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What was the first white, stylish, glossy music player?

walkman.archive - 2012-04-21 13:14

No, it wasn't the famous iPod.


SONY did it 13 years before with the introduction in 1988 of the WM-509 in white:


SONY Walkman WM-509 White 10


It's a very stilish walkman, very compact (only a bit higher than a WM-10/20/30), and includes some advanced features, like feather touch buttons, Auto-reverse, Dolby B, Mega Bass (it was one of the first generation megabass) and a remote. Also, it had small earphones that were also white, like the famouse Apple's ones nowadays. It's curious to see how much do they seem toghether.

It makes me think that Apple did inspire a bit on it when designing their first iPod.


The 509 has the main buttons on top:


SONY Walkman WM-509 White 04 1


Curiously, it allows to change tape direction with the stop button (very uncommon feature).

The switches are in one side:


SONY Walkman WM-509 White 03 1


Curious too that the forward/reverse buttons are here, combined in only one swith. The AIWA Px410 has something similar.


SONY Walkman WM-509 White 06


Hope you like it!



brutus442 - 2012-04-21 14:01

Gorgeous Hugo!!!


Was that case steel or plastic?

walkman.archive - 2012-04-22 03:48

Thanks Brutus!


Do you mean the body, not the case, right? The body is metal.

brutus442 - 2012-04-22 04:48

Metal body...WOW


That's a beautiful model I'd never seen before...thanks for the post..and great photos as usual

mark - 2012-04-22 09:35

i have one of these, but it has problems. it plays slow and can't adjust the speed enough to make it play at the right speed. plus the mechanism always gets stuck, i really don't like logic controls in a walkman.


but as well, i mean, i hate to always say this, but the 1987 wm-501 came in glossy white. and had a very reliable, mechanically operated transport.




i would love to get my wm-509 back in business though. i just tried a new belt on it the other day but it was too thick and rubbed at one point, so. no go.

ao - 2012-04-28 07:52

Just seen this for sale on eBay FR.  It's boxed and rare but sadly just beyond my budget.




retrodos - 2012-04-28 08:27

Originally Posted by agentorange:

Just seen this for sale on eBay FR.  It's boxed and rare but sadly just beyond my budget.




To bad he picked the worst way to list it. Why not just do a regular auction instead of stupid classified ad? Some sellers find ways to screwup their own listing, by not shipping the item making it local only, or doing a crap listing. I and pretty sure a few others here would pay pretty good penny for it, but can't bid or buy-it-now?  

ao - 2012-04-28 08:30

Well, exactly.  The French don't really get eBay, they are born cowards and the risk of it going for pence is just too much for them to bare.  This will just go back in the drawer next to their garlic slicer.

retrodos - 2012-04-28 08:37

If someone that live by him can buy it, then ship it, will pay the time and cost, to do so, just pm me.  

ao - 2012-04-28 08:38

Retrodos, PM me, I can do that for you.

retrodos - 2012-04-28 08:47


deliverance - 2012-04-28 08:51

Originally Posted by agentorange:

Well, exactly.  The French don't really get eBay, they are born cowards and the risk of it going for pence is just too much for them to bare.  This will just go back in the drawer next to their garlic slicer.


minty - 2012-04-28 09:08

Sorry guys, but this seller has agreed to sell this item to me. I have been in contact with her for many weeks now regarding the sale.

retrodos - 2012-04-28 09:40

Originally Posted by Minty:
Sorry guys, but this seller has agreed to sell this item to me. I have been in contact with her for many weeks now regarding the sale.

Why did she list it then, if she had a deal pending?

minty - 2012-04-28 09:45

It's been listed for many weeks now. It was listed for 72 days I think.

retrodos - 2012-04-28 09:47

Originally Posted by Minty:
It's been listed for many weeks now. It was listed for 72 days I think.

That is a long time. 

minty - 2012-04-28 09:51

Yea. Strange listing. Classified listings are obviously a lot longer than standard listings. The French tend to use classifieds. Don't know why.

thelion - 2012-05-01 12:08



You mean the WM109 in July 1987 was the first Sony with a white glossy finish right?

(they are similar in design) it was Sony's first full logic control unit their answer to Aiwa HS-G08. it took them 2 years to follow up Aiwa on the full logic control concept in a Walkmans. The WM509 was made in 1988 a year later.


But after all Sony wasn't the first one.

TOSHIBA Walky KT-GS3 was 'the' FIRST Glossy white finish slick Walkman it was introduced on January 1987 6 months earlier.


walkman.archive - 2012-05-01 13:20

Very interesting. Thanks, The Lion.

