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kicked out of Goodwill... :(

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-09 00:07

Nod YesGOOD LUCK! Hope U Get Satisfaction(I Do Believe U will!) Wink

masterblaster - 2008-11-09 00:41

if find that in the thrift stores I go to the majority of the good CDs are NOT in their cases. I hate it when people have nothing better to do with their time.

If there was a way for you to get what you want (ie an apology and reinstatement at that store) and for the woman to not lose her job that would be the best. She sounds crazy but I'd bet her life really sucks and to go out and vindictively try to get her fired would not make the world a better place. It would be tempting though...

jovie - 2008-11-09 05:35

It would seem to me that I could probably get reinstatement if I went up the management chain far enough.They had better not try to give me a lecture about stealing after they talk with the store manager though.I admire your compassion for others masterblaster.However,my compassion for other peoples hardships stops when they start abusing others because of them.At some point we all as adults choose how we respond to what life brings our way.We are responsible for these decisions.Tests like this determine our humanity and character.It's not right to victimize someone else because a person is bitter about their life.Too many times especially in our legal system people use this excuse to let evil doers off the hook so they never learn cause and effect-and never really repent and truly change on the inside.

jovie - 2008-11-09 05:38

...and concerning the missing CDs,I would imagine some are probably still in peoples CD wallets. They should check inside the jewel cases before donating a stack of them.

billpc55 - 2008-11-09 07:16

Originally posted by Jovie:
Thanks for all of your support.I've decided to call Goodwill corporate to explain how I have been banned only because of the managers feeling,intuition,whatever.What's this new age stuff anyway and why do I have to be victimized because of it?I shouldn't have to suffer because she needs psycho analysis!

it is good you have decided to not let it just blow under the carpet.
people like her need to be put in their place and be taken down from her hi horse.
if they begin to give you a lecture about stealing,this is what you do..
stop them before they even get a sentence out.
tell them the name of you lawyer and tell them to expect a call from him.

i worked retail and wholesale for years.
i caught many people stealing. i always gave them a chance to put the stuff back before accusing them of anything.
i mean i wasnt even allowed to accuse them of anything until they were leaving the store. i had to wait until they had crossed the threshold of the stores entrance before letting them have the,bill talk on stealing.
the law is pretty much in favour of the shoplifter in this regard. at least here it is.
you cannot accuse or say someone stole until they have left the store. even at that you are still encouraged to make them pay for the things in their pocket.
i mean once i had a guy come in and try to steal something from me.
i worked in a area wich is the most nortorious area for shoplifters in the city. i mean you can get anything down there for about ten bucks.
i do mean anything too.
so yeah back to your situation. do not take it,based on my experiences with other coworkers who accused people of stealing that did not, i think you could get several thousand dollars for the stress and damage to your character by this really terribly trained store manager.

you would need the woman who told your friend that she thought you were stealing to go to court or testify to that fact.
its up to businesses to properly train their staff. goodwill is a business even tho it comes off as a charity.
all of its mechandise is free. they make millions of dollars a year. out of that only a small portion ends up going to charity. dont let them get aways with it man.

billpc55 - 2008-11-09 07:21


she needs clint to go down there and set her straight.... Laugh Out Loud

thafuzz - 2008-11-09 08:52

Sorry to hear about all this Tom Foolery Jovie. My first thoughts, if I were called there was "what else was said?" It would seems there had to be verbal exchanges made for that so called manager to play that card. I've been called to stores to escort shoppers off the property for ridiculous stuff. But, it was the stores "Right to refuse service to anyone". We were there to ensure that happened. You know, in nearly 10yrs as a cop, I've never seen the paperwork backing this up. It's just how it's been done and passed on to all L.E. I'm sure there's case law supporting this but, who wants to do the legwork to back this up Roll EyesI've never been required to ask the store why they want the shopper thrown out. Technically, they don't have to tell us either. If you did go back before speaking with the District/Regional manager, you could be cited for trasspassing. A Misdemeanor in Cali. Ask the district manager under what grounds can a local manager base this decision?. What's their guidelines for this. Best of luck and keep us posted. BTW, you know I'm on your side. I'd like to see them pull this with me. I'll wear my cargo pants to my local store next time too Wink

