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monolithic - 2008-11-05 03:03

Originally posted by Jovie:
Who is celebrating right now?I do know vowed enemies of the U.S. Hamas and Hesbollah publicly supported Barak Hussein Obama.Also America hater Hugo Chavez.Now we have 'ol Hussein as Commander in Chief.Boy,do I feel safe now Roll Eyes Now he can make up with his spiritual mentor Reverand Wright.Perhaps G-D America will be slipped into our national anthem.Also,Obama can take off that cursed lapel pin.I'm sure 'ol Ayers has plans also....Oh well,back to the boombox thing...

That entire statement is the reason why political talk shouldn't be allowed here! No No

Talk about fear mongering... Smile

Originally posted by Daiwa:
I'm pouring a chilled Tuaca. My faith in America has been restored.

What, no talk of Palin's babeness?

Whatever happened to:

?"We don't care about her political affiliations and/or accomplishments. She's an attractive woman and that's what most of us are "yee-hawin'" about. If you want to discuss the finer points of bipartisan politics with Daiwa or anyone else, please take it to PMs."

Intersting how "buzz" quickly abdicates to the truth.

I thought:

"Further posts of member of a political nature will be removed, and poster warned. Please, kindly take it elsewhere."

Rule breakers! Roll Eyes

True indeed, Daiwa... True indeed! Nod Yes

Palin's still a hottie tho! Big Grin

isolator42 - 2008-11-05 03:37

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
...down here in floridville -- we have tons of strange rednecks -- they ride around ARMED - in pick-ups --
and they shoot out obama signs, windows , people , etc ,etc...
If that's true, it's a pretty good indicator that those sort of people shouldn't be in charge of anything at all...

Originally posted by beatbox:
...when I hear McCain say "We will WIN Florida"...
Well, he didn't... Wink

Speaking as someone with a family settled in the "51st State"... thank God for that result. That's about as political as I ever want to get on here, so back to the boomboxes, then Smile

monolithic - 2008-11-05 04:27

I Agree

Obama victory sparks cheers around the globe Cool

bashngu - 2008-11-05 05:48

What I want to know is which one of them owned a cool boombox at some point in time. My guess is neither.

jovie - 2008-11-05 05:55

That entire statement is the reason why political talk shouldn't be allowed here! No No

The whole censorship of free speech thing is an issue the new administration plans to address through something called the "fairness doctrine".As I understand it,Obama wants to regulate political speech not only on radio but on the internet as well.Though the particulars are unclear at this point,the FCC would monitor sites for balanced commentary.I'm not sure how they could determine just what balance is as there are actually an infinite number of positions on any one issue.There target is bloggers primarily.I'm not sure how that would affect forum (though there is supposedly self imposed ban here already).I'm hoping that sort of government meddling doesn't actually come to pass.

This is a very historic election as we have our first black president here in the states.I'm surprised it has taken this long for it to happen and it is long overdue.I wish Obama a successful presidency and I hope he makes the right decisions affecting our country and the world.

reli - 2008-11-05 06:11

Originally posted by ford93:

Whats happening with the economy here in the U.S. is the result of GREED!

And idiot US consumers, who buy a $300K home zero down on a $40K salary, not to mention a $3K TV and a $30K jacked-up Dodge Ram. Meanwhile they have zero savings in case they lose their job.

jovie - 2008-11-05 06:34

Actually our mortgage crisis was caused by aggressive enforcement of the well meaning but short sighted Community Rehabilitation Act of 1977.Fanny and Freddy which are entities set up by our government bribed congressmen to turn a blind eye to their disregard for rational business practices.The heads of these companies were promised bonuses if they put a lot of people into houses.They did this by recklessly buying every mortgage they could get their hand on from banks around the U.S..Threats of investigation if banks didn't comply with imposed quotas put in place during 1995 further coerced banks to take advantage of Freddy and Fanny's guarantees to buy them.They eventually ended up with nearly 70% of all US mortgages.

I'm sure the argument will be made for even more governmental controls.This is despite the fact that there were already rules in place that the government coerced the banks to ignore.It wasn't the private financial sector that caused this but government intervention.Its actually pretty simple to understand.No one in the financial markets is going to make unwise loans if they know they will be responsible for their actions if they go bad....unless this activity is both coerced and guaranteed by the government or corruptible institution set up by the government.This gives capitalism and free markets a bad name,but wasn't that the idea in the first place?

reli - 2008-11-05 06:38

Nobody was forced to buy those homes though.

