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My theory why so many Gf 777 in china

lav.loo - 2012-10-28 14:32


deliverance - 2012-10-28 14:36

flew      keep taking the tablets .

bison - 2012-10-28 14:36

punk was seventies fella you missed the bus,

ever tried drippin on toast?

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 14:40

Agentorange chime in or why not chime out if you see my posting nothing if forcing to peep (except to see what I might say or suggest next))unlike olden day I'm not taking up extra space and I have been up since 4:30 at flea market, buying boomboxes (I get one a day on average in summertime)and tapping this out on iPhone . Being smug and holding ones tongue in ones cheek, does not impress or discourage me but yes boomboxes done more got more please share what do you have to tell me about Blasters luv live them.B

deliverance - 2012-10-28 14:44

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 14:46

Bison dripping on toast ,,,,?? And that was beating up drunks and throwing them around 70's punk ya sex pistols watch the movie American Hardcore that's was a scene ,,

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 14:53

Deliverance,,,if rude is all you got ,why not keep it to yourself,,,, be ugly to someone else,it's a high fall off your high horse ,no pills in my cabinet I guess you do not wish to do business either or smart remarks is all you got???

bison - 2012-10-28 14:54

listen bryan,

  i commented on YOUR  thread and gave my opinion on fake 777s

you in turn called me a hipster..and some other bollocks about wearing boomboxes as a hat..

i dont give a fuck where you are from.. who you are ..or how many boxes you have.

wind your neck in bruv and learn some net ettiquette

deliverance - 2012-10-28 14:56

go fuck yourself internet tough guy you are nothing but a bag of wind you pointless tit .

docs - 2012-10-28 15:11

Bryan, word of advice if I may, try punctuating your posts and reading them through before posting. I can not read, nor understand, a lot of which you are talking about and that is not because I am intellectually challenged, rather, because your posts do not read grammatically correct.

bison - 2012-10-28 15:19

docs mate i know when someones taking the piss

samovar - 2012-10-28 15:21

Originally Posted by docs:

your posts do not read grammatically correct.

grammatically only?

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 15:44

Docs yes very poor typing skills and on a iPhone actually trying hard but not always able to get it out,quick and correct. I use to type all small caps. I will make a stronger effort. And try to not meander around and stick to boombox issue though they may not always be about the technical aspects of the collecting field. Kinda like the book boombox project more about the society and social effects .I 've got 15 email to read. Bryan Plus this spell check is a terror on my iphone

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 15:56

Wow bison You sound dam angry I would love to be a young hipster I live in a area full nice young people. You took slight wrongly, And I 'm no tough guy, tough hard life but good one .I worked hard to get my collection and you'll see it. Maybe your use to liars.But seem to be your looking for a fight. I don't ..I 'm sure if you were lock up for tagging it was jail not prisonI done think you would make it in prison.

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 16:12

Deliverance, like said ,"keep it to yourself."How many collectors do you know whom have gone through 800 radios or have supply them for a big time movie or have them display in a museum ?? I'm sure you use to liars or maybe your one ,most liars think everybody lies. I don't need too. I only want to share you life experiences with boomboxes . If you have nothing positive or a relatable story. Or do you have nothing to share, except spiteful criticism. And a far a me fucking myself , I bet that shit wouldnt be coming out of you mouth if you were stand next to me. Easy to hide in cyber space, B.

radio.raheem - 2012-10-28 16:17

Originally Posted by deliverance:

go fuck yourself internet tough guy you are nothing but a bag of wind you pointless tit .

Here comes DM4u Mk2......Where is the popcorn

bison - 2012-10-28 16:23

Originally Posted by Bryan Spruth:
Wow bison You sound dam angry I would love to be a young hipster I live in a area full nice young people. You took slight wrongly, And I 'm no tough guy, tough hard life but good one .I worked hard to get my collection and you'll see it. Maybe your use to liars.But seem to be your looking for a fight. I don't ..I 'm sure if you were lock up for tagging it was jail not prisonI done think you would make it in prison.

ever heard the word condescending bryan look it up..oxford english dictionary,

i come on here to chat boxes but you started with the high and mighty shit...

good luck to you fella hope that wall of boxes doesnt fall back on you...

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 16:25

Haha bison ,the hat I was referring to was ,, your yellow ID picture/ the icon that comes with your name and response....it , through my fuzz old eyes looks like your wearing a hunting cap with the flip down ears...it's what've the young people here wear the hipsters(not a dirt word or a insult) with stodgy fidora ,hunting caps ,Guatemalan skull caps.Dude ,,major misunderstand and yes to all I have very poor cyber skill and typing. B.

