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my wife want to divore

mikeboombox - 2012-01-27 23:54

hey guys ,yes i know right now is been a hart time for me im 28 years old and she is too,we have 2 kids and we are married but the last 2 weeks she start acting rare,we trying to fix the problems but we decide to divorce ,the only thing i feel sad cuz my 2 kids,but besides that i been unemployment for the last year but i was making money because i was reselling in amazon and eBay,anyways she was the first income now she is claim the taxes and she expect to get around $7000 in the next couple days i ask her if you want to divorce is ok with me but i least give me $2000 because im kinda short in money but she refuses she toll me NOW ,she said we can go to court if i want,my question is by law can i claim some of the money of no at all Thanks guys ....

retrodos - 2012-01-28 00:37

You have to look at it this way!! Right now she is the primary income, which means she most likely paying the bills and ETC.  Which means she is contributing more at this present time. Another factor you have to look at is how old the kids? Who is going to mostly support them? If the anwser is that they are going to primary stay with her, then no you don't get any money and morally, shouldn't even ask!!


But then again it's not up to me or anyone here!! Just advise, so don't take it the wrong way, just ask a few people. Why does she what the divorce, something that just came up, or a while, or a money issues? 

mikeboombox - 2012-01-28 00:43

i was making good money in amazon and ebay,it was more like an full time job, but yes something come up problems between me and her,but she needs to understand right now ,i m short with money and she wants to keep everything with her,well see what happens tomorrow.

retrodos - 2012-01-28 01:07

Don't know the whole situation, or anyone else on here, best to talk it over with a few close family members or friends, that understands the situation better and see what they have to say and don't go by just one person opinion etheir. Just remember, just because you are short on money, doesn't mean automatic entitle you to it? Judge is going to look at it, for the kids best interest, before anyone else.   

ghettoman - 2012-01-28 03:32

i feel for you Mike,i seperated 4 years ago,well it will be 5 years this year,we was together since we was 17 and seperated when we was 37,it was very hard for me,i had a family and children for all this time,then all of a sudden i was alone,lost everything..i dint'nt think i would ever get over it,but after a year or so,things got a bit better,and carried on improving as time went on,,now i'm ok,i'm pretty much over it..i hope things get better for you man..if things get hard you always still got us bro..

pioneer - 2012-01-28 04:26

hi there mike i can relate brother as im having marital issues and my wife is going through a mid life crisis ...she left me with the house and all the bills that go with it ...and that is fine with me.only problem i have is she's shacked up with some older dude she met a while back and is much older then i.....anyways mike through all the drama that life throws at us we will get past it...p.s..get back on your feet bro and if u get no money,work out something with her about seeing your children cause that would be all i would care about...............................PIONEER