Very Rare WM-101 in Blue
brutus442 - 2011-03-31 10:32
Hey everyone,
While cleaning out the basement I not only found my PC-550 but my old travelling buddy , Sony's WM 101 in blue, still in it's box!
Some background for this unit...
I purchased this in Paris, France in 1987. I made this purchase out of boredom. I bought cassettes while in Paris but wanted to listen them on the return flight. After arriving home I weaned myself onto CD's and packed this up for quite some time. Now it finally sees the light of day!
Evertything thing but the headphones and the rechargeable gum stick battery (optional) are here including the manual and original bill of sale
I hope you enjoy this MINT WM101
walkgirl - 2011-03-31 11:14
Tat is nice!
stereo2go - 2011-03-31 12:18
Beautiful walkman! Are the original headphones in there too?
What is crazy to me is that Sony had at least three types of blue. This one is almost an aqua color. Lots of variation with their reds too.
billy.the.binman - 2011-03-31 14:36
brutus442 - 2011-03-31 16:35
Thanks for great replys everyone!
@ Stereo2go, no unfortunatly I used them when the earbuds that came with my Technics portable cd player died. Then they suffered the same fate..over use and over abuse!
If I could go back in time...
walkman.boy - 2014-10-19 07:33
Did you manage to sell this? I know it's nearly four years later but if it is still available.......
jt.techno - 2014-10-19 10:27
brutus442 - 2014-10-23 05:57
Thanks JT!
@Walkman boy; I'm not selling this unfortunately. I have an addiction to 101's
duncan - 2014-10-23 06:36
Fresh !! Minty color.
Today's Smartphones all do look the same ...