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monolithic - 2008-11-07 18:15


Seriously - calm down - take a walk around the block - chill! Wink

Also, stop being selfish! If you left, not only will you be hurting yourself - you'll be hurting US! Frown - And "do you really wanna hurt (US)?... Do you really wanna make (US) cry?" Big Grin

sinister - 2008-11-07 18:21

this is for beat box

reli - 2008-11-07 18:30

Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
Originally posted by Reli:
For what it's worth.......I really doubt that even a US Senator gets refreshers on US history. I myself don't remember too many people who paid attention in History class during Junior High. Most of it is just rote memorization of dates and names. Knowing who was president on a certain year is pretty much useless knowledge. In contrast, not knowing what Africa is makes you a retard in my opinion.

Or how many states there are (hint, it isn't 57).

Laugh Out Loud

Eh..... Well I'm gonna have to say that someone would have to be a retard to think that Obama REALLY thought he had visited 57 states, instead of the FAR more likely explanation which is that he made an innocent verbal gaffe and actually intended to say that he had visited 47.

Of course, all the neo-con conspiracy theorists jumped all over it and claimed it as proof that he's either too stupid to know how many states are in the USA, or was making a secret reference to the number of Islamic nations. Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

But I digress Wink Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

fatdog - 2008-11-07 18:39

I asked PF to close this thread days ago simply because of what "might" happen. Frown It seems my fears have manifested themselves.

redbenjoe - 2008-11-07 18:44

hey Fatdog -- oldy accused you (above) of 'getting stale' --
i dont think so !! Smile -- cool avitar --thats some quick reactions.

jameswp67 - 2008-11-07 18:47

I find all this really interesting. I am a Canadian by way of the UK(by birth), I have been watching the American political theater play out and have been disappointed. Rarely has the reports and debates focused on the issues. I am not saying they are not mentioned, but that should be the crux, not the extra.

Is Obama an elitist because he went to Harvard? Or a man who spent too much time working with people in grassroots organizations? Too smart? Too inexperienced as a leader? Well the votes have shown and as does jubilation around the world that people think he is the best person to run America right now.

I am amazed to hear someone say that they are worried about the Democrats in power and "hope they will not mess things up too badly?" Wow! In a war that cost 10 billion a month and not for the reason that they were supposed to be in there in the first place! No weapons of mass anything, therefore no real international threat. if you want to talk about dictators, there is a world full of them, so Iraq is certainly nothing special there. Oil prices would be alot lower if the US was not hoarding oil to preserve their war effort resources(you can google that if you like). Why not come back home, or better yet not go there at all, put the money into your economy including alternate fuel sources. I bet that if 10 billion a month for 6 years was thrown into alt fuel research, we would not need oil or the Middle East!

Next point about taxes. So a free market system fails and puts the American dollar at an all time low and America's international reputation at an all time low as well. But instead of making the market suffer, they asked for 700 billion of TAXPAYER"S money, and wanted no oversight at all. They wanted total freedom to use taxpayers money to try to restore their fortunes. well that is what teh governemnt is doing and I have to wonder when a report about 10 years ago siad that 50 billion would buy a 3 bedroom house for every homeless person in the US, but now 700 billion is spent and no guarantee that the money will be spent to get those who lost their houses back. It is naive to believe that every person who lost their home is just a bad spender. These people on Wall Street are bankers. They are wealthy in the six-figures-is-nothing-category of wealth. They understand markets and money and they knew what they were doing. The US cannot socialize health care( about 100 billion I believe), but you can bail out wealthy banks and call yourselves a free market? What it looks like form here is free market capitalism if you are lower or middle class, and a golden net to catch you if you fall if you are wealthy. Its a governing double standard!

The presidential speeches were very significant to me. Barack's speech was in a public park, for all to come to. McCain's speech--a very amazing and inspirational speech that he had, was in an exclusive and expensive hotel.

It seems to me that I would want someone in power now who was willing to actually address day to day problems and clean up America, because clearly it has not worked the last 8 years!

How much worse could the Democrats do? Invade more countries without just cause? Have MORE people lose their homes? Have the US dollar drop lower so items you import cost more? Have more folks lose their homes? Respond slower to a natural disaster?

You are a great and powerful country in some respects, but as they say with great power...I am proud to live in my country as well, although sometimes they do things I personally regret. Our greatest decision of the lat 30 years was to stay out of Iraq imho.

I want to make clear that although I see the Iraq war as expensive and unjust(don't get me started in conflict of interest with gov't officials who make these decisions sitting on the boards of Arms manufacturing companies), I worry for your troops, who are not risking their lives in an honorable war, or peacekeeping to save those who cannot fend for themselves(Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Dharfur would be some of the places like that), but instead Americans are fighting and dying to line the pockets of those whose interests are not a better America, but a bigger bank account.