I find it interesting how neither candidate put any of the blame on consumers.......Hmm could it be because they needed votes?

jovie - 2008-11-05 06:49

Very good point Reli!I agree!If individuals were more responsible these things wouldn't happen.But my point was the actual intention of the government to encourage this activity and the corruption involved.

ford93 - 2008-11-05 08:14

Can't put the blame on U.S. consumers Reli, I blame the Bankers who are very persuasive. They are so good at it that they can convince the pope! Not too many know how the mortgages work so they put their confidence on their Bankers or Brokers.

This is why I stated that the economy is where is at because of these three pieces of sheit suited bastards. When I see the actor Michael Douglas on that movie (Wall Street) all I see is horns above his head and a split tongue. Money is power and the seduction that evil loves to use on men and women.

Yes without it we're screwed financially but the individual should know when not to let it take you to a level that will make you become it's slave. I bet satan is pissed at me!

ford93 - 2008-11-05 08:25

It's amazing how the global community has reacted towards Obama winning the presidency of the U.S. of America. It's like the community has received a kind of relief and hope. I certainly hope that this President will show that America can rise again and be what it suppose to be "The Land Of The Free".

daiwa - 2008-11-05 09:44

Originally posted by THAFUZZ:
My faith in America has been restored.

My faith in America never needs restoring. Wink

Since when is questioning a failed government and their policies wrong? To me, this is the most patriotic thing you can do as an American.

We always need to question the actions of our government, especially when it ruins our standing in the world, and costs so many innocent lives.

I don't blindly follow anyone, and especially, a regime like we've had over the past eight years. Obama has his work cut out for him. And I will continue to question the direction of this country because it is a free democracy, perhaps now more than ever!

panasonic.fan - 2008-11-05 10:40

Good man Diawa, great to see you here. Wish to see more Smile

As for the rule breaking comment, I figured that it would be appropriate to let this one thread regarding the election and impending change in government run it's course. People obviously have a lot of pent up frustration/happiness to get out, and allowing this one thread to run for a while serves that purpose.

The overall restriction here about politics is due to the fact that this is not a political forum. If folks can state political opinions and discuss/disagree without attacking each other personally, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Historically, it has been almost impossible to avoid.

So..... in the interest of letting folks discuss in a mature manner the forthcoming changes in government here in the US.....

This thread will remain open until Obama gets sworn in. Any posts here that personally attack another member will be removed, and -if necessary - the user themselves removed from the site if that is what it takes to keep the conversation here civil. If/when the thread gets too big, I will close it and start a Part 2 (3, 4, etc.) as needed to keep the reading of it reasonable.

Enjoy the reprieve, and please do not open any other politically related threads......

metad - 2008-11-05 10:40

Originally posted by Jovie:
Actually I think the "blood for oil" argument much better fits Russias recent aggression into Georgia.Russia wants to control all oil and gas distribution in the region.Georgia is building a pipeline of their own so Russia rolled in and started killing people.

Sir, it seems like you need to think TWICE before posting such a silly thing.

panasonic.fan - 2008-11-05 11:54

metad/Jovie, please keep this on topic. Take anything outside of the scope of my post above to PM.


redbenjoe - 2008-11-05 12:07

thank you Pan Fan --for this once every four year pass -- as lots of us have opinions to share --

happy to report that my own 'hood' in america survived the entire night without even one neighbor getting shot -- or shot at Smile

its great to be surprised by PEACE .

panasonic.fan - 2008-11-05 12:48

Actually, and I appreciate your sentiment, it shouldn't be that way. Violence should never be the norm.

redbenjoe - 2008-11-05 13:21

a most positive wish is that --
as the result of last nights election --we may finally have turned the corner on racial violence.

and as a fact -- the philadelphia phillies baseball fans - caused more problems than the florida rednecks Smile

panasonic.fan - 2008-11-05 14:19

Getting back on topic.....

daiwa - 2008-11-05 19:07

Thanks PF. I totally agree, nothing brings out the angst in people like politix. Good to see you too man. I may not be posting as much these days, but I'm always up for commenting on "babe-ness", or in this case, lack thereof!

To truly explain my take, I must defer to an episode of Larry David's "Curb Your Enthusiasm", where he has an agreement with his wife that he can get some "strange" as long as it's before their 10th Anniversary.

As the story goes, the night that his opportunity is to end, he gets his chance with a hot actress, only to go into her dressing room and see a pic of Geo W. Bush on the wall. He is instantly disgusted, and any chance at completing his "dream" liason before the deadline, goes out the window.

