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tranxmetal - 2009-04-07 13:47

Hello all, finally, after a long long waiting, and many kilometers walked across the entire country, asking in fleamarkets, looking carefully in second-hand stores, garage sales, and listening classified information from many friends, FINALLY I AM A PROUD OWNER OF THE HOLY PANASONIC RX-1924 !!! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, incredible, a Holy Grail Walkman in this site for a long time, thanks to the dedication of our sweet K.C.

When I touch for the very fist time this relic, I began to feel something magical and mysterious, this little RX-1924 have some nostalgic may be for the old shape or the pure 80´s style, the sound is very fine, the radio reception is extraordinary, and the mechanism is working smooth and reliable as a new.

What I did after purchase this PANASONIC? Simply, I put immediately in S2G! Yes... Few hours ago, this little walkman was in the wild, in a fleamarket. Was bought today, tuesday 7, april at 8:30 A.M. (historical date) at time of this post is released is 12:45P.M. Smile

ao - 2009-04-07 14:21


skippy1969 - 2009-04-07 16:02

Oh GOD!!!!!!! not that again......... No No Roll Eyes Leaving

jet.marte - 2009-04-07 16:39

OH MY GOD! nightmares and scary nights come again !!!!

he he he he.... just kidding.... Congratulations man, you said one time you must own one, now, seriously, keep in a safe box, locked and well secured FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!

zx280 - 2009-04-07 18:22

I found its twin brother down here in Aus. Lucky me!

rerooted - 2009-04-07 19:37

i found mine on ebay a couple of months ago. everything is working perfectly although it has a few scratches.

ao - 2009-04-08 01:32

Tranxmetal, go on, GO ON !!!!! you know you want to. All you need is a video camera & some lighter fuel. I will pay you hansomely.

- 2009-04-08 19:05

Stay out of it Agentorange.Im warning you if you keep insulting me I will let Administration know.THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING TO PLEASE STOP HARASSING AND BEING PROVACATIVE TO FELLOW MEMBERS AT STEREO2GO.No body is going to burn any body or anything here.What you do with your crap is your business but respest the rights of others and not make fun of other members or I WILL REPORT YOU AND THATS FINAL. Frown Frown Frown Frown Frown

panasonic.fan - 2009-04-08 19:38

Wait, did someone ring?

Oh, this.

As you were.

(It's a joke Kristi, in case you hadn't figured it out by now).

Your leg has been "pulled" Smile

walkgirl - 2009-04-08 22:28


ao - 2009-04-08 23:29

Woooaaargh there, you can leave me out of this, I was merely suggesting Tranxmetal throw a party with fireworks, fairy cakes & fancy hats to celebrate his 'Ark of the Covenant-esque' discovery. And, er, he could video it for those with tighter social schedules. (Yeah, that works)

Kristi, please don't blame me if you totally missed the irony of this entire thread. In fact, if you look, I was the one who tried to keep a lid on things.

If anything, the joke's with you rather than on you. I suggest you hold the bold text for now & join the party. In fact, it seems like you have quite a fan club going on. Look, even Walkgirl has stepped into the affray with one of her dissaproving non-smiley, smileys.

hlr - 2009-04-09 02:32

I'm not entirely sure I get it. At first I assumed the walkman in question was simply personally significant to the original poster; a "personal grail" if you will. But now it looks like I'm missing some backstory (just started coming here again recently), and would rather not participate if it's what it looks like.

But, if we're having a party, I can supply the fancy hats--it's my speciality. Smile Or maybe it'll be BYOFH. Oh, but please hang onto the reel cassette. (A "duh," yes, but...)

batterymaker - 2009-04-09 07:07

...the Password is "FETISH".... Razz

ao - 2009-04-09 08:17

Oh dear, where's this going?

panasonic.fan - 2009-04-09 09:25

Originally posted by agentorange:
Oh dear, where's this going?

tranxmetal - 2009-04-10 00:10

My friends, please, don´t fight. I am sure every one of us have a "personal grail" and sometimes it is something so valueless for someone. In fact, thanks for the dedication of K.C. searching the whole internet to find a RX-1924, this little monster was in my wish list much time ago, don´t worry Kristy, I promise to keep intact this beauty walkman in your honor!

Really I wish to collect high-tech, high-luxury or special edition Walkmans, but Iám only a poor man with a dedication to obtain 80´s Walkmans, any brand, any shape, any style... And my only source to obtain is fleamarkets, thrift stores, second-hand stores, garage sales, or some friends.

Hey Agent, your idea about the camcorder, and the lighter fuel is not so bad... If we use it on any ugly MP3 player.... Better if this ugly player is an iPod from Apple.... he!

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

ao - 2009-04-10 08:18

Nowt wrong with the iPod Tranxmetal, unless of course you want to make something of it !!

Eh, eh, EH ?????

- 2009-07-20 19:16

I think you want to make something out of it.Well I got news for you people can take pictures of their sweethearts and you can stomp your feet and yell but we will just laugh as you get blue in the face and also you will never find these beautiful Walkmans that we already own so thats one more thing you got to be jealous of.you just got yuur crap Walkmen and boomboxes.Raymond Parker Panasonic