I am sorry to have my rant, really I want to end with I am so grateful Adam went over and came back safely! He is all the war hero I need!

Peace to all

monolithic - 2008-11-07 18:56


Originally posted by Reli:
Of course, all the neo-con conspiracy theorists jumped all over it and claimed it as proof that he's either too stupid to know how many states are in the USA, or was making a secret reference to the number of Islamic nations. Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

Yeah, 'cause - you know,... "he's an Arab". Laugh Out Loud

He may also be an alien! Roll Eyes

fatdog - 2008-11-07 19:02

Originally posted by jameswp67:
I want to make clear that although I see the Iraq war as expensive and unjust(don't get me started in conflict of interest with gov't officials who make these decisions sitting on the boards of Arms manufacturing companies), I worry for your troops, who are not risking their lives in an honorable war, or peacekeeping to save those who cannot fend for themselves(Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Dharfur would be some of the places like that), but instead Americans are fighting and dying to line the pockets of those whose interests are not a better America, but a bigger bank account.
Amen to that, brother! Nod Yes In America, the two, major politcal parties have done an excellent job in executing divisiveness among the population. We seem to be polarized to either the "left" or "right" of the political spectrum. That is exactly how "they" want it. If we were to all become enlightened and realize that Democrats and Republicans, on a national level, play for the same team, Congress would shiat a collective brick. Unfortunately, too many Americans are embroiled in squabbles to be united in anything.

United we stand; divided we fall.

ford93 - 2008-11-07 19:19

You go Jameswp67! Nod Yes

jt - 2008-11-07 19:21

Bummer about beatbox. Lets hope he'll cool down and come back... That sux.

jameswp67 - 2008-11-07 21:11

I hope he will be back too! I sent him an email as well, thanks for the positives on my rant! I don't mind hearing negatives as well, its why we live in a democracy; to sharpen our understanding by hearing different points of view, and changing our minds, not being stubborn. I love to learn new things!

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-11-08 01:16

watch this if you have a spare couple a hours


metad - 2008-11-08 01:20

Yeah, what boomboxes are you booming right now?...

beatbox - 2008-11-08 03:56

Hey y'all.

Firstly, let me apologise for getting so many people involved in such a stupid argument over an avatar. My reaction was way over the top and my decision to leave was something I have never wanted or thought I would do. The fact that there is so much bad stuff going on this world makes the whole episode trivial and not worthy of such attention, let alone spoiling a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity to discuss politics on stereo2go!

The fact is, I wrote my last post at around 2 in morning, after having been out with friends and yes, you guessed it, after having consumed quite a lot of alcohol.

As I remember, I think I tried for several seconds to type certain words on the keyboard, such was my innebriation.

I of course agree with PanFan's request to remove my avatar, and can of course see where he's coming from. I will however ask him to allow me to post it here once so maybe people can see what all the fuss was about, and because I think it was a nice pic afterall. I will not be using it as an avatar, thus confining it to this thread and this thread only.

Thanks for all the comments people, especially the wonderful PMs from everyone. It is great to see so many people rallying round for a fellow member.

There is a big lesson here about mixing whiskey, red wine and German beer. But I refuse to listen to it, and so can only apologise again for getting so many folks involved in one of my most embarrassing moments on this wondeful site.

PanFan, your comments by PM in particular were very welcome and I hope I didn't make you feel bad in any way. I ain't going nowhere.

And yes, I do have a horrendous hangover.

ford93 - 2008-11-08 06:18

Beatbox sometimes we have to vent, so now that is over welcome back. I love that pic. of Obama with the Aiwa.

The media is now saying that he is a threat to people who want to bare arms. The Supreme court had passed a law not too long ago so if he does intend to pass some law, he will not be able.

ford93 - 2008-11-08 21:28

Originally posted by r o y a l ®:
watch this if you have a spare couple a hours


Royal you have discovered the best documentary I've seen in a long time. As I type theres a helicopter hovering I guess big brother is watching. LOL!!

I've always said that man can and has become a slave to the "Monetary System". I'am fasinated with this Venus Project if not now then maybe for the next generation. The documentary ended beautifully what a statement it sends. Nod Yes

isolator42 - 2008-11-10 01:38

There really weren't that many topics on s2g that ran for this many pages that didn't involve ol' Boomboxdeluxe, eh?
...OK, they were usually that long because over half the posts were from him to himself, but there you go... Smile

Anyway, I'm glad everyone's happy again.

This has to be a good example of why political posting is, generally speaking, a no-no on forums like this.
That said, it is fun to have the occasional, officially sanctioned break from the norm like this topic. I guess the problem was that the avatar in question then appears on all topics.

