enskanker - 2009-01-03 12:06
Sweet stash , Ed.
UD II and XL II are in my collection too.
UE is organizing his old cassettes...
what does UE think of his cassettes
UE thinks some are really old, some cheap, some trash, many lost in a dream, about 30 years of tapes...
never heard of such a thing !
30 years !!!!!!!!!!
and you are just getting around to organizing them NOW ???
Well they were organized when I started taping in 1975....and got disorganized by the time I stopped around 1999. I ran out of Dymo tape after 24 years.
For yous guys old enough to remember...notice the DAK knockoffs of the Maxell Gold and Silver series tapes.
Looks like UE is organizing a bunch of empty cases.
Thats not the case!
didnt you have a hole in one ?
I can't believe I ate the 'hole' thing...