billpc55 - 2008-11-09 09:19

here the law is a bit different. a store cannot refuse service to anyone without showing just cause. ie someone is drunk stoned or violent.
there was a case some years ago where a group of adults with downes syndrome had been refused service at a resturaunt sued.
well they won and the right to refuse service is no longer a right here.
here things are pretty different in terms of being able to randomly discriminate. dont get me wrong theres still tons of predjudice here .
i still say you need to get clint eastwood on her azz

thafuzz - 2008-11-09 09:30

You're right Bill. Generally, a business owner, or agent there of, can't discriminate at will (short of one creating a distubance, theft, etc.)There should be a sound basis and documented standards establishing parameters for a manager's (discrectionary) decision. Check with the higher ups for written policy supporting this, if it's worth your effort.

billpc55 - 2008-11-09 09:48

i mean i have given more than one shoplifter the lecture about the glass on the door at the front of the shop.
how that i spend a lot of time cleaning it,and how much it costs to replace it after i catch someone shoplifting twice.
never had a repeat offender.
eventually i got to the point where i was fed up with catching shoplifters. i wasnt being paid any more money,and the guys down there stealing pretty much all had aids.
one of the guys turned around with a needle and threatened to poke a coworker with it.
i mean you would think a store manager would be interested in mabye actually catching someone stealing than harassing someone who is just shopping there.
i saw it all when i worked in retail down there.
we even had a guy living in the electrical room out back.
i would have let him stay there.
however i was really angry when i saw he had needles and human waste in buckets in there.
i literally took a bucket of bleach and water gave him a sponge and a mop and stood there while he cleaned it up.
i mean i really made him clean it up.
he did such a good job of cleaning it up i let him clean the windows of the store every two weeks.
he did such a good job of that i helped him get the other shops in the hood down there to let him clean the windows.
about a year passed and he eventually had a nice place was off drugs and well his life completely changed.
so yeah i wasnt always so mean.
the most intense things i ever did at work tho to customers.
one guy i pulled over the counter and pinned to the ground after he grabbed a female employees breast.
i am pretty certain from the ensuing stench he crapped his drawers.
the other guy who was waving around a replica gun in the store got kicked in the head and tackled,he also got a ride in a police car and some time in a nice british columbian jail.
when the police aksed why he was laying on the ground when they got there.
i told them he waved a gun that looked real around and was restrained using due force.
i worked with some idiots tho who would accuse people of shoplifting that didnt.
we got sued a few times for that and we always had to pay lots of money for that. in most cases they were settled out of court.
to bring a case to trial like that would cost goodwill probably close to a hundred thousand dollars.
i am willing to be they would go for a quick payout.
in fact i would be almost certain they would.

billpc55 - 2008-11-09 10:15

to the the tune of straight outta compton

kicked outta goodwill,crazy boomboxer named jovie
from the gang called stereo to go
when hes called off,his boombox is turned off
push the power button,And ears are blown off
You too gal,if ya mess with me
The police are gonna hafta come and get me
and my big black jvc
for the punk goodwill managers thats whats showing out.
goodwill lady starts to mumble,she wants to rumble
rewind em then i playem aint taken cds like youre sayin

going off on a boomboxer like that
with a crown pointed at yo azz

so give it up smooth
aint no telling when i am going down for a bboy
heres a boombox rap to keep you prancing
with a crime record like charles manson
boombox is the tool
dont make me act the goodwill fool
im playing cassettes out of that box daily
yo weekly monthly and yearly
till them dumb goodwill managers see clearly
that i am down with the stereo2go
girl you cant mess with me
when i am in your store you better duck
coz jovie is crazy as luck
as i leave believe i am stomping
aint coming back im stomping straight outta goodwill.

jerryjg - 2008-11-13 15:29

Comment deleted.

