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Black Friday madness

retro - 2013-11-29 09:04








northerner - 2013-11-29 09:40

Bonkers...I don't want anything bad enough to fight my way through crowds like that lol

ao - 2013-11-29 09:54

Is this on earth?

martymcfly - 2013-11-29 10:04

Ha Ha Grand Rapids Michigan, My home town, I always knew the people were crazy here!  I like this thing call the internet to get all my shopping done!

retro - 2013-11-29 10:08

This blog explains it all.

seb968 - 2013-11-29 10:57

I'ts happening in the UK too!

shane - 2013-11-29 11:40

When asked what he thought about western civilisation, Gandhi replied, I think it would be a good idea (or along those lines) looking at this I agree. This is the ugly face of greed over need, they are worse than pack animals.

i am appalled...

Northerner, you and me both, nothing I want that bad, nothing. 

Docs, agree totally...

AO sadly I think it is.

tster - 2013-11-29 14:48

Seeing the fighting and chaos here makes me despair for us as a race....

toocool4 - 2013-11-29 14:57

What a bunch of idiots, they all think they are getting a bargain. 

sonburn - 2013-11-29 20:07

america's addiction to consumerism has reached the apex of ridiculousness, what ppl who are fighting over that $300 50inch flat screen don't realize is they are still getting ripped off, retail chains have been driving loss leaders forever and there are some things that may be sold below cost but these days it doesn't cost too much to manufacture a tv or game system considering that the labor force overseas is being paid a couple dollars a week. the whole thing is sick, my family agreed a number of years ago to cease with exchanging gifts, the only person that opens a few gifts is my 11 year old niece.  there isn't anything in life i want so bad that is worth turning into an animal life you see on those videos...not even a minty fresh hitachi 8180...well...., haha!

brutus442 - 2013-11-29 20:14

The thing that kills me about this idiocy is,this happens every year, at the same stores and neither the consumer or the store try something better to avoid this madness.


We tell our kids not to behave like animals, but they see this on the news??

Well done humanity..well done







shane - 2013-11-29 22:09

Guys, I have to say, the comments on this forum lifts my heart and tells me that maybe, just maybe, there is some hope for us as a species, the pictures at the start of this tells me otherwise...

driptip - 2013-11-30 00:57

would you guys see it different if they were fighting over boomboxes, lol.   

docs - 2013-11-30 03:05

Originally Posted by driptip:

would you guys see it different if they were fighting over boomboxes, lol.   


dogtemple - 2013-11-30 06:23

uncivilised americans?  im shocked...


soundboy - 2013-11-30 06:56

lol thanks I agree fully much better things to do !

retro - 2013-11-30 07:27

Originally Posted by Dogtemple:

uncivilised americans?  im shocked...


Broken shift key? Any reasonable person can deduce from these videos.

martymcfly - 2013-11-30 07:35

Hey all of us Americans are not uncivilized, this happens all over the world at this time of year.  Greed knows no country!  Originally Posted by retro:
Originally Posted by Dogtemple:

uncivilised americans?  im shocked...


Broken shift key? Any reasonable person can deduce from these videos.


retro - 2013-11-30 07:44

Let's not turn this thread into another meaningless who's better debate, I posted these videos just to get a laugh, nothing more.