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New walkman gallery website: The Walkman Archive

walkman.archive - 2011-05-13 12:34

Hi all,

I'm excited to announce the I finalized my own walkman gallery. It is a non-commercial, personal website dedicated to walkmans.
I've created this site mainly to show others my collection, but also to contribute to keep walkmans alive, publishing all kind of details of every model. I tried to do it in an stylish way:


I put a lot of effort on this site, which I started to build almost nine months ago. All is self-done (idea, design, photos...), except photos taken from the Internet and from this forum, which in that case I clearly say who are their authors. I've taken some photos of some of you (and I contacted every member before), but if you prefer not to use them, please tell me and I'll remove them.

I have to thank specially TheLion member of this forum, because he helped my on every stage of the building process, giving me a lot of info about particular walkmans, catalogue scans and a lot of images. This site wouldn't be possible without his help.

I'm open to build this new website with your collaboration, so if you believe you have any useful info or additional images, I'd be happy to hear you.

The site has now an AIWA and a SONY gallery, with three models each, everyone with their own, large and full of info webpage for your enjoy.
Bit by bit I'll be adding more models of my collection, but suggestions are welcome.

Hope you enjoy it! Please report any mistake you find ;-)



walkgirl - 2011-05-13 12:55

That is a super nice webpage!!




I do believe the hspx101 does have blank skip!!!


toocool4 - 2011-05-13 13:07

Very nice, good work.

stereo2go - 2011-05-13 14:16

Very slick--the dark gray theme is perfect for the subject!


I hate to say it, but maybe the Tutorial section should show the next generation how to use a walkman!  Take a look...



walkman.archive - 2011-05-13 15:36

Thanks all.


Walkgirl, you're right. I'll update it.


S2G, yes, maybe we whould add these kind of tutorials for the last generations. My son of three years knows how to play with the iphone and the ipad...



bub - 2011-05-14 08:33

Fantastic start.


Nice article on the J600. Never knew they were that rare. I have 2 of the Japanese equivalent cassetteboy The J09/J9.  One silver one black. J09 has no TV function while J9 has. Surprising to realise they can be worth that much. Sadly they are not as great condition as yours.


I find the azimuth amazingly difficult to set up correctly for both directions in Aiwas with this mechanism (have 2 other similar units, G101). The black J9 is currently not in working condition (yet to have time to open).

walkman.archive - 2011-05-16 14:10

Thanks Bub,


Interesting information what you say. Maybe I update the aiwa pages to add some info about model's name change for different markets, like J600, J09, etc.. There are many cases in the aiwa line as TheLion explained me many times.

My J600 didn't work so well, but I took it to an experienced and specialized in AIWA walkmans technician in my city and he sucessfully repaired it for me (I believe I'm very lucky for this)



plop - 2011-06-13 05:13

Hey Hugo,


Nice site. I love how you've seductively photographed the AIWA walkmans. Very polished and professional looking.


Are you going to add more AIWAs to your gallery?


I note that the HS-PX101 page suggests that BBE is on this model. I don't think that is correct.

bub - 2011-06-13 09:52

Please add more stuff! I like the way the site is done. I can give pics of the j09 later.

walkman.archive - 2011-06-15 16:01

Hi Plop and Bub,


Thanks both.


Yes, I plan to slowly add more and more models, but I'm very busy now with a task I'm in and I don't think I can update any page until two weeks or so.

I'd like to add some AIWA and SONY and later a few Panasonic, Sanyo and Kenwood.


However, I've already have taken photos of my P08s for an article (I have a silver, red and blue ones) and I was planning to release this one as the next one.


I have not decided which order to release models out, but I thought that following some kind of chronological order will be good, so that's why I started with early models, except the JX101.

However, what model will you like to be the next one? (obviously I haven't all models, but I'll try to add any if I have it). I'm focused to every model that was special for being the first one with some new technology or design, as well as every Dolby C and every top-line model of AIWA (and some SONY too).

Next to the P08, I'd like to add the mithic Boodo Khan and later I'd like to add some "series" pages, like: "dolby C model series" (I have a lot of them), "golded and plated models", "red metallic models", "rarest models", "smallest models", etc... Any suggestion?