Sometimes, beauty is more than skin deep fellas. I do hope you can all understand this concept and not be "thinking" strickly with other parts of your anatomy... yeah I know, the glasses remind you of your favorite "hot secretary site", but relax, she's a mother of five, and her politix ruins the rest of the package IMHO! Big Grin Razz Roll Eyes

redbenjoe - 2008-11-05 19:22

great, convincing story daiwa --

your last paragragh/conclusion --is all in direct conflict with the sound advice given by booger to joel in the movie 'Risky business'

"that should never stop you"


oldskool69 - 2008-11-05 19:56

Originally posted by Reli:
And idiot US consumers, who buy a $300K home zero down on a $40K salary, not to mention a $3K TV and a $30K jacked-up Dodge Ram. Meanwhile they have zero savings in case they lose their job.

I agree here. I don't blame persuasive bankers either. I had to put nearly 20% down with good credit into my house and it's no Taj Mahal (not even close to $200K) but I'm cool with it because it was the sensible thing to do. Trust me, Fatdog has been here. He has also seen us still watching our $300 TV. I also drive an 06' Dodge Dakota. My work truck is an 08' Ram, though not jacked up. I have an IRA (Individual Savings & Retirement) which I control. My kids have bank accounts so they are learning while young.

And I could have afforded a more expensive house. People are responsible for doing their homework. We can't blame government or banks for our actions. Bush didn't write mortgages, he did not pay bonuses to executives, etc. No body was held at gunpoint to sign mortgages. People should have sense enough to do math.

The bottom line is "CONGRESS" runs the country. The "House & Senate". I will pray for Obama and wish him success. He is my President and I will support him as such. I don't agree with a majority of his policies and beliefs and am not looking forward to new taxes. I actually decided to put my business into hibernation for now to slow down for awhile.

Now, if I kept going, I would be that "Joe the Plumber" getting taxed more for busting my ass. Now I'm responsible for dragging others along who don't have my drive or ambition. Well, fact of the matter is, if I were paying those taxes, I would not have the Dakota, because I couldn't afford the payment. Sorry struggling auto worker.

Well, I'll just have to keep using older software. Sorry developer,I can't help you.

Hey intern. I can't pay you even minimum wage. Now you can't buy anything either. So forget that cheeseburger. Oh now the high schooler can't work so no going to the mall.

It goes on and on.

$250k is not high cotton in todays economy. I hope Obama and the Democratically controlled Congress has an epiphany before they really do some damage. Better remember the small business owner...

And I'm with Adam...regardless of how bad it does or doesn't get...I will NEVER lose faith in the good ol' US of A!!! Smile

isolator42 - 2008-11-06 06:00

Originally posted by Reli:
...buy a $300K home zero down on a $40K salary, not to mention a $3K TV and a $30K jacked-up Dodge Ram...
Isn't that the American Dream? Wink

In England we'd rent a studio flat, buy a portable TV & a 15 year-old Vauxhall Nova and it probably still costs us more Smile

jt - 2008-11-06 06:10

Another contributing factor to the demise of our housing market (and the economy) was all the "refinancing" that happened at the end of the last real-estate boom. Here in Florida, many people bought homes 4~6 years ago and they went up in value super fast. So, it was possible to buy a house for around $150k and refinance it two years later for $200k, thus cashing out $50k in equity. Now, those houses that went up in value so much have gone back down and many people are stuck in houses that are mortgaged higher than the current market rate.

I remember there was a time when I was getting 2 or 3 flyers in the mail every day from independent and large mortgage companies to "refinance."

While that may have helped spending in our economy, people sure are paying for that now!

isolator42 - 2008-11-06 10:11

Ah, the negative equity trap.
Very nasty. I hope no-one on here is in that situation...

thafuzz - 2008-11-06 10:31

In England we'd rent a studio flat, buy a portable TV & a 15 year-old Vauxhall Nova and it probably still costs us more

Very unfortunate ISO. It seems to be so common over there from what's portayed over here. Forgive me for my ignorance, but, is it really that uncommon for most in that beautiful country to own a proper home?

beatbox - 2008-11-06 13:41

Just heard.


Did not.


That Africa was a continent.

Enough said.

reli - 2008-11-06 17:01

Originally posted by JT:
Another contributing factor to the demise of our housing market (and the economy) was all the "refinancing" that happened at the end of the last real-estate boom. Here in Florida, many people bought homes 4~6 years ago and they went up in value super fast. So, it was possible to buy a house for around $150k and refinance it two years later for $200k, thus cashing out $50k in equity.

