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My theory why so many Gf 777 in china

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 05:17

Because China was 95 percent rural communal farms with hundred if no a thousand peasants. They where only aloud to listen to Communist party propaganda and some classical music. I can imagine 200 or 300 peasant squatting in a courtyard with a Gf777 blaring away. That would explain so many in such varying states of condition?? Any thought Confirm? Anybody know the back story??? Just Imagine. Being the guy going around china pick them up for a song.(no pun intended Haha) ....B

stereo.mad - 2012-10-27 05:51

first of all bryan welcome to the madhouse that is stg

an interesting theory you have there! i not know myself much about the politics of how it was there 30 years ago but it sounds as if hardly anyone on them farms had some spare cash for a 777???

metad - 2012-10-27 05:54

China was a very poor country, and GF-777 was way too expensive radio, for that purpose.

One of the reasons - a lot of GF-777's came to China from Hong-Kong, these days

stereo.mad - 2012-10-27 05:56

Originally Posted by stereo mad:

first of all bryan welcome to the madhouse that is stg

an interesting theory you have there! i not know myself much about the politics of how it was there 30 years ago but it sounds as if hardly anyone on them farms had some spare cash for a 777???

ps bryan, were you from?

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 06:08

Chicago think I got tossed off boomboxery for griping about a member that ripped me off ...B

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 06:09

Poor peasant's but they still need big radio I'd heard there is a cargo container full of the

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 06:12

Them And if government purchase of a thousand way cheap hong kong ya but that the Ex British port like funnel

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 06:15

No individual purchases mass purchase it had to be big to cover crowd plus no power batteries just a theory to many for just hong kong

stereo.mad - 2012-10-27 06:47

Originally Posted by Bryan Spruth:
Chicago think I got tossed off boomboxery for griping about a member that ripped me off ...B

never mind this sites better

samovar - 2012-10-27 07:04

Originally Posted by Bryan Spruth:
No individual purchases mass purchase it had to be big to cover crowd plus no power batteries just a theory to many for just hong kong

theory should always be corroborated by research and data otherwise it's just opinion. no offence but i wouldn't call "theory" what does not match any of the protocols of scientific research

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 07:38

Ya opinion thanks B bought 4 from peppinHK never any from tian jin but heard you get what you pay for $400 you get $400 worth $1000. You get perfect opinion of course still a strange anomalie yahooauctionjapan any buddy crack that buying market????

metad - 2012-10-27 07:43

Originally Posted by Bryan Spruth:
No individual purchases mass purchase it had to be big to cover crowd plus no power batteries just a theory to many for just hong kong


I presume you're talking about those GF-777's you've seen on e-bay, right?

So, how many did you see, three or five dozens?

Does it mean "so many" GF-777's were imported to China, much more than to the USA, no it doesn't.

It only shows, that more GF-777's survived in China, probably cause people on there took better care of their radios, much more than in the USA, because of the value of those expensive and rare radios for poor people.


blaster - 2012-10-27 08:11

i agree with metad....

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 09:48

No middle class in China in the 80 nor music or radio station. You presume wrong we use to go to folk feast in the 80 here and I saw and since have dealt in early China exports post Nixon visit the stuff all made of cardboard crap . I still assert that they weren't tote and hoist them...ha funny I did buy my GF 777 from a Chinese laundry /dry cleaner $200. Said his dad bought new when he migrated here..then he pulls out the box (torn, which I sold on eBay for $100. B..

samovar - 2012-10-27 10:47

Originally Posted by Bryan Spruth:
No middle class in China in the 80 nor music or radio station.

What has the absence of Chinese middle class in the 80 to do with the gf 777 sold in Hong Kong today? If there were neither music nor radio station, how the "hundred if not thousand of peasants" of your *theory* could "listen to Communist party propaganda and some classical music"?



Originally Posted by Bryan Spruth:
I saw and since have dealt in early China exports post Nixon visit the stuff all made of cardboard crap
To base a theory (objest oriented) on personal experience (subject oriented) is a contradiction in terms.
Theories are based on facts, not on vague periodization. Nixon visited China in 1972, so early post Nixon visit exports must date back to the Seventies. According to Radiomuseum, Sharp manufactured the gf-777 in 1984 (see site); according to Lyle Owerko (The Boombox Project, inside back cover), the correct date is 1983. Hardly the Seventies, however.
Together with historical perspective, location is paramount. You refer to Hong Kong (via peppinHK) as China. But until 1997 Hong Kong, who has long been a metropolis, was a British enclave-definitely not the rural China you refer to in your *theory* What if the boxes sold in 2012 Chinese Hong Kong come from 1980-97 British Hong Kong?
Originally Posted by Bryan Spruth:
I still assert that they weren't tote and hoist them...
As opposed to proof by argument, which is grounded in facts and corroborated by evidence, proof by assertion is a logical fallacy consisting in repeating the same statement time and again, regardless of contradiction

samovar - 2012-10-27 10:56

this said, everybody is entitled to have his/her opinion. provided that s/he doesn't sell it as a theory

