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Happy Birthday James Pierce..

ghettoman - 2011-10-21 19:39

Happy Birthday Man

radio.raheem - 2011-10-21 20:04

yup...Have a good one james...don't go buying all the good m90's lol and Get totally sozzled....you only live once lad...

ghettoman - 2011-10-21 22:13

yes go for it james..i'de have one with you but i dont drink,not drank beer since my oldest son was born,and he was 22 last month..i dont drink,dont smoke,and never took drugs..and i dont have a criminal record..

davebush - 2011-10-21 23:18

75 and still going strong..... Well done old timer

mrupscale1 - 2011-10-22 01:25

Happy Birthday James!! I would have sent money but already submit reply!!!


- 2011-10-22 04:35

Thank's BM - you have lived a boring life ,

Reno - sozzled only puts me to sleep - I wish to stay awake so I'll wait for the right day to do that ,

DaveBush - hope to live till at least 75 ,

Mrupscale1 - well I'll wait till you have some more to send,

deliverance - 2011-10-22 04:46

happy birthday ,   no weenie roast strippers and jack daniels then!

pioneer - 2011-10-22 09:53

Happy Birthday James and many more.....   Oh and crank up one of your fave Boombox's !!!!!

- 2011-10-22 21:02

One Hour left in this day of Celebrating      

- 2011-10-22 21:41

20 minutes left...Now I gotta walk over to epay and push a little moolah over to my only other favorite model mini-boombox won recently on there 1 week ago and update them with the birthday cash that arrived in the snail-mail after I went to the bank with Mom's b'day check, or that is when I returend from the bank an errands an such there finally was more mail and that was from the sale of the 2nd m90 with 2 to go and am in emails presently with a person from Greece about the third one... out of the 4 total that I had

- 2011-10-22 23:10

baddbill - dont read above here ...

Now - have to wait another 364 days till the next boombox I'll have $ to buy with...

Anyway epay is up to date now and Must sell more box's

or ... gasp... get-a-job...

- 2011-10-23 21:32

Hopefully tomorrow is a sun shiney day for more video's of the dwindling supply of m90's here