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Fun Memories

toocool4 - 2013-03-16 16:15

Originally Posted by Northerner:
Yeh I have five tv's and the full sky package but there's still sod all to watch! LOL

I choose to not have TV, as I was fed-up with the mindless drivel they feed us. I goto the Cinema as I can choose what I want to see. I classify TV and films as “is this 2 hours of my life which I will never get back”, if it is I had better do something worth the time.


I just came back from seeing Argo, I recommend it. Only one thing though it’s not completely accurate as typical Hollywood did not credit the British involvement, as America always has to be the hero.

isolator42 - 2013-03-16 17:29

Originally Posted by Kin:

Although I'm not a Brit, I just happen to came across this odd British movie from the 70's... You can skip to around 2:35 after the poster had explained about this movie.

Bloody hell, I remember this. I was around nine years old when I saw it & remember finding it very disturbing as a little kid in the 70s.

In all seriousness, as an adult now, I thought I'd imagined it or it was a nightmare, or something!


extremely wierd...

samovar - 2013-04-02 14:30

Originally Posted by toocool4:

stayed in and watch those Electric Dreams documentary