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 11:28

Samovar wow relax main land china and Hk two different places the GF s I referring to are the ones from main land china tian jin you seem to think all the boxes out china originate from Hk they may be mail out though Hk because main land chinas mail system is still ass backwards that because of Hong long exceptional mail system. Lastly noones selling any thing theory opinion you seem a bit twisted you jumped on usage other words not their intent Why Not Be nice this is not Collage and neither of us are scholars Well I'm off to a scrabble tournament for charity Literacy volunteers of Illinois Ain't that a. Laugh tap this out on iPhone Bryan

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 11:31

And I'm old blindfish with fat fingers haha

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 11:39

And they listened to tapes and the local communist party lead would use the P.a there were million of peasant and hundred of thousands of small communal farms they pooped in a hole and collected the methane for cooking fuel not many prolaterian youth bopping around Peking not enough youth in Hk in 80's still like my vision/opinion/theory .B

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 12:13

And did you really us the sentence "What does not match any of the protocols of scientific research" whom doing scientific research??what a Gas ...what we were trading in was "I think I m using the right term" anthology or the study of society through tale ,residual evidence and with no central air in Asia you get a lot of green chrome out of the third world much for taking better care ...

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 12:16


metad - 2012-10-27 16:03

Originally Posted by samovar:

According to Radiomuseum, Sharp manufactured the gf-777 in 1984 (see site); according to Lyle Owerko (The Boombox Project, inside back cover), the correct date is 1983. 

GF-777 came out in 1981.


metad - 2012-10-27 16:05

Originally Posted by samovar:

If there were neither music nor radio station, how the "hundred if not thousand of peasants" of your *theory* could "listen to Communist party propaganda and some classical music"?


haha, spot on  

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 16:09

And most of the post block merchandise came around 1979 to 82,3

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 16:12

Not could had to ,,, Forced....

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 16:16

Metad through cassettes and P.A.

metad - 2012-10-27 16:19

Originally Posted by Bryan Spruth:
And most of the post block merchandise came around 1979 to 82,3

so what ?

what does it prove ?

driptip - 2012-10-27 16:38

once, a chinese man said, that chinese families would buy these monster machines in the early 80's to impress their friends when visited, he said that they would place these beautiful machines in a special place, either in the living room or a room where they would gather, they of course would have it covered with a towel or a special prenda, they would then anvail for everyone to admire, then it would become a piece of conversation, but also keeping them as personal pride and joy as well. and that my friends, could be the reason why so many 777's have survived in such a good condition.

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-27 18:01

Ha ha you never know ,,,,still like my idea better.B

vincent - 2012-10-28 09:05

I am still trying to determine if the 777 I bought on ebay from China is real or fake. I still have to open it and take pic of the inside and post. The sound is poor and its hard for me not being a techie in this field to know if this is simply coz the speakers are blown or the internals are bad. 

samovar - 2012-10-28 09:57

Originally Posted by Vincent:

I am still trying to determine if the 777 I bought on ebay from China is real or fake. I still have to open it and take pic of the inside and post. The sound is poor and its hard for me not being a techie in this field to know if this is simply coz the speakers are blown or the internals are bad. 

don't open it light-heartedly! the seller may have found it in a hole in a small rural community... 

bison - 2012-10-28 10:17

Originally Posted by samovar:
Originally Posted by Vincent:

I am still trying to determine if the 777 I bought on ebay from China is real or fake. I still have to open it and take pic of the inside and post. The sound is poor and its hard for me not being a techie in this field to know if this is simply coz the speakers are blown or the internals are bad. 

don't open it light-heartedly! the seller may have found it in a hole in a small rural community... 

i couldnt see somebody in china manufacturing fake 777s,the market would be flooded with them if that was the case,

im sure its a lot easier to fake an ipod than it is a 777

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 10:30

It the case of decent man 4U I told him a couple years ago you cant judge a box series (say a GF 777 )by the unit you have in front of you. Like a well played with toy but with Blasters even new old stick in the box could have sat in a hot sunny spot slowly shrinking the drive belt or melting two wire together and every body thinks the Chinese are slow they know exactly what they have I heard and alway said you get what you pay for on the Chinese gf777 and as far a fake insides seem a lot of work if even possible maybe replace tuner or switches My suggestion is sell as is well described and save up for a top dollar to shape if financially possible. and as far a opening it which I never opened 777 but have torn apart lot of junk radio amid with the big ones the can be trick to get back together... And how does it sound with aux in iPod sin as it is I was around when cassette and 8 tracks were it slow tedious at best 8 track were cool only because you leave them in and on and tape would play for days on end just a big loop inside no real beginning or end which where I'm at....haha and good luck B P.S. some of the Blasters are just for looking at like a statue . .

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 11:08

And I know you two boys are goofing on me and I'm sure you can egg someone on even to the point of angry and threats and I could in Turn talk about you living in your mom's basement ,are did you give each other a handy at the last sunshine mix or even "Middle class minds have middle class thought's " But I really don't wish to dance, Got a nice life,nice wife and don't need to be angry at anybody..but if you need to and it rises you up from what ever depths your at. Cool And "Bison" Looks like you got or have had some nice boxes? Nice hat ,lots of hipsters here in Wicker park Chicago. Later B.