Plus many of those people SPENT that $50K on useless crap instead of on home improvements.

reli - 2008-11-06 17:11

Originally posted by oldskool69:
Originally posted by Reli:
And idiot US consumers, who buy a $300K home zero down on a $40K salary, not to mention a $3K TV and a $30K jacked-up Dodge Ram. Meanwhile they have zero savings in case they lose their job.

I agree here. I don't blame persuasive bankers either. I had to put nearly 20% down with good credit into my house and it's no Taj Mahal (not even close to $200K) but I'm cool with it because it was the sensible thing to do. Trust me, Fatdog has been here. He has also seen us still watching our $300 TV. I also drive an 06' Dodge Dakota. My work truck is an 08' Ram, though not jacked up. I have an IRA (Individual Savings & Retirement) which I control. My kids have bank accounts so they are learning while young.

That's cool man.......really cool. Most people could learn from such priorities. Always leave a reserve, be conservative, think twice about trivial consumer goods.

Yeah, we all collect boomboxes, but at least they can be re-sold for the same value if need be.......Unlike a car or plasma TV Laugh Out Loud

enskanker - 2008-11-07 10:47

The new most excellent botox forhead Veep....

... thinks Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the TV when the stock market crashed and started the Great Depression.

Yeah, nuff said.

masterblaster84 - 2008-11-07 11:26

I saw that video Ed, it was a crack up. Laugh Out Loud

beatbox - 2008-11-07 11:43

Originally posted by enskanker:
The new most excellent botox forhead Veep....

... thinks Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the TV when the stock market crashed and started the Great Depression.

Yeah, nuff said.

Fair point, but Biden certainly won't be going back to 1929 or 33 for that matter, whereas imagine the embarassement if Palin had gone to those countries in that big place called Africa.

Looking to the future boys... not the past.

This is such a silly argument anyway. But At least I know that most Palin supporters probably collect eggs. Razz

masterblaster84 - 2008-11-07 11:54

Nice avatar beatbox, that elevates Obama's status. Big Grin

panasonic.fan - 2008-11-07 13:26

Beatbox, cool avatar, but please change it to something that does not express political opinion when you get a moment. Thanks.

enskanker - 2008-11-07 13:38

I would have happily accepted poor world geography from a small state (population) governor over poor American History from a near lifetime US Senator.

...and actually sending Joe The Veep to Africa is a grand idea.

beatbox - 2008-11-07 13:44

Er, quite frankly, no. I base this on the fact that it does NOT express political opinion, rather a take on a political event. I could quite well be a republican supporter and have done this to take the p*ss out of Obama.

I do not see this as expressing anything, and in fact have made it none political.

I am sure, and please correct me if I'm wrong, that slogans, straplines and so on have been used in the past as basis for avatars. I imagine this reaction is due to the fact that some people don't actually want to be reminded of the current situation.

Get used to it.

Oh, and while we're on the subject, when people start removing avatars containing visible parts of ladies bodies, firearms and weaponry and other much more offensive subjects, then maybe I'll take you seriously.

I understand you are a mod here, but that in itself shouldn't warrant such a ridiculous request.

beatbox - 2008-11-07 13:53

Originally posted by enskanker:
I would have happily accepted poor world geography from a small state (population) governor over poor American History from a near lifetime US Senator.

...and actually sending Joe The Veep to Africa is a grand idea.

I think Biden was trying to make a point when he f*cked up. Damn, I forget my friends names sometimes when I try and introduce them to people.

Not knowing that Africa is a continent is unbelievably dumb.

But as stated, this is a silly argument and people are people.

4 years is a long time to keep going on about who's dumb and who isn't.

I'm sure Palin had something in their somewhere.

enskanker - 2008-11-07 14:01

'nuff said.

walkgirl - 2008-11-07 14:16

Originally posted by beatbox:
avatars containing visible parts of ladies bodies, firearms and weaponry and other much more offensive subjects

I Agree

panasonic.fan - 2008-11-07 16:38

Originally posted by beatbox:
Er, quite frankly, no. I base this on the fact that it does NOT express political opinion, rather a take on a political event. I could quite well be a republican supporter and have done this to take the p*ss out of Obama.

I do not see this as expressing anything, and in fact have made it none political.

I am sure, and please correct me if I'm wrong, that slogans, straplines and so on have been used in the past as basis for avatars. I imagine this reaction is due to the fact that some people don't actually want to be reminded of the current situation.