Suggesting physical violence has no place on this site. Please refrain from doing so in the future.

jovie - 2008-11-13 16:53

LOL...I'm a little old to be doing illegal things to get my point across.Besides I work for a company that heavily scrutinizes their employees.In fact a co worker of mine was temporarily suspended and could not work while he fought a legal battle.My employer is a company that sells itself to clients primarily on the issue of tight security.I suppose they thought it would tarnish our image if the information of his legal trouble leaked to the press.During this period he was only able to request vacation pay and benefits.Though he was eventually cleared of all charges,it took so long through the legal system that he had to find another job.

This is what makes the managers claim of my stealing so ridiculous!I'm too old to be starting over or getting into dumb trouble for the sake of a $3.00 CD!I've penned a letter to Goodwill management about the raw treatment I received and will send it out tomorrow.All I really want is to be able get back into my daily routine without being harassed.With all the other complaints about this manager from within the store and without I'd be a little nervous about yet another card stacked on that deck if I were her.

billpc55 - 2008-11-13 17:17

good on you for writing that letter.
i am sure that you will be vindicated.

redbenjoe - 2008-11-13 17:52

jovie --with your writing talent --i bet your issue will be well understood Smile

please let us know about the results -
good luck

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-13 18:27

I Agree Good luck,I'm sure it will work out!

redbenjoe - 2008-11-18 06:13

jovie --
any verdict yet?? Smile

billpc55 - 2008-11-18 08:39

it will most likely be a couple of weeks or more after they get the letter. usually it has to go through the chain of command before a situation like this gets any resolve.

isolator42 - 2008-11-20 08:40

Good on you for sticking up for yourself & writing the letter Jovie.

Originally posted by billpc55:
to the the tune of straight outta compton
...you better duck
coz jovie is crazy as luck...
heh, wondered what you were going to do with that line.
choon, btw... Smile

redbenjoe - 2008-12-11 07:11

5 weeks --
jovie --are you back in yet ?

jason1976 - 2008-12-15 19:54

If he want's I will call the corp office in his area. and say that manager offered to sell me items out of the back room for cash that she put in her pocket lol. that would be so wrong. I would feel to guilty.

jovie - 2008-12-18 18:07

After some weeks of procrastinating and several rough draft letters,I finally decided to just call the corporate office.I got a cell phone voice mail and told them my name and phone number.When I arrived home I had gotten a message from the offending store manager!I called her back and tried to explain the situation.Given her attitude when she threw me out,I knew this was going to be a lost cause.

When I called her back I reminded her of how she had thrown me out of the store five weeks earlier with no explanation.I told her I thought it rude,especially that she wouldn't give me an explanation.I then told her I felt victimized by the situation.Then she began with this long stream of lies!She told me she was not rude but that I was rude at the time she had done this.This never happened!The reality of the situation was that my reaction couldn't be interpreted as anything but inappropriately timid.I simply back off a few steps and asked in a very hushed voice,"May I inquire as to why you are doing this?"Of course,as I said previously,she sternly told me she didn't have to give me a reason and to leave or she would call the police.You can laugh if you want at this but I'm not your typical aggressive personality type to begin with.Feeling stonewalled and intimidated,I simply walked out of the store.

