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Ebay problem.

litfan - 2012-05-29 15:16

I bought a cd, by mistake, off ebay.com. I messaged the seller, explaining my predicament. He is not interested in a cancellation at all. I am sorry to say, i have done this a few times. This is the first time the seller has refused to cancel. I`m not bothered anyway, i ain`t buying it.

dogtemple - 2012-05-29 16:41

ebay dot com eh!


well you tell him if he gives you any more grief, you will leave him a protest negative.  if an american wins a gold medal against the UK in the forth coming olympics, he gets neg'd.  


that will show him and his precious cd


you neg his arse straight outa town!



either that or buy the cd, what cd was it?

scottym - 2012-05-29 20:15

Well i think you should pay for it...i don't understand how you buy something by mistake?  It's not the sellers fault is it?

It's like all those people who buy boxes on there and refuse to pay and then it gets relisted by the seller...i know that would pee me off.



radio.raheem - 2012-05-29 22:24

Originally Posted by Litfan:

I bought a cd, by mistake, off ebay.com. I messaged the seller, explaining my predicament. He is not interested in a cancellation at all. I am sorry to say, i have done this a few times. This is the first time the seller has refused to cancel. I`m not bothered anyway, i ain`t buying it.

if you don't want the cd lad just do now't all he can do is mark your ebay for not paying..wich amounts to nothing..but you could offer to pay his listing fees....failing that just tell him to bugger off (putting it polite)

davebush - 2012-05-29 22:25

doesnt sound like your gonna get any sympathy on here rik........you have mine mate

ao - 2012-05-29 22:42

"I have done this a few times"


What's your ebay ID Ric so I can add you to my blocklist?

litfan - 2012-05-30 07:32

"Don`t know, how i bought it by mistake" You wanna try having a brain hemmorhage mate. You do all sorts. Crazy. I often say it, anyone, who is fully well, will not understand, what a brain injury can do. I can go shopping, call someone a b*st*rd, only to have them say, what did you say richard, and, i don`t know what they are talking about, and you say "how can you order a cd by mistake". You don`t know half of it pal.

litfan - 2012-05-30 07:42

Here` the cd. Check out the postage. He said, he would give me a $27 refund. He can cocoa.



radio.raheem - 2012-05-30 08:44

Originally Posted by agentorange:

"I have done this a few times"


What's your ebay ID Ric so I can add you to my blocklist?


good job we know you are joking agent isn't it

docs - 2012-05-30 09:45

I'm pretty sure you can contact ebay to retract these and if you explain to them your situation I can see them having no problem at all with it. On another note, The Poodles ?!?! hehe

litfan - 2012-05-30 13:27

I have tried docs. Waste of time. Daft thing is, i already have this disc. Last year, i ordered a golden earring cd, 3 times.

boomer70 - 2012-05-30 17:50

How can you buy something off ebay "By Mistake" ??? And you've done this a few times...?

I always honour my bids and i never bid on anything by mistake....

jaredscottfla - 2012-05-30 19:47

How? The guy had a cstroke. people are just "not with it on Here' or ebay for that matter Richard. Mistakes happen a cd certainly is not a big ticket item,i say the hell with the unsympathetic seller,Don't pay! Tough cookies! People take nothing into consideration when you are ill i know!


litfan - 2012-05-31 14:05

I used to be like this boomer bloke. I was very un-sympathetic. Then, i was in a rehabilitation place, for 8 months. This completely opened my eyes. Now, some of the things i saw, and couldn`t believe, are happening to me. Boomer. You need to go to a rehabilition centre. This will open your eyes. Honestly, some people .

scottym - 2012-05-31 16:38

A big wtf to some of the responses in this thread.

sonic.blaster - 2012-05-31 16:43

sounds like boomer70 is a made up account just to stirr up trouble.

ghettoman - 2012-05-31 16:51

exactly my thoughts ! sounds like boomber70 replied like he or she knew richard..yes probebly just causing a bit of upset on the site..

Actually maybe the person was trying to act like me because i use "these" and i do this quite alot...

cant understand why someone would have something against richard,he's a top guy !! still hate him though for not selling me his GF999 lol...nah its ok i got one now and i love it :-)

litfan - 2012-06-01 02:26

Ha ha. Thanks paul. If i could go back now, i would have sold you my 999. How did i know

boomer70 - 2012-06-01 03:28


Originally Posted by Litfan:

I bought a cd, by mistake, off ebay.com. I messaged the seller, explaining my predicament. He is not interested in a cancellation at all. I am sorry to say, i have done this a few times. This is the first time the seller has refused to cancel. I`m not bothered anyway, i ain`t buying it.

if you don't want the cd lad just do now't all he can do is mark your ebay for not paying..wich amounts to nothing..but you could offer to pay his listing fees....failing that just tell him to bugger off (putting it polite)


Wrong. After 3 non-paying bidder complaints are filed.... you get suspended.

Why should i have sympathy for someone who has a habit of not honouring their bids,especially if it is obviously a habit or pattern??


ao - 2012-06-01 07:19

Ric, as much as we like you, anyone who takes eBay seriously can't be blamed for taking a very dim view of this kind of behavior.

litfan - 2012-06-01 07:45

Ha ha. they can suspend me, if they want. I just ain`t bothered. I have more important things to think about, than a cd on ebay. Just hope, you never have a brain hemmorhage boomer, because, you would have a big shock coming.

superduper - 2012-06-01 08:15

Personally, I sympathize with the brain hemorrage thing.  However, right now, you sound very coherrent and cognizant of your actions, and the reasons behind the "mistaken" purchase.  You obviously know that you have a problem yet you continue to go on eBay and buy stuff you don't need.


Take care of yourself, and cancel your eBay account.  You should not use your disability as an excuse for poor ebay behaviour.  You may not be able to control your impulsiveness, but you can certainly take steps to prevent it from happening again.  If you choose not to, then it sounds more like maybe you like having it both ways.  It's a matter of personal responsibility.

litfan - 2012-06-01 08:27

Oh heck. I`m fed up with this. You have to be like i am, to know what it is like. How would you feel, if, you didn`t what you had done, then, realized after? Don`t tell me, it`s not possible, because, i know it is. The brain, can make you do anything it wants. Don`t talk about something you don`t know about. Stick to boxes.

ao - 2012-06-01 09:14

Closed by request