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Coming soon

philmurray - 2008-10-09 18:58

I will post photos of my collection soon, awaiting two items from EBAY Smile

Walkmans so far

WM-DD100 - boodo khan



philmurray - 2008-10-10 12:48

i guess newbies arent noticed LOL. have a great day :P

walkgirl - 2008-10-10 12:53

Red Face

You are certainly noticed! Big Grin

You have a great collection there!, but I am always
a bit impatient for pictures Smile Tap Toes

philmurray - 2008-10-10 13:54

trying to upload but having issues

philmurray - 2008-10-10 14:11

MY walkmans

some photos Smile

walkgirl - 2008-10-10 14:16

Cool Cool Cool

That is great!, I see you have alot of nice ones
all ready!! Smile

Tap Toes

Thanks for the nice pictures Philipbnz Smile

philmurray - 2008-10-10 14:27

Smilethanx been collecting for a little while. most ive got overseas as they are pretty scarce down here in NZ. Still i have a wanted advert here in NZ so patience is a virtue. in the meantime my dad lives in japan and is buying me walkmans off his japanese auction website, thats where the WM-808HG came from. Still waiting for three discmans from overseas, takes awhile.
Ill have to scan the 150 or so service manuals i have for walkmans and discmans as my work place was going to throw them out before i rescued the lot LOLZ Laugh Out Loud

aa.fussy - 2008-10-11 03:58

Thanks for sharing your collection.

Will you share the service manuals with us?

I'm in Australia, and I often find old Walkmans too-mainly Sony or Aiwa.

philmurray - 2008-10-11 14:11

Ive looked and havent got any of the ones you've listed, they are fairly new models. Im collecting more the 80's and early 90's models. I will be scanning all my service manuals and converting them in the next few months, is a big job.


philmurray - 2008-10-12 22:36

I will have three more items to add to my walkman/discman collection.

Sony D-88 (on its way from the states)
Sony D-55T (arrived today)
Aiwa HS-J600 Smile

God collecting is addictive, wish i had a bit more disposable income to spend on these wee jewels of engineering and audio Smile

Happy collecting all Smile

philmurray - 2008-10-16 15:07

D-88 arrived Smile thanx to DocP. am now tracking down AC adapter to get it up and runnning