Get used to it.

Oh, and while we're on the subject, when people start removing avatars containing visible parts of ladies bodies, firearms and weaponry and other much more offensive subjects, then maybe I'll take you seriously.

I understand you are a mod here, but that in itself shouldn't warrant such a ridiculous request.

It doesn't matter what your political affiliation is, or your "take on things", it's political in nature. I would have asked you to take it down if you had used McCain, or Biden or even everyone's favorite punching bag (Palin). Same would have gone for political figures from any other country.

This forum is not an avenue for expressing political opinions, and that applies to your avatar as well.

Secondly, I don't recall you ever contacting myself or any other moderator about having a problem with anyone's avatar.


I'm really disappointed that you chose to cop an attitude like this Beatbox. Regardless, come Jan. 20, it's gone whether you or I change it.

That's the best I can do.

beatbox - 2008-11-07 17:17

I do not believe I have stepped out of line at all here according to the TOS. I would seriously urge you to check them.

In saying that, I now understand the nature of your statement and your intentions, and as such will not like to continue my membership here.

The fact that I have not in any way gone against the TOS whatsoever makes me wonder as to your own personal views and "take on things".

I was not, and never have harrassed, attacked or tried to defend any political view. I have tried to keep my comments, and avatar light hearted throughout.

Political views aside, my avatar is a play on something some dude has been saying for the last few months.

Muhammed Ali had a strong political view. Albert Einstein was a staunch believer in Spinoza's God, Lord Vader was a cusader for the 'Dark Side Of The Force', yet there were never any problems with any of these avatars.

I have not been contacted by anyone but yourself about this avatar, and so I feel it is your decision alone to ask me to remove it.

What a sad day in an otherwise glorious week.

Goodbye everyone and a million thanks for the utter joy, support and warmth I have recieved from all over the past 3 years.

I will miss you a lot.

panasonic.fan - 2008-11-07 17:27

Could you overreact just a little bit more?

Oh, the drama! Roll Eyes

You're barking up the wrong tree..... I voted for Obama.

If you leave, it's all on you Mirko. Don't even attempt to blame me for this.

beatbox - 2008-11-07 17:34

See ya.

Peace to all.

And I really mean that. You all helped me through a lot this year, so thanks. I'll never forget this place.

panasonic.fan - 2008-11-07 17:37

So, you're leaving for no reason at all I take it?

Check PM, I just responded to yours.

redbenjoe - 2008-11-07 17:44

beatbox --FORGET this mishap --like it NEVER happened -- OKOKOK??

2 great people/members : you and pan fan --
just got too involved --

i started this thread as just another fun time --
to show that even us florida 'trailer trash' have opinions, rights, signs etc Smile

so leaving this tremendous club -- with SOOO many friends is not such a hot idea.


jaredscottfla - 2008-11-07 17:50

Roll Eyes i've stayed out of this topic just for the fact it is political,i've had enough political stuff this week to last the next four yrs! Laugh Out LoudNow we see hurt feelings and drama, over an avatar, Roll EyesOFF TOPIC is gettin more like off the wall Big Grin i think i'll go read the mojo thread now Big Grin

reli - 2008-11-07 17:53

For what it's worth.......I really doubt that even a US Senator gets refreshers on US history. I myself don't remember too many people who paid attention in History class during Junior High. Most of it is just rote memorization of dates and names. Knowing who was president on a certain year is pretty much useless knowledge. In contrast, not knowing what Africa is makes you a retard in my opinion.

oldskool69 - 2008-11-07 17:56


Despite honest intentions a best efforts, we come full circle as to why ANYTHING political or religous wreaks havoc around here.

("Sigh") Mirko. Relax. Smile I know you see this. Don't make a mountain over a molehill. We all get sideways with each other from time to time. Nature of the human element. Chill, have a brew. And give us some more of your fantastic talents. Besides, Fatdog will get stale without good competition. Big Grin

panasonic.fan - 2008-11-07 17:58

Originally posted by Reli:
For what it's worth.......I really doubt that even a US Senator gets refreshers on US history. I myself don't remember too many people who paid attention in History class during Junior High. Most of it is just rote memorization of dates and names. Knowing who was president on a certain year is pretty much useless knowledge. In contrast, not knowing what Africa is makes you a retard in my opinion.

Or how many states there are (hint, it isn't 57).

Laugh Out Loud

sinister - 2008-11-07 18:05

i for one "vote" to close this topic so we dont offend anyone else. beatbox stick around man. it will all blow over. Big Grin