..."worldwide ghetto massive"... Big Grin

isolator42 - 2008-11-10 02:00

Originally posted by THAFUZZ:
...Forgive me for my ignorance, but, is it really that uncommon for most in that beautiful country to own a proper home?
Nah, not really - just me venting.
However, first-time buyers in the UK have a real hard time - average property prices are well over 6x the average salary in the UK now...

jovie - 2008-11-13 20:28

Obama says he wants to build the economy from the bottom up.Could someone explain to me how that works?

oldskool69 - 2008-11-14 12:41

Originally posted by Jovie:
Obama says he wants to build the economy from the bottom up.Could someone explain to me how that works?

Yep! Once Congress has us all bottomed out there'll be nowhere to go but UP!!! Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2008-11-14 21:23

jovie -- its the exact opposite of the phoney 'trickle down' BS --
which has resulted in an 8 year failure/nightmare/hoax.

monolithic - 2008-11-14 23:30

I Agree I don't believe any of that CEO money has "trickled down" to us. Roll Eyes

In the past 5 years, I and the other people at my job have had our great health care plan (which was accepted everywhere) changed about 3 or 4 times to one that's barely known and may be turned down when it's time to get something done, our Christmas bonus taken away, our salary pay reduced to hourly pay rates, company picnics and parties taken away (not that I ever cared about going to those, but still, it's one more thing that got thrown out the window), had almost all of our temporary workers laid off, and a couple other things that I can't remember at the moment that made our job an employee friendly place to work at taken away. Now we're running overlapping shifts 'cause work is super slow and when work is this slow, the supervisor can kick you out hours before your 8 hours is done in order to save the company money. If things get any worse, they may reduce the work day to one shift (12 hours maybe) and lay off a bunch of company people in the process... I may wind up being one of those people despite working there for 14+ years, but I digress...

Not that I expect some kind of rapid turnaround when Obama hits the White House, but anyone who thinks that ANY Repulican should be trusted with running the country for 4 more years after the f*cked-up 8 we've had under their rule - getting us into a war we shouldn't have been in (the cost of this war is almost a trillion dollars isn't it?), taking a surplus and turning it into a record deficit and setting up a system that rewards CEO's with millions of dollars while the average person struggles to survive paying the rent, home foreclosures, a bad health care system and possibility of job loss - must be shootin' up with some of Columbia's finest! Roll Eyes

THE BOTTOM LINE: The race is over. McSame lost... BY A LANDSLIDE! Get over it! Smile

On an somewhat related note...

You can find it RIGHT HERE!!! Strange... I don't know what that flow chart has to do with boomboxes tho! Confused

- 2008-11-15 00:52

well said MONO. it seems no one's job is safe in this economy Frown

monolithic - 2008-11-15 06:48

Indeed! And jobs are hard as hell to get nowadays! Frown

No joke - if I got the ax and had the b@lls and stomach for it, I'd join a buddy of mine in his main profession as a "street pharmacist" 'cause that's one job that 100% recession-proof! Wink The thousands of dollars he keeps in his pockets daily would sure look appealing to a square like me but I don't like the possible "retirement plan" tho! Laugh Out Loud

oldskool69 - 2008-11-15 11:27

Originally posted by MONOLITHIC:
...but I don't like the possible "retirement plan" tho! Laugh Out Loud

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

enskanker - 2008-11-21 12:16

Real Change you can believe in...

Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State...

some change, the foreign heads of state better keep an eye on their silverware.
...and lets pray she stays with pantsuits. Laugh Out Loud

oldskool69 - 2008-11-21 18:20

Originally posted by enskanker:
Real Change you can believe in...

Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State...

some change, the foreign heads of state better keep an eye on their silverware.
...and lets pray she stays with pantsuits. Laugh Out Loud

She should be the secretary of thnees (thighs to knees) knalfs (knees to calfs) and cankles (calfs and ankles) since they apparently run together. Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

daiwa - 2008-11-22 08:07

Originally posted by enskanker:
...keep an eye on their silverware.
...and lets pray she stays with pantsuits. Laugh Out Loud

Oh Ed, that's not fair, at you're advanced age, you certainly aren't sporting you're old girlish figure, I can't even imagine how you'd "fill out" this skirt... rip, rip, rip Big Grin

Excellent comments Mono! Love the Palin chart. Funny thing is, it's very accurate! Roll Eyes

enskanker - 2008-11-22 08:27

Mon Amie Dave,

Our friendship is always above politics.



daiwa - 2008-11-22 17:34

You got that right UE, no frozen turkey will ever stand in the way of our friendship... Wink Cankles, or no Cankles!