The next thing she said during the call was the issue was that I was not supposed to take pictures inside the store.I asked why she didn't simply tell me it was a problem during the 2 YEARS I had been openly been doing this.Amazingly she claimed that I had been warned numerous times by both herself and other managers to stop and that I wouldn't comply.This never happened!Over 2 years time never even once has anyone said anything about my camera.That store manager has walked by me numerous times when I have been taking pictures of boxes for Jens database and said nothing.(I have to add that NO,I wasn't going around taking pictures of hot women!If I wanted to do this I'd pick a more upscale establishment!)This was such an out and out fabrication.I can accept that maybe in a dream of hers at night she had done this and mistaken it for a real life occurrence.It's the "numerous times" and "the other managers" that really set me off.Though I didn't raise my voice,I'm sure she could tell my anger from the tone of my voice.I told her she was lying.Then I asked her how she could make up all of those lies and act as though they really happened.The conversation got heated as she raised her voice.

Figuring she needed more ammo,I suppose,she then went on to tell me I refused to have my "bags checked".This was getting quite bizarre as I have no baggage and have never taken anything inside the store that wasn't in my cargo pockets.So here we have yet another total fabrication.She then questioned the fact that I frequently accessed my cargo pockets while in the store.I interrupted her at this point talking over her as I was becoming very upset.I said "O.K.,I have a right to tell you what was going on with that".While starting to explain my need to carry electric cords and batteries due to the no return policy,she interjected that she was going to end the call if I was calling her a liar.I said,"Well,you just told me a long string of lies when you know they weren't true.What am I to call it?"

I then told her I was going to submit a formal complaint and do whatever I had to to resolve the issue to my satisfaction.She told me she would give me the number to call.I said,"I already have it but go ahead anyway."She stopped herself from doing so and said for me to call corporate about the issue.She then claimed she has witnesses (At this point I though "Witnesses?Witnesses to what?A bunch of lies which she made up on the phone about events that never occurred?Yeah,probably one of the many already intimidated employees afraid of losing their jobs!").Then she told me that she was ending the call as I said she was a liar (Actually I said that she had lied repeatedly during the conversation because I merely wanted to be truthful if that makes any difference).She hung up in my face!

Boy,what a waste of time! Not one time during the conversation was theft of Cds (also something I've never done!) brought up by her.This of course is what my informant at the store had told me by Email was the real issue.I'm certainly am going to call again and formally complain because this lady is evil and unconscionable.Though I'd like to be granted access to the store,I don't think I want to go back unless this manager is removed.If she is that hideous of a human being,there's no telling what else she might do!

jaredscottfla - 2008-12-18 18:45

Frown wow... this whole situation is totally wacky. Def call and write/email corp. this kind of crazyness should not go unchecked. Amazing my store never have i encountered anything like this jovie, She needs to get the ax,i'm always greeted warmly in my store and treated like a good customer should be. You should be treated likewise,sucks big time! Frown

fatdog - 2008-12-18 19:08

Why does it always seem like it's the women managers who are the biggest arseholes at Goodwill? There was an old, battle-axe of a woman (probably 60 years old) who was manager of a Goodwill in Nashville. She was ALWAYS pissed about something. One day while in line at the cashier, a mother and her young daughter approached and asked if the restroom could be unlocked. The mother explained that her daughter had Crohn's disease and REALLY needed to get to a restroom. The fvcking old hag said that under no circumstances was she going to open the restroom. Restrooms were not open to the public. To the little girl's humiliation and embarassment, she had a massive diarrheal moment. I thought the shoppers in the store were going to beat the sh!t out of the manager. Needless to say, the cops were called and the MANAGER was escorted out of the store and advised to not return. I never saw that skanky, chain-smokin', wrinkled-up whore of a manager again.

billpc55 - 2008-12-18 20:00

take her down through the system man.
it could take a while but this should not go unchecked.

no one has the right to pull the crap she pulled.

billpc55 - 2008-12-18 21:11

Originally posted by isolator42:
Good on you for sticking up for yourself & writing the letter Jovie.

Originally posted by billpc55:
to the the tune of straight outta compton
...you better duck
coz jovie is crazy as luck...
heh, wondered what you were going to do with that line.
choon, btw... Smile

yes i did wrestle with that one.
yeah i like that nwa track its pretty fantastic. i did like the way they satired it in hot fuzz as well.

