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Walkgirl = yummy !

redbenjoe - 2008-11-23 20:28

hey walkgirl -- you awake yet ?

remember when you used to show us those exotic chocolate treats from your country Smile

well -you seem to be out of that business ,lately.

so here is a sweet little number from the usa for your review Big Grin

billpc55 - 2008-11-23 22:17

does it come with a insulin pump Big Grin

baby.boomer - 2008-11-24 01:10

Is that a golf tee in the middle? If so, why? Confused

(Or are you trying to say that these chocolate shells are "par for the course"? Laugh Out Loud )

fatdog - 2008-11-24 07:04

I'd "drive" a long way to get one of those, if they suited me to a "tee." Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2008-11-24 09:17

omg -- baby boomer and fatdog --

you two are among the very selective few members --who i have YET to unload a box on !!
and now we know why ---
you guys are "eagle" eyes Big Grin

yes that is a golf tee --
so - now that im busted --here is the 'why' ::

do you fellas have access to a TV or any news media ??

well - there is a recent little blip in the usa economy --and even when things were better -
very little of the 8 year "trickle down" promise --ever did trickle way down here to the deep south Frown

as a result -- condiments are at a severe $$ premium --most of us rednecks will celebrate our traditional thanksgiving hot dogs --with hardly a roll.

and nary a cherry Smile

on the other hand --golf tees do grow on trees -they are re-usable .
and you must admit --
they make for an attractive presentation.

-------thanks for asking Laugh Out Loud

walkgirl - 2008-11-24 14:12

Red Face

That is yummie! Big Grin

I was a few days offline because a faulty internet
connection Frown Mad

I do like chocolate rather much Smile Tap Toes

baby.boomer - 2008-11-25 09:10

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
yes that is a golf tee --
and you must admit --
they make for an attractive presentation.

So, let me get this straight. The golf tee in your whipped-cream-filled dessert shell is a decoration - as opposed to, say, the items pictured on the Botticelli box: strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, chocolate shavings - because folks in the south are broke and have taken to fancying up their food with wooden trim? And I thought I was in an economically depressed area here in southeast Michigan!

I guess I should at least be glad you didn't use a baseball bat!

baby.boomer - 2008-11-25 09:11

Wait a minute! I take that all back. Isn't that a plastic golf tee in your dessert cup???

What kind of scam are you running here, mister?

71spud - 2008-11-25 09:32

I was working on something to post regarding loss (or lack of) a cherry and living down in the deep south.

But I resisted. Aren't you proud of me?

redbenjoe - 2008-11-25 12:50

quite proud spud --shows some cool to lay off the 'cherry bait' Laugh Out Loud

as for your own fine detective work BB
--you are Detroits eddie murphy clone/AKA from "beverly hills cop" !!

btw -- your DOUBLE eagle on a short hole -- is a legit hole-in one Big Grin

moncheeto - 2008-11-25 13:59

Originally posted by walkgirl:
Red Face

That is yummie! Big Grin

I was a few days offline because a faulty internet
connection Frown Mad

I do like chocolate rather much Smile Tap Toes
glad your back nicolle Smile now where were we ok Nod Yes

ghettoboom777 - 2008-12-02 06:44

Hi-That looks fantastic!
I love cupcakes!
I'm still eating my Halloween candy-had 60 lbs.(2 full overflowing grocery bags) Red Face
Heavier than any boombox!!
Too much chocolate and sweets.
I had 20+ trick-ot -treaters last year-only 1 this year!
I guess the Michael Jackson on my Pumpkin Boombox scared everyone off!
Thanks for the yummy photo-Ghettoboom777. Smile