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important thing to me, need an advice

kid.sensation - 2008-07-09 11:35

Hi guys!

Ok, last weeks were full of ups&downs in this neck of the wood.
I formyself..well im ok.

But a girlfriend of mine lost her father 2 weeks ago due to a bad car-accident.

As her mother is in very bad psychological shape, my friend has to set up the funeral on her own.

I decided to help her, because shes only 18 and this is a very big ( maybe too big ) task for her.But she's strong.

She and her mother asked me to choose a song for the funeral as their father/husband was truly addicted to music.

The point is, i do not have any clue what songs to choose. ( I want to choose 2-3 to show mother&daughter before so that they can choose )

Her mother is from england and my friend speaks english as a second mother-tounge.

So my first thought was "Luther Vandross - Dance With My Father Again"

( you can find it on youtube if you do not know )

But maybe this song would cause too much emotions?

I really do not have any clue what to choose and really can't ask anybody as i do not have any other origin english relatives or friends.

So asking here, because this place is like a family too!

Do you have any advice for me what to choose?

Should not be any orchestra-music..more like a very melodical english song that reflects feelings and give hope and strenght to the people who lost their beloveds.

Thank you in advance,


- 2008-07-09 12:50

that's sad lad may you all get through this,, the only song that comes to mind is enigma's return to inosence, may god be with you in theese troubled times.

redbenjoe - 2008-07-09 12:56

so sorry about the bum luck KS --
time repairs sadness --and seems like you and your young girlfriend have decades and decades of time.

2steppa - 2008-07-09 13:00

Tough one, and sorry to hear it.

Maybe..... You Are Not Alone - Michael Jackson

tpr - 2008-07-09 13:13

Bob Dylan Live 1964 - 207 It Ain't Me, Babe

It Ain't Me Babe - Bob Dylan

Go way from my window,
Leave at your own chosen speed.
Im not the one you want, babe,
Im not the one you need.
You say youre lookin for someone
Never weak but always strong,
To protect you an defend you
Whether you are right or wrong,
Someone to open each and every door

But it aint me, babe,
No, no, no, it aint me, babe,
It aint me youre lookin for, babe.

Go lightly from the ledge, babe,
Go lightly on the ground.
Im not the one you want, babe,
I will only let you down.
You say youre lookin for someone
Who will promise never to part,
Someone to close his eyes for you,
Someone to close his heart,
Someone who will die for you an more

But it aint me, babe,
No, no, no, it aint me, babe,
It aint me youre lookin for, babe.

Go melt back into the night, babe,
Everything inside is made of stone.
Theres nothing in here moving
An anyway Im not alone.
You say youre looking for someone
Wholl pick you up each time you fall,
To gather flowers constantly
An to come each time you call,
A lover for your life an nothing more

But it aint me, babe,
No, no, no, it aint me, babe,
It aint me youre lookin for, babe...

- 2008-07-09 13:51

lyrics from enigma's return to inosence.

"Return To Innocence"

That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence
Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion
Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion
Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence
If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny
Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence
That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence
Don't care what people say
Follow just your own way Follow just your own way
Don't give up, don't give up
To return, to return to innocence.
If you want then laugh
If you must then cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny.

walkgirl - 2008-07-09 13:58


Sorry to hear Felix! Frown

ned.209 - 2008-07-09 14:06

first one to come to mind...


gahd hope thats not inappropriate... sorry for your friend Kid

asdexander - 2008-07-09 15:30

Sorry to hear that fella..

I'd actually like this song for my funeral. So instrumental, so calm..


(Daft Punk - Make Love)

fatdog - 2008-07-09 15:36

Felix, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's father. I've gathered a few songs that might be considered. Check your PM for the link.

petey.awol - 2008-07-09 21:13

Kansas - Dust In The Wind

These dudes do have big hair, but the song is timeless.

ford93 - 2008-07-09 22:40

Hi KS, sorry about your friends father she has my sympathy is not easy losing someone so close especially when it's a parent. Check these tunes they are very heart warming.

Enya (Watermark) very nice song.
Enya (On My Way Home) it's more of celebrating his life.
Enya (Only Time) beautiful song but too played out.

Yanni (One Man's Dream) this one is a very special & beautiful song.
Yanni (So Long My Friend) very nice song.
Yanni (Enchantment) nice song.

God Bless!

javier - 2008-07-09 22:54

at this very moment I'm lisening a thundering rainstorm cassette tape.. maybe this is fine

beatbox - 2008-07-10 04:08

Hey Felix. It is indeed a hard time, please send your friend my condolences. I don't know how the funeral will run, so maybe you can let us know how many songs can be played for example. I ask this because at my mums funeral, we started the ceremony with one song. Then there is time for reflection in the middle of the service, and so another song is played. At the end of the service a third and final song is played to see people out of the service.

The first song should be something calm and maybe something the father liked. The second song helps you to have your time to think about the person and reflect. Finally the third song should be a little uplifting and to help the family say goodbye and remember all the happiness and goodness they shared with the lost one.

I hope this helps a little, and I'm sorry I can't suggest anything but I believe that this is such a personal thing. It took me 2 days to choose the songs with help from 2 other family members.

How old was he by the way? It may be important in helping you pick the right song. If they were older than 50, then something modern may not be so suitable.

Unforgettable by Nat King Cole is always good if they are older and is often used at funerals in the UK.

Anyway, good luck and once again, my condolences.

nelsongf9696 - 2008-07-10 04:28

Sorry to hear about the loss to your friend Felix.
The only suggestion I have is (Dance with my father again)is a beautiful song but as you already mentioned the fears about this young girl getting to emotional with it I'll simply say..My father died 10 years ago and my sister who is 41 cries when she hears Dance with my father again especially since my father was an avid dancer...It will be a very good song to play when she wants to remember the good times she had with him.But only after proper healing time.My sister now plays this song in remembrance of my father during Christmas and Fathers day and it helps her remember the good times she had with him. Nelson

kid.sensation - 2008-07-10 06:27

thanks for the input guys!!Great songs to choose.I guess i'll take them all and show them to my friend and her mother.

mirko, her father was only 39.He would've been 40 this september Frown
The idea/info with the 3 tracks at beginning, middle and end is very nice and i think im going to suggest that to my friend.

her father used to like 80's rock&pop and classic to modern soul-music.

erniejade - 2008-07-11 08:23

her father used to like 80's rock&pop and classic to modern soul-music.

Then I agree on Dust in the wind.

Sorry to hear about your loss. It is hard that is for sure.

eddy - 2008-07-11 12:36

Condolences from me too Felix.

Really sad to read this.
What the song concerns. Maybe the hollies with the air that i breathe.
This song was played when my uncle passed away last year. I always loved this 70's song but it has a very special meaning to me now