71spud - 2008-12-18 21:17

Originally posted by Fatdog:I thought the shoppers in the store were going to beat the sh!t out of the manager.

The shoppers!?!?!? Heck I am about ready to crawl through my computer screen and find the old bag and beat the snot out of her myself!!!! It got my blood boiling just reading that story fatdog.... Mad

panasonic.fan - 2008-12-18 23:05

Hey Jovie, you never answered the questions about which Goodwill location this is.

Which store is it?

Again, sorry to hear about the poor treatment, they had no right to treat you that way.

jason1976 - 2008-12-19 02:44

you should of recoreded the call. you could of played it back for the corp offices to show how rude she is. anytime I take anything into a store to test something I always let them know I am bringing this in or that in to test this item.

plus the local GW store here gives 10 days to return an item for any reason. but I still like to test items. It's a pain to have to take something back. I always forget to take it back. I will get to the store and be like oh s@#t its on the table.

ps. If all eles fails get the B_____ fired. call and report her to corp office saying that she is selling items to people and putting cash in her pocket. I know it's not the right thing to do but ruin her. like I saw things that come around go around. maybe you took a photo of her without knowning it of her selling items behind the companys back.

I had probloms at the one salvation army here. I reported the mananger for selling things in the back room and people taking stuff out the back. but he was doing it. a few times I was there he would take an item that I was looking at and say it shouldn't of been put out they didn't test it yet and he would take it into the back. well the one day he did this the back door didn't close the hole way. I stopped it with my shoe and I saw him take money and put in his pocket. so I said I saw that and then I called the corp offices. The next day I went in there he told me I could not be in the store. that someone reported that I changed a price tag. I was like "what in the F!##%." to myself. I never did that. As I was leaving the store he was like lets see if you call the Corp offices again. I did call and I had other people call because they saw him take stuff in the back. It wasn't long until the manager was fired. now there is a new lady there. I go shopping there again. I haven't seen anything fishy like that happen since. but I was talking to someone and they told me stuff like that happens alot at places like that. That the stuff is donated and they don't keep records of everything that is there.

billpc55 - 2008-12-19 09:46

i would just stick with a jack webbs long tried tested and true philosophy.

nuthin but the facts.

i mean if you call up saying someone put something in there pocket yadda yadda yadda its just opening up things which are not worth opening.

panasonic.fan - 2008-12-19 10:01

I agree with the advice of recording the phone call, but can't agree with suggest lying to get someone fired from their job. It's unethical at best. Confront the situation on its own merits. If the lady has been in trouble before for the same behavior, with the same company, then putting another complaint on her record would certainly be another nail in her coffin with regard to employment there.

masterblaster84 - 2008-12-19 10:10


I agree that you should push this up the chain, she has demonstrated that she should not be given any leeway. She has wiped away the benefit of any doubt with that rude and crass phone conversation filled with fabrications. To bad you didn't record the call, that probably would have been enough to get her canned in combination with the other complaints you say were filed against her. How do rude, mean, moraless people like this get into positions of authority? Management everywhere is filled with these discusting people.

redbenjoe - 2008-12-19 21:02

[QUOTE]Originally posted by redbenjoe:
jovie --with your writing talent --i bet your issue will be well understood Smile

writing was a good idea
calling was a bad idea

jlf - 2008-12-19 21:57

good·will also good will (gdwl) KEY


An attitude of kindness or friendliness; benevolence.

Cheerful acquiescence or willingness.

A good relationship, as of a business enterprise with its customers or a nation with other nations.

billpc55 - 2008-12-20 17:21

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by redbenjoe:
jovie --with your writing talent --i bet your issue will be well understood Smile

writing was a good idea
calling was a bad idea

agreed. it is pointless to waste ones breath dealing with the store manager.
i wouldnt even give her another thought. always go for the top.
also dont take no for a answer theres always someone higher.