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Does anyone remember these musics?...

walknauta - 2013-06-25 11:23


early 80's

I remember heard these musics in a boombox:
The Human League
Jonny Warman 

northerner - 2013-06-25 13:35

I remember the Human League well...going to see them next month

lav.loo - 2013-06-26 01:21

great band, love action is my fave

northerner - 2013-06-26 04:31

Being Boiled

isolator42 - 2013-06-26 05:09

Originally Posted by Northerner:
I remember the Human League well...going to see them next month



Me too... 10 July.

Is that the one you're going to?  

northerner - 2013-06-26 05:34

A man with taste!...not the 10th tho, I'm going on the 20th at Tatton Park as its within drunken stumbling distance of my mothers house

Shame it's not the same date otherwise I would've stood you a pint

isolator42 - 2013-06-26 05:49

ah, lucky you...

you have Toyah on the bill at your gig as well as Howard Jones!

She's good live - I go to see her at a tiny venue in Brighton called Concorde2  

lav.loo - 2013-06-26 05:50

typical Yorkshire man, any excuse to not put his hand in his pocket and buy a pint for a mate kind of reminds me of seeing my uncle in the boozer a good few years back, he said next time I see you out il'e buy you a pint tight fisted sod

northerner - 2013-06-26 08:09

aye money's better in my pocket than anyone elses


I knew Howard Jones was on, didn't realise Toyah was as well..."itsh a myshtery oh itsh a myshtery" etc etc  

aronk78 - 2013-06-28 16:54

one of theinsurance companies on tv uses one of human leagues songs in their ad. "human"