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My Sanyo 4440 & 4430

soundmachine - 2009-12-17 05:03

Picked these two up from ebay recently. Both working fine and complete with vinyl cases.

david - 2010-03-12 16:26

I found one Sanyo M-4430 at a Thrift store when I was in High school (2002-2006) for a few bucks it worked great and I REALLY wish I still had because I didn't know what I had at the time. I just found a red M-4440 on ebay with the vinyl case. I'm waiting for it in the mail. I got it for about $8. That's with shipping and handling. I'm guessing it was because they didn't take a very good pic of it and they just put Sanyo cassette walkmen for a title. That's an intentional typo "walkmen". I almost feel bad for basically robbing them but we'll see when it gets here whether it was even worth that.

johnedward - 2010-03-12 17:02

These two early Sanyo's were really overbuilt for being price concious models. They work and sound well for time period. Great to have in collection or use even. Have the 4440 boxed with all accessories and 4430 white with case.
Does anyone know if these models came in another color than burgundy or white? As that is all I have ever seen.
Dave sounds like a great buy for $8. That is how you find best deals when seller generic labels title and does not mention model number.
Let us know how it works out and post some pictures we do so love to see good photos.

rerooted - 2010-03-12 18:16

i got the red 4440 just a few months ago off the ebay auction for about 10.00 and that was the whole deal including postage. the selling price was $3.25. not much for such a nice player and cover. it apparently isn't much in demand because of it's large size. probably in the future large will be cool and small will uncool. who knows,,but for an old player it sure works very well and i am happy with it.

david - 2010-04-04 07:48

Well I got the Sanyo M-4440 in the mail and it's in fair cosmetic condition (I'll be posting pics soon)but the battery contacts are corroded. I plugged in a outlet adapter and the player plays well but it definitely needs servicing. I've started to fix it up a little. The case screws were a little hard to get out but I got them all out with out too much trouble except one that I had some trouble with. Unfortunately the battery corrosion had spread to the circuit board next to the battery compartment. I'm not sure what to do about that. I'll probably look into the Tech Talk section. I've re-lubed the mechanism and it works very smoothly, now I just have to do something about batteries because of the corrosion was so bad that the wires going to the circuit board were bad. It's nice that the mechanism is lubed and smooth now but the "satisfying click" of the play button isn't as loud.

autoreverser - 2010-04-04 14:27

for those who need a 4440 desperately now check here:
selling one...

thans for looking !