However, the design of the 109 (and not only the color or the glossy finish) was something important in my thoughts, because showed curved design and that ellipse in front that is close to the design of the original iPod, and point towards the 90's era. The predominant design in the 80's era (and in this Toshiba) is with diagonal, straight lines.


I think it's the combination of the glossy white, slim dimensions, feather touch AND the curved lines in the design. Not only the front door, also the remote.

However, it's a very interesting discussion!

minty - 2012-05-05 08:24

It would appear our Friend Retrodos has gone behind my back and offered this seller more money than was asked, knowing I had already agreed a price for the item. How low is that? I had agreed to purchase this item many weeks ago, and then I find out he has tried to turn the seller by offering more money. Luckily for me, the seller has agreed to sell the item to me. But at a far higher price than was originally agreed.

ao - 2012-05-05 10:25

Minty, let us understand this.  Despite you being in touch with the seller for 'many weeks', she then, after 'many weeks' decided that she will still sell to you but for a much higher price as she has had other higher offers?  The obvious question one has to ask is why did she hang on for 'many weeks' before deciding to put the price up, why didn't she strike a deal and send the thing when you were first in contact with her 'many weeks' ago?


Minty, can we suggest that you did in fact actually contact the seller the day I posted the above link, as did many others, Retrodos included? 


It's a sellers market, this wasn't an auction, it is 100% up to the seller to negotiate whatever price she wants.  It's not great and it lacks scruples but this isn't Retrodos fault.  He just tried to outbid you, that's life, it's also how auctions work.  If anyone is at fault here then it's the seller for being greedy & French.


I've spoke to the seller Brigitte & J Claude myself and she's given me a bit more detail, happy to share if needed.

minty - 2012-05-05 10:43

Oh so now you call me a liar? I was in contact with the seller long before you posted that link. The seller done nothing wrong. What was she to do, accept my offer or one three times bigger?

retrodos - 2012-05-05 11:04

Originally Posted by Minty:
It would appear our Friend Retrodos has gone behind my back and offered this seller more money than was asked, knowing I had already agreed a price for the item. How low is that? I had agreed to purchase this item many weeks ago, and then I find out he has tried to turn the seller by offering more money. Luckily for me, the seller has agreed to sell the item to me. But at a far higher price than was originally agreed.

I sented the offer, minutes before before you even posted you have dealings with her right when I saw this listing I message her already and still not sure you even did contact her, as dates don't match and the fact that it still listed? i think you were trying to keep others from getting it and their nothing low about offering her a higher price as it sought after model, she sure have done a auction for this very reason.

retrodos - 2012-05-05 11:21

I message the seller and told her to be fair and do a auction and I link this page. It's really not worth fighting over this. Plus something wrong with that listing, as it took a few days just to respone, seller is just playing games now, as if you correct about being in contact with her weeks ago, it sure have been sold then, and if not, it also sure have been sold when I make her the larger offer and it not? She just making excuse, that she have to check shipping costs a few day ago and haven't heard back?


She waiting on purpose to get higher prices, I am out, don't want to deal with that seller anymore, as I see where this is going. I made had a friend made even a higher offer, that noone in their right mind will refuse on purpose now just to see what she says and the game they are playing, she has yet to tell me she had any dealing with anyone else, which is odd, as I am not the only one that made the offer, wondering if they have the item?



minty - 2012-05-05 11:21

I contacted the seller on the 15th of April. I've just checked my sent messages. Agentorange did not put that link up until the 28th of April. And there were no other offers on that Walkman until after the link went up. Even after I stated the seller had agreed to sell me the item.

retrodos - 2012-05-05 11:35

Originally Posted by Minty:
I contacted the seller on the 15th of April. I've just checked my sent messages. Agentorange did not put that link up until the 28th of April. And there were no other offers on that Walkman until after the link went up. Even after I stated the seller had agreed to sell me the item.

I email the seller directly a price, also to see if she can ship it,  right when Agentorange posted the link to this listing and even had him contact the seller, then you posted saying you contacted her, I also ask to see if anyone could pickup the item for this reason. I made the offer upto 175 euro. Plus wasn't sure at the time you really made contact with her and I did ask her if anyone made any offers, she has yet to give me any clear answer on that question?  The only she said she would check shipping prices.


I do believed you contacted her, as she seem to drag, I think they are playing games.    

retrodos - 2012-05-05 11:53

I not going to buy this anymore, so my offer is no longer vaild. So make you offer a lower price, I hate greedy sellers like this and to cause fights, I already let the seller know to sell it at the listed price that my offers are void and that I told you, so she can't try for the higher price.


As she just email me, "someone else until his payment sorry", they sure have stated that before.

ao - 2012-05-05 12:05

I don't like this seller either and I would encourage you both not to play her games.


I