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Featured Unit - Sanyo M5550

ao - 2011-12-19 03:36

Sanyo M5550


Two years after the launch of the Sony TPS-L2 Sanyo launched their first walkman offering and what a walkman it was.


Launched in 1981 Sanyo really did peak too soon with the M5550, arguably their best effort to date.  At a time when there were at most ten units to choose from, Sanyo decided to enter the market with this no-compromise, small (in 1981 the M5550 was considered small) feature-laden, desirable unit.  With it's all-metal construction the M5550 boasted all the fashionable features of the period inc twin headphone jacks and mute control but it also incorporated something called AMSS Music search which by all accounts searched for gaps in the tracks and the best bit by far, pitch control.


Looking this walkman over it becomes clear that this really is a well thought out walkman with beautifully machined parts.  The outer panels all fit tightly and the transport is aesthetically and functionally superb.  A note to interest is the large void behind the 'mix' button, you could be forgiven for thinking this unit was designed with a 'record' circuit in mind.  Interestingly the illusive MR-S1 looks like it uses the same chassis appears to feature a record function, does anyone have more info on this gem?



It's sad that Sanyo didn't evolve the M5550 into other models but it's clear from their nice but plasticky M-G units from 1982 that they recognised quite quickly that the future was for cheap mass-produced units.


As you can tell, this is one of my favourite walkmen but it would be good to get some input from others.  I recall one of you had a red one, sorry if I can't remember who that was but pics of that would be superb.





detroit.scott - 2011-12-21 20:02

I had sony's version of this. Although it was mostly metal and red in color if I am correct. The size was unreal. When you took the tape out of the unit it shrunk even smaller by 3/4 inch i think.

walkgirl - 2011-12-21 21:20

The red one was here in Holland!, Sylke has/had one I believe


still want one, never found a good one

ao - 2011-12-21 23:21

A Sony version of a 5550, are you sure?  Or do you just mean a Sony version of a portable stereo cassette player? 

retrodos - 2011-12-22 00:09

Looks like the Sanyo use the same transport in the G4.







ao - 2011-12-23 03:12

Oh, that is interesting, never seen this model before.  Yes, the same transport, so I gather it has a record circuit too.  It looks fatter, wondering if this is just due to the speakers or if it has any aditional internal circuitry? 

detroit.scott - 2011-12-23 06:28

@agentorange, not same unit just a small one by Sony that I really liked.

david - 2012-01-02 07:26

Very nice boxed unit.


JohnEdward also has/had a red M5550



walkgirl - 2012-01-02 07:34

Love that sanyo!, I wonder what the little round thing on the bottom right is !

david - 2012-01-02 07:42

The round dial at the bottom right is the Pitch Control.

type2tapehead - 2012-01-13 02:28

I recently purchased one of these m5550 from ebay cost me £55 inc pp,
Unit was in excellent condition with case, think I overpaid but have been
After a good one for yrs. I changed the belt but still feel the spools don't
Seem to be as strong at pulling the tape along as some of the cheaper
Plastic models ( mg 80d, mgr 80), also sound is a little on the thin side.
Having some difficulty getting the AMSS to work as well, on the plus side
The detail this unit manages to ring out is amazing not far behind my
Sony DD-9, this machine is one the top 10 all time greats, for me anyway.

evanelpus - 2012-12-15 17:42

I have one of these, sadly there is an electrical issue with the amplifier and it plays but the sound is distorted and noise-laden. Still, a very nicely made unit.

dbxs - 2013-03-21 12:26

Just got my Sanyo 5550 today in the mail!  It is D.O.A.   Does anyone know what the blue mix button is for???

bobby.t - 2014-10-06 03:35

mix button mixes the outside ambient sounds over your music so you don't have take off your headphones if you want to hear whats going on or talk to people

dbxs - 2014-10-06 10:19

Good to know!  Just another hot line.  the one I have is bone white color and is in mint condition if anyone is interested in purchasing it.  I also have the cover for it.    I do have a working cranberry color Sanyo M3330 also with the cover.  I will sell one or both!  Dean