyzing a considerable amount of data, such as #bids before/after it came up on S2G and final values of similar boxes where one auction may have been mentioned on S2G vs others where they were not... I have noticed trends.

To me, it is quite obvious and fair to say that mentioning an auction here on S2G increases the likelyhood of a higher final value.

While it is fun to discuss grails and the intricacies of someone else's auction, I think we, as a collector community, are cutting into our own flesh and running up boombox values in general. (some more than others)

Personally, I think the BB & parts for sale forum should be a place where auction owners can post their listing, or where we can announce our desire for a specific box or need for a specific part.

Don't get me wrong, I think we should still discuss other people's auctions if we want, but I think we should try to do it AFTER the auction ends...

And as for the other threads I posted in yesterday and this morning, I want to make it clear that I am not trying to pick on anyone, I was just trying to make a point and giving it some strength by citing specific instances.

That most recent thread with the RC-M50 sale is a classic example of what I'm talking about... I think it is undeniable that Dormie's entry to, and first posting to S2G is strictly to get more $$$ for his box. AND I DON'T THINK THERE IS ANYHING WRONG WITH THAT!!! He is a clever cat, he found us and is letting us know what he is selling. HATS OFF TO DORMIE, I say! He put in effort, and its paying off. Good for him... I hope we see more posts from him. (But I doubt it)

I just think we, as a community, could all benefit (financially) from taking a step back and seeing what we are doing to ourselves. If we could exhibit just a bit of restraint and chill out on posting info about non-member's auctions on here while the auction is still going on... There might be one or two less bidders on a box you want. And all it takes is one less bidder per auction for prices to go down instead of up.

Now, if one of us knows the seller sux-a$$, that's different... we should definitely warn each other...

But, otherwise, if its just to talk about how great a box is, or that the price is really low, we are just creating value for that site by exposing it to all active members and lurkers here that may not have ever seen the auction.

And if one of us is aware that a specific member is looking for specific box, PM that person and mention you saw an auction that might interest them. I would imagine that member would be thrilled that you A) told him/her about it, B) didn't post it for the entire S2G community to see and thus cause a potential bidding frenzy.

GEEZUS, what a freakin' novel... I'm glad I type 80+ words per minute.

I didn't mean to hijack your thread, Juan... I'll get off of my soap box now.

jaredscottfla - 2008-08-26 08:20

Nod Yes ok,so is this finished now folks,between this thread and the others,and mine from way back when,let's just move along Tap Toes Leaving

- 2008-08-26 20:35

well i aggree with most all of what JT said above there and here's a few thoughts

We All get grilled; BUT it also depend's upon, Who You Are?
On Here @ STG, as to the basis of your Standing in this community
of Boombox Lover's ( yeah right )

And if one of us is aware that a specific member is looking for specific box, PM that person and mention you saw an auction that might interest them. I would imagine that member would be thrilled that you A) told him/her about it, B) didn't post it for the entire S2G community to see and thus cause a potential bidding frenzy.

Gee and just how are are we suppose to remember all of those that desire which particular bbx and when whomever is/are needing it, for whatever reason, that is nice to be able to remember and to post a pm to them, but it's simply eaiser to post a blurb out in the open.

Then eveybody knows what most on here already know's but then hopefully, maybe those that have seen the blurb on here might stay away from whatever item and let them get whatever that item is.

gee which is correct to do pm or out in open?

guess it againg depend's upon whom you are on here and again your standing in this community!

Are You Believable?
when you say something here will you follow through and do as you say or just dont care and outbid whomever just because you can.

does anybody here control what gets sold on ebay, nope?

the only thing one can do on here is based upon research of what is on epay is try to have a ebay auction canceled because they plagurised somebody's picture or script or you just dont like that seller or dont believe that seller.

gee i have been having a livly conversation with a ebayer of a expensive bbx presently past few days, via email outside of ebay-because well that's another story...

I wish I could type 80 wpm, well I only have nine finger's to type with here RR finger was lost back in 88, so, ( lo. ) are somewhat hard to find and I wish I could get back to my 40 wpm that I had the ability of before that accident.

p.s. this is far from finished me thinks!
this is a Terrific topic I Agree

panasonic.fan - 2008-08-29 06:58

Originally posted by Jaredscottfla:
Nod Yes ok,so is this finished now folks,between this thread and the others,and mine from way back when,let's just move along Tap Toes Leaving

Respectfully, I don't think it's anyone's place to tell someone else that it's finished in this case. For the most part, the posts have been respectful, though I wish folks would learn to post to the existing topic instead of starting their own on the exact same topic.

Let folks get it off of their chest. It's obvious that many folks have something to say about it, and opinions were solicited.

- 2008-08-29 19:31

Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
Originally posted by Jaredscottfla:
Nod Yes ok,so is this finished now folks,between this thread and the others,and mine from way back when,let's just move along Tap Toes Leaving

Respectfully, I don't think it's anyone's place to tell someone else that it's finished in this case. For the most part, the posts have been respectful, though I wish folks would learn to post to the existing topic instead of starting their own on the exact same topic.

Let folks get it off of their chest. It's obvious that many folks have something to say about it, and opinions were solicited.

I Agree and thank you