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Lack of balls

nickfish - 2013-11-07 09:53

I have noticed the above lately, and in case anyone is confused; I have mine and they are fine thanks, but some people that are in positions of authority seem to have misplaced theirs.

If you have to ask what I am talking about; you were not there. My apologies.

If you were there; please feel free to discuss balls, or the lack of them but nothing else; because we are not allowed to do that.

ao - 2013-11-07 10:03

I take it you are referring to the recent post by Tomasina in which he was attempting to remedy a situation with a seller who hadn't come through.  I take it by ''people that are in positions of authority' you mean myself.  if so, then kindly tell the forum how my attempts to keep the thread on topic in an attempt to get an outcome, which we did, lacked balls.


Nick, how's this for balls...


This is a warning, any further attempts to aggravate this community unnecessarily will not be tolerated.  The function of the post in question was clearly stated, out of respect for Tom's predicament everyone else managed to keep it civilized, but not you it seemed.  It always seems to be you who is hell-bent on de-railing any attempts to do the right thing around here.


Anyway, do it again and you're out !!!


This is an official warning

ao - 2013-11-07 10:06

Apologies if you weren't referring to me.


But the warning still stands

deech - 2013-11-07 10:16

Sorry about saying this but this topic is aggresive.

We are all humans and humans are allowed to make mistakes.

This is just sad for our forum to refer to one another with not straight

words and everyone be against everyone.

We are a live community with our ups and downs

and certainly today we are going downhill.

nickfish - 2013-11-07 10:19

I understand the situation perfectly.

A certain member can remain wrapped in cotton wool while he takes a newbie to the cleaners but when I cry foul and seek justice and in spite of him begging to be deleted he carries on as if nothing had happened; the moderators STILL don't want any record of his transgressions nor even threaten to expel him. I have to be quiet.

It's your forum, not mine.

I promise to be quiet on this matter from now on because I enjoy being here and hope to continue to do so.

Don't forget though; it's the inaction of the many that let's the few run wild, doing whatever they will.

northerner - 2013-11-07 10:22

Don't think it's fair to have a go at AO...he's got a tough job keeping us on track and civilised....we were given clear instructions on the thread and we didn't stick to keeping it on topic so it was rightly edited and closed...I don't have a problem with that

lav.loo - 2013-11-07 10:23

The matter is between me and Tom it should be him getting pissed not you.

Seems your just trying your hardest to piss me off and tbh it's working, I will resolve the issue with Tom and nobody else it's not your business so back off and get off my case!

ao - 2013-11-07 10:24

OK, yes, you're right, the guy's done wrong, nobody's denying that but when a third party's property is at stake don't you think it's worth keeping it civil in an attempt to get all parties to assist.  Do you think Lav Loo would have taken the time to come along and respond if the thread was the usual shit-storm we have around here?  of course not !!!  It's all about getting the most positive outcome to the situation, surely?  And if it means treating people with kid gloves then sadly that's what we do.  How can you possibly disagree with that?

shane - 2013-11-07 10:24

The Only Thing Necessary for the

Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do


nickfish - 2013-11-07 10:29

Amen to that.

lav.loo - 2013-11-07 11:12

EVIL is a very strong word, usually used to describe the actions of scum like adolf hitler or stalin.