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If you are having problems with email notifications, action required.

panasonic.fan - 2008-11-17 21:07

Hi folks-

I am working on a support ticket with the hosting provider. It seems that others have been having problems with this issue that use Eve/Groupee hosting, and in most cases it is due to the users ISP blocking the Eve/Groupee email server from delivering emails (IE, the users ISP has/may have taken this action due to incorrectly deciding that the Eve/Groupee server was spamming).

*If* you have been having problems with notifications, I need the following info from each person having problems:

(You can PM me if for some reason you are not comfortable with providing this info publicly)

Describe your specific problem:
1) Notifications have completely stopped
2) Notifications are sporadic, and delayed, but arrive eventually.

Also, I need to know who your email provider is. If you aren't positive, just provide whatever is after the @ in your email address.

Thanks, just wanted to let you know that I am actively working on this.

kittmaster - 2008-11-18 05:06

I'm using 1and1.com for my site and email. Thus far it seems that things just started working again normally over the last couple of days.

Will keep you updated if it acts up again......thanks!

panasonic.fan - 2008-11-19 10:14

If anyone is still having problems with email notifications, please let me know.


panasonic.fan - 2008-11-21 12:11

I am (un)featuring this thread on Sunday, as it appears that nobody is having this problem now.

When this happens, communication is the key. ISP's listen to what is referred to as a Black List of email servers out on the internet that allow/relay spam. In the case of this site host, the email server that sends out the PM/post notifications was incorrectly put onto that list.

When this happens, any other server out there that handles email (IE your AOL, or Yahoo, or Gmail) that "listens" to this black list will automatically begin to block all traffic from the servers on the list. When this happens, our host has to get in touch with the site that maintains this black list as soon as possible in order to get back off of it.

The other part to keep in mind is, some ISP's make take longer to update their copy of this black list, which is what ultimately has to happen to get the notifications flowing again.

It isn't a perfect system, but has been shown over the years to be the most effective way in dealing with mail servers that facilitate spam.

So, remember, when you stop getting notifications, let us know as soon as you can.


kittmaster - 2008-11-21 12:43

It appears to be working correctly now......speaking for myself......thanks for the update.