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first snowfall!!

lav.loo - 2012-12-05 10:24

well guys it's freezing here on the east coast and snowing really heavy at the mo

first snowfall of the year, defo not box an beach weather lol

just spoke to my bro in manchester and he says it'e clear skies but cold there. it's amazing how different the weather can be 140 miles away, the uk is a strange place for weather

johnedward - 2012-12-05 10:35

Just chatting online with my good friend Antun in Croatia he said had first snowfall yesterday but did not last.  Here in S. Florida it is 78 degrees 25.5 Celcius right now and sunny blue skys.. am blessed but you guys dont want the Hurricanes we deal with.  5 years ago with Wilma my home was without power for 5 WEEKS !!! awful.. like living in stone age.

lav.loo - 2012-12-05 10:47

Originally Posted by JohnEdward:

Just chatting online with my good friend Antun in Croatia he said had first snowfall yesterday but did not last.  Here in S. Florida it is 78 degrees 25.5 Celcius right now and sunny blue skys.. am blessed but you guys dont want the Hurricanes we deal with.  5 years ago with Wilma my home was without power for 5 WEEKS !!! awful.. like living in stone age.

i would defo take 78 degrees at this point in time JohnEdward

i must admit we are lucky in the fact that we don't get storms like yours but we do have our fare share of crap weather here in the uk.

too many people here suffer with arthritis and it's gotta be down to the cold and damp we have most of the time.

summers here in the uk used to be beautiful years ago, guaranteed sunshine right through the summer months.

now all it ever does is rain most of the time, we are lucky to get a few weeks of sun out of the whole of summer

northerner - 2012-12-05 10:58

Had an inch if snow on Monday

lav.loo - 2012-12-05 11:13

Originally Posted by Northerner:
Had an inch if snow on Monday

well if the weather experts are correct it's gonna be the coldest winter in 100 years

docs - 2012-12-05 13:12

As your bro says, no snow here yet but hell fire its bleeding cold!!!!

northerner - 2012-12-05 13:25

Snow this week and we had severe floods last week...just love our weather

lav.loo - 2012-12-05 13:40

Originally Posted by docs:

As your bro says, no snow here yet but hell fire its bleeding cold!!!!

nothing a bit of old school on a box of your choice and a mug of hot tea won't cure mate

Originally Posted by Northerner:
Snow this week and we had severe floods last week...just love our weather

crazy weather Si as always

driptip - 2012-12-05 20:04

sorry guys but here in LA is 73 degrees, is starting to get chilly.

subbo - 2012-12-06 02:12

Snow forcast for today but nothing as yet here, its brass monkey's though lol

lav.loo - 2012-12-06 02:17

just your type of weather bro

subbo - 2012-12-06 02:21

Aye don't mind it cold and dry! a nice thick layer of the white stuff would be nice for the kids

lav.loo - 2012-12-06 02:23

Originally Posted by subbo:

Aye don't mind it cold and dry! a nice thick layer of the white stuff would be nice for the kids

 looking at todays weather forecast it looks like your gonna get a good dump of the white stuff your way

subbo - 2012-12-06 02:25

Aye it supposed to bro, but you know how wrong the met office is, it will probably rain lol

lav.loo - 2012-12-06 02:27

the pennines will defo cop it, get the kids up egg hill if it hits lol

docs - 2012-12-06 03:46

It's just started a little bit

northerner - 2012-12-06 03:54

Well I'd rather snow than rain...moved 2 years ago as the house we owned then got flooded 3 years in a row...not good, not good at all

Was a lovely 240 year old stone built cottage which I'd spent years doing up...such a shame No indoor water features in the new house tho

lav.loo - 2012-12-06 05:23

Originally Posted by docs:

It's just started a little bit

yes i believe so Dave, ul'e have to get a sledge and attatch a box to it

Originally Posted by Northerner:
Well I'd rather snow than rain...moved 2 years ago as the house we owned then got flooded 3 years in a row...not good, not good at all

Was a lovely 240 year old stone built cottage which I'd spent years doing up...such a shame No indoor water features in the new house tho

that's a shame Si, them stone cottages are lovely, can't be many things worse than being flooded out

brutus442 - 2012-12-06 05:34

Originally Posted by Northerner:
Well I'd rather snow than rain...moved 2 years ago as the house we owned then got flooded 3 years in a row...not good, not good at all

Was a lovely 240 year old stone built cottage which I'd spent years doing up...such a shame No indoor water features in the new house tho

Heartbreaking Northerner Sorry to hear about that.


We're basking in -6 C weather here in Toronto...two days ago it was 15 C and I was in my t-shirt outside replacing an EGR valve on my car


Weird weather...

lav.loo - 2012-12-06 05:39

Toronto eh, you guys sure know what the cold and snow means, bet you don't come to a standstill when you get a few inches of snow like here in the UK lol

we have been known to stop trains running when there's been tree leaves on the tracks.

talk about over precautious lol

northerner - 2012-12-06 07:25


that's a shame Si, them stone cottages are lovely, can't be many things worse than being flooded out

Aye, it was so purdy its even on a postcard.


and yes it was absolute hell being flooded 3 years running, no sooner had you got the house back to normal it was trashed again  it was the worst couple of years of my life not knowing whether my home and belongings would be trashed whenever it rained.  ended up with huge insurance premiums as well



good side was that despite its problems I sold it for a massive profit (sold it for 4 times what I'd paid for it, and sold it in 9 days despite the recession...go figure!  ) and moved into a much bigger house!....so it all ended well  

lav.loo - 2012-12-06 11:17

that's a dream ending Si, you deserve it after all the hell you went through.

great to hear mate

northerner - 2012-12-06 11:34

Cheers Az. Cost me thousands so it was good to get rid and make some thousands LOL!

lav.loo - 2012-12-06 11:38

the property market is a good game to get into, if you know what your doing you can make a killing

northerner - 2012-12-06 12:05

Well Ive done mortgage broking and was a mortgage underwriter for a number of years so I know a bit about the property market. All my thousands are in the house tho so I'd have to sell it and move into a caravan to benefit! Got nooooo cash...asset rich cash poor I think they call it LOL

claret.badger - 2012-12-06 13:21

wonder if it will snow here?


sodding 22 degrees today - might have to get my hoodie on later

lav.loo - 2012-12-06 13:42

Originally Posted by Northerner:
Well Ive done mortgage broking and was a mortgage underwriter for a number of years so I know a bit about the property market. All my thousands are in the house tho so I'd have to sell it and move into a caravan to benefit! Got nooooo cash...asset rich cash poor I think they call it LOL

the caravan bit sounds great Si

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

wonder if it will snow here?


sodding 22 degrees today - might have to get my hoodie on later

been a long time since i last saw 22 degrees Claret, id'e kill for that temp right now

subbo - 2012-12-07 02:19

plenty of snow on egg hill this morning, the pennines are looking rather white aswell!

lav.loo - 2012-12-07 03:39

just what i expected bro, next week is being forecast as the coldest in 20 yrs, could be a bad 1