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 16:37

Bison your tripping hard and it's not a wall it's a house full 300. And if I came across high and mighty ya maybe. I'm excited to talk to other boombox guys,but I'm no better then any body, and I am proud of the work. I've done building a great collection so please wait til you see ,,to call me a liar.I'm no rich guy, no credit or big money job ,,,,many a Mac and cheese diner to pay for radios I hope the rest of the member are nicer.

radio.raheem - 2012-10-28 16:42

Bryan....what panasonic radios do you have.....im looking for one in particular a panasonic with vertical cd and cassette....i think it's a panasonic fd 80

bison - 2012-10-28 16:43

 i thought you said you was an antique dealer,go back to polishing your..bits and bobs

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 17:05

Radio Raheem ,,,I'm no DM4U had my issue with him too....and I'm not selling I'm buying....and no Cd players in collection. I've lots of Panasonic's best one is a rx5150f got it from down under,australia ,,,wicked speaker grill inserts like a sharp but 5350 7000 7200 all bought from pipenhk got the 7000 $350. Deliver 7200 $250 del. did well. The 5350 was PeppinHk personnal had to pay $950 with air Got maybe 100 Panasonic f2-5 totes looking for RX-f1 no big one mostly one pc. Got rid of 5050 5085 5090 to movie step up 3 had to give them some thing they got my first wheelie5000 but got it $15. Don't hate the player hate the game. Oh ya love RX 5600 later B. be nice

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 17:13

Bison bits and bobs your a Brit??? A whom the fuck are you to tell me shit ...take your weak ass comments and stow them or a my original posse members use to say Cutta'taraige mommy. Which translates stuff a rag up you bloody fanny. Ya some of us a have been there.

radio.raheem - 2012-10-28 17:18

Just be nice to these guys Bryan....it's there home.....would be a shame to loose anyone


think this whole thing is a misunderstanding due to Bryan's poor typing skills peace

radio.raheem - 2012-10-28 17:23

Originally Posted by Bryan Spruth:
Bison bits and bobs your a Brit??? A whom the fuck are you to tell me shit ...take your weak ass comments and stow them or a my original posse members use to say Cutta'taraige mommy. Which translates stuff a rag up you bloody fanny. Ya some of us a have been there.

jesus i think when the mods read this thread....sorry to say but i think you will be banned....only been here a few days and already fallen out with members here over what???? bison is one of the nicest guys here....c ya round buddy

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 17:33

What his problem ,,attack attack and other guy told me to fuck off. why so many angry people ?what is this a social club ,were the clique rule s. you guys have different rules for him and me?? he total run off the deep end. sad and your dm4u comment ??? Maybe it a set up same people as I had issues with on boomboxery

radio.raheem - 2012-10-28 17:39

my dm4u comment was just a joke......nothing ill intended.....swearing is not permitted on these forums.....i suggest you edit your replys.....to smooth things over.....as i somehow doubt anybody else will be banned but you....im no mod here but there is no need for this arguing my friend...or swearing.....this is not facebook ya know

retrodos - 2012-10-28 17:57

Readed the whole entire thread, don't get where this thread turn ugly and reason for the harsh language and why their was even a misunderstanding in the first place? But cool it!!



bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 18:13

I have no idea how to edit ?? If you tell me, I will do if possible. I only swore after being sworn at . I had no idea swearing was not allow If stay on never happen again. Not on face book. And you admit to a double standard. Ya I read some of Bisons stuff seem like nice funny guy. He total misunderstood my hat comment and hipster, sorry but there was no malice meant,as for you saying just a joke but for whom and at me expense? No that that sounds like victim . I think there so little dialogue because their scare but need the good deal available. You even were quick to ask me about the Panasonic you wanted but not impressed with fact that I have 100 it meant impress it wasn't easy to get them. Not sorry for putting it out there.B.

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 18:18

Not another peep out me. I truly want to be friends and have fun I real love Blasters

driptip - 2012-10-28 19:07

wow, bryan spruth i have never,  actually the last time a new member came out the way you just did, fighting, arguing with everyone that comments on your posts didnt last more than 3 days, i would recomend you to follow radio raheems advice and clean your posts and offer an apology, by the way did you know that DELIVERANCE AND BISON are some of the most respected members on this site?  you will thank me later.

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 19:11

Dear moderator web master it appears as if a game has been going on ,where as some of the other members have made rude threatening (hope you wall of boxes fall on you IE: Bison ) and disparaging remarks only to remove /edit them as to appear innocently I was sworn at, and unfortunately I responded in turn. I also unfortunately am using only a iPhone can not edit. I understand the game and rules now. I simply will not respond to low comments. There seem be a cliquish mentality a foot. Our ideas ,our wants and if you don't fit in god help you . B just found out about the edit game otherwise thee would not have been another peep. Did enjoy my time ,hope to stay

bryan.spruth - 2012-10-28 20:10

And thanks to those of whom tried be nice and help me out hope you like what I actually put out there,,not the arguing. I do not take lightly to snide remarks or accusatory remarks. If I did not respond , it's like I accept it. But both this and boomboxery have bad reputation for this type of event. I fully executed it. Thanks to Radio Raheem for you input. I still keep stack em...you got my email and best wishes cheer Bryan Spruth

lav.loo - 2012-10-29 01:36

seems your here to wind peeps up and cause bother to the great members here that come here purely for the love of boxes!

for that reason Mr Spruth i'm going to close this topic, any more of your dribble and you will be sent to moderation queue pending a ban from the site