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happy christmas,yeah right ha..

ghettoman - 2011-12-24 12:35

christmas eve and we'r all on stereo2go,ha ha i'm glad i'm not alone,i dont celebrate that christmas nonsense anyway,just depresses me..

jmez - 2011-12-24 12:39

I'm busy trying out my TC-999 I just got, it was a Christmas present to myself! 

They say it's better to give than receive, so I gave it to me!

deliverance - 2011-12-24 12:43

just relaxing listening to boston before the hayhem of christmas day

davebush - 2011-12-24 12:51

yep....im having to endure another crap night of tv...........


i dont mind xmas as my little lad is only 2 so tomorrow morning should be a screem.....


happy xmas to everyone out there in the world.........just think that there is always someone, somewhere that is a lot worse off than us guys...........peace

deliverance - 2011-12-24 12:56

same to you dave your lad will be buzzing in the morning 

ghettoman - 2011-12-24 13:01

yeah i get ya dave i agree,always someone worse off than us..

i have 4 kids,well my oldest 2 are 22,and 21,also have a daughter thats 18 and a younger son of 9,i dont live with them so i gave my older 2 lads and daughter £20 each and bought my young son a xbox with 250 hard drive and that connect thingy..

now i'm just going to get the boards out and nail my windows and door up,and i dont want anyone disturb me..let them celebrate this nonsense,i dont wanna..its all false rubbish,just an excuse to spend hundreds and get drunk..and i dont drink..


hey J-MEZ i like your style man

pioneer - 2011-12-24 13:05

Just Chillin wit my wife on this Christmas eve....we brougt out the Clairtone 7980 for the festive occasion and bumpin some xmas tunes.....hope u all here have a good one......Cheerz PIONEER

mitchelljames - 2011-12-24 13:27

Seasons greetings all, hope you all have a great 2012



ghettoman - 2011-12-24 13:50

I think i will order Chicken Dhansak from the take away,with half rice,half chips,save half of it and have it for my christmas dinner tomoz

ao - 2011-12-24 15:02

I'm not a fan of Christmas, only really fake it for the kids.  Can't stand slushy forced family sentimentality, always ends in tears.