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the infamous adidas holdall

andyboombox - 2013-01-18 06:33

hey brothers and sisters,im buzzing like a cat on heat,all because,in the last 20 minutes,ive picked up a stunning 1976 adidas peter black holdallfor the absolutely magical price of 3 quid

any one of you out there know about these things?because i do and its a little kept secret,but sod it were all friends here so here goes.....

adidas made these bags between 1975 and 1981,they were made to resemble real leather,but were actually sturdy vinyl,in a range of colours,such as green,red,blue,black,yellow (i think!),and one of the rarer ones....brown,and its this colour that ive picked up!see below for a representative pic of one identical to mine

dsc_0695_1_6i saw one last year on york car boot for sale for £60AND IT WASNT AS MINT AS MINE!!!!seriously guys ive had a few,including a completely battered red one that i paid 5 quid for that i went on to sell for £35!!!!

the secret?if it has a label inside entitled peter black keighley,you are onto a winner,BIG TIME!!!!but alas friends,this ones not for sale.....this particular ones the holy grail of adidas holdalls

like going to a charity shop and picking up a conion c100f for a tenner

anyone else have a classic adidas holdall?if so lets see some pics

lav.loo - 2013-01-18 06:41

that bags a house burglars dream Andy lol, is there something your not telling us naah seriously not my thing but great score mate congrats

andyboombox - 2013-01-18 06:51

nah bro im no cat burglar,even if my cropped hair and dodgy goatee suggest differentlyive had several of these and they make such great retro items.....and get a good sized one and they make a great carrier for your box when going on holiday lol-ive seen these in delapidated,knackered condition that have had work tools in and been stuffed in a basement for 30 years still retain a value of upto 50 quid,and the best ones do anything upto £150!!!!!

lav.loo - 2013-01-18 07:01

my advice......sell it and get a nice box with the candy

andyboombox - 2013-01-18 07:05

no way bro lol.....this is like finding a holy grail boombox and parting with it.......on the other hand,if someones got a hitachi 8600 or sanyo 920 lets talk.....get one bro,even if its just for storage.....theyre great

deliverance - 2013-01-18 07:18

heck i had a blik and white one of those !      but andy brown ?  tad close to .... 

ao - 2013-01-18 07:25

You were well cool if you had one of these as your school bag back in 1978.  Sadly very popular amongst the beardy iPhone hugging hipster brigade.  Looks like you got a bargain.

lav.loo - 2013-01-18 07:27

Originally Posted by andyboombox:

no way bro lol.....this is like finding a holy grail boombox and parting with it.......on the other hand,if someones got a hitachi 8600 or sanyo 920 lets talk.....get one bro,even if its just for storage.....theyre great

could be used for storing body parts in too

northerner - 2013-01-18 08:06

Originally Posted by andyboombox:

no way bro lol.....this is like finding a holy grail boombox and parting with it

yeh, there's no way Andy would do that!


I do remember those bags...pretty cool but they're defo burglar bags tho, should have a crowbar sticking out the back

northerner - 2013-01-18 08:08

Originally Posted by Nak D:
Originally Posted by deliverance:

heck i had a blik and white one of those !      but andy brown ?  tad close to .... 

Blik? Ah yes, the South African edition. Mandela's go to gym bag.


lav.loo - 2013-01-18 08:20

Originally Posted by Nak D:
Originally Posted by deliverance:

heck i had a blik and white one of those !      but andy brown ?  tad close to .... 

Blik? Ah yes, the South African edition. Mandela's go to gym bag.

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

could be used for storing body parts in too

Blimey, where did that come from

well i do have my suspicicions about andy being the new yorkshire ripper

i mean come on, who grows a beard like peter sutcliffe and buys suspect bags

northerner - 2013-01-18 08:23

its for keeping all his sandals and socks in

lav.loo - 2013-01-18 08:27

bloody hell Si why did'nt i realise that lol, plainly obvious now

ground.control - 2013-01-18 11:43

Originally Posted by agentorange:

You were well cool if you had one of these as your school bag back in 1978.  Sadly very popular amongst the beardy iPhone hugging hipster brigade.  Looks like you got a bargain.

beardy iphone huggers 

bison - 2013-01-18 13:21

lol i remember these,they fetch good money these days,i had this puma one at school


ground.control - 2013-01-18 14:11

Why has Andy covered his walls in newspaper ?????

lav.loo - 2013-01-18 14:36

that's not Andy's room GC, if you read the post he says it's a pic identical to he's.

Andy uses a library computer so can't post up he's own stuff so he borrows online pics

cheek o the devil that one


ground.control - 2013-01-18 15:57

LOL thought he'd won it on pass the parcel  Its a great find andy very retro

brutus442 - 2013-01-18 18:33

Originally Posted by Northerner:

its for keeping all his sandals and socks in


andyboombox - 2013-01-19 01:25

well guys,ive not laughed so much as i just have reading these replies-great stuff

del mate ive never had the black n white one,but i do know that particular one in good nick nowadays does 100 quid plus as its a rare one and i believe a commemorative one ie from the olympics or the like as there were many spin offsbison matey i had the exact puma bag in junior school as my first holdall for my p.e kit and my snap box......and not my crow bar and sawn off lolbut,you guys are right,check out certain episodes of the classic british drama minder from the 1980s and you do see several bad guys,even dennis waterman,with adidas holdalls,so you guys are rightjust check ebay under adidas holdall peter black and you will see what i mean about prices

bison - 2013-01-19 02:54

talking of vintage adidas i had an expensive pair of adidas sneakers that i had stashed for over ten years..couple of years ago i got them out and put them on,by the time i got downstairs in them both soles had fell off..the rubber had perished

northerner - 2013-01-19 04:11


pioneer - 2013-01-19 10:48

Andy it's a real nice adidias gym bag for sure i had one back in tha day and used it alot for my boxing gear,u didn't find any boxing gloves in the bag by chance? (jus kidding bro).You know i thought the thing was made of leather too,i was a bit upset that it wasn't,good score man!wish i'd kept mine  

lav.loo - 2013-01-19 10:51

hey PIONEER maybe you can offer up one of ya grails for it bro

pioneer - 2013-01-23 20:06

L.L. Too funny man! iit still fit's into this whole Boombox era,Mmm pure leather then who know's lav u might have me there. 

lav.loo - 2013-01-24 01:44

Originally Posted by PIONEER:

L.L. Too funny man! iit still fit's into this whole Boombox era,Mmm pure leather then who know's lav u might have me there.