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 11:30

This was directed at Metad and Samovar and please forgive if I sound and came across a little heavy handed been up since 4:30 am flea market shopping.Did win both games at scrabble will be on their web site scored 62 points one word non bingo 7 letter word "Qi"

lav.loo - 2012-10-28 11:42

Originally Posted by driptip:

once, a chinese man said, that chinese families would buy these monster machines in the early 80's to impress their friends when visited, he said that they would place these beautiful machines in a special place, either in the living room or a room where they would gather, they of course would have it covered with a towel or a special prenda, they would then anvail for everyone to admire, then it would become a piece of conversation, but also keeping them as personal pride and joy as well. and that my friends, could be the reason why so many 777's have survived in such a good condition.

your theory goes a long way with me Hugo, seems very logical

bison - 2012-10-28 11:54

Originally Posted by Bryan Spruth:
And I know you two boys are goofing on me and I'm sure you can egg someone on even to the point of angry and threats and I could in Turn talk about you living in your mom's basement ,are did you give each other a handy at the last sunshine mix or even "Middle class minds have middle class thought's " But I really don't wish to dance, Got a nice life,nice wife and don't need to be angry at anybody..but if you need to and it rises you up from what ever depths your at. Cool And "Bison" Looks like you got or have had some nice boxes? Nice hat ,lots of hipsters here in Wicker park Chicago. Later B.

got my first box in 1984  i didnt wear that one like a hat

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 12:08

Wow thanks I thought when the first ones started pop up and then I saw pic of a stack in a steel shipping container a wise/rich man would go over and buy them all bring them back...corner the market. They are in such varying states of condition, I just have the discount the Hong kong theory oops I mean opinion about papa and the place of honor...they were/are known for their heavy propaganda ,,during the cultural revolution the student killed and ate their teachers, because they were consider elitist...I do wonder how many lived in Hongkong during the years of 81-84 All this has been fun thinking about , and after see the 3 "Save the Boombox" videos anythings possible Haha Bryan

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 12:20

To bisons mother inlaw bought me wife Jvc dc33 for Xmas 1984 or 85 We were in hard core punk scene Austin Texas "see the movie American hardcore" I was a skin head before they were nazis, hate nazi's started a punk house called the OAF house ,but for the next 20 plus years of fleamarketing and antiquing dont remember see one It was only 6 years ago, on my 45 birthday first one Panasonic RX 5250 for $8. so if you got one in 83 you were very young or your old like me?? B.

bison - 2012-10-28 12:40

i was 42 this week..far from a hipster just connecting with my long lost youth,

ive bought decent boxes in the nineties and sold them for peanuts,

always been a bboy and almost went to prison for painting trains in the eighties so its not like ive just discovered these shiny noisy things we call boxes

deliverance - 2012-10-28 12:44

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 13:19

My son is friends with taggers . Lot of places here are allowing the graffiti artist to paint it black and work over that, some Great walls ... 42 ,,,as long as you have your health....prison or jail??? Prisons a bitch I did 33 month from 99-2002 for aggregate arson and armed violence but I was guilty,,, burnt up bosses desk, drumset , computerhe: my victim Was featured on a T.v. Show American pickers episode "hobo jack"or"hobo jack revisited " first 15 min of show ...but we made peace and he actual spent $2000. With me after I got off parole but I was only bad once, but prison or jail???? Jails actually worst , prison just longer I did art work for the other prisoner made About a G in commissary ,,and when I got sold $10,000. Worth of my art work I 'm not famous but I sold some to famous artist collectors a d a couple of art insinuate trustee so my stuff will some day even if in the coffers of the museum . Wild stuff also city scape pen to paper no ruler bored galleries here are creepy stuffy 5 on a disc I use floresanous cant be copied ,,,,,writing now have great stories B.

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 13:21

Sold art work here chicago ,,, five years after I got out

deliverance - 2012-10-28 13:35

tell me bryon do you ever come up for air ?

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 13:55

Your right but I'm having fun and I may go on but I hope I'm not boring you'all .at least I have something to say . I like interacting with people but am saddened by humanity in general. So I'm always looking for like minded people,, B

bison - 2012-10-28 14:04

you say you were a skinhead bryan in the eighties,skinheads were everywhere in the uk back then,punk music in the uk wasnt a skinhead thing,what tunes did you rock back then?be interesting to know i like ska and all kinds...

lav.loo - 2012-10-28 14:06

Originally Posted by deliverance:

tell me bryon do you ever come up for air ?

ha ha class Chris


ao - 2012-10-28 14:11

Bryan, surely interaction requires two or more interested parties?  Your topic is meandering wildly and it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with you.


Stereo2Go is really a forum for collectors of old radios and stuff.  You're absolutely welcome here but it might be better to call someone or maybe visit a neighbour?

bison - 2012-10-28 14:23


samovar - 2012-10-28 14:24

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 14:29

Bison skinhead because of heat and attitude like violence not posers early when pogo went out slam dancing came in the slam circle started be cause we not only like best up the drunk but we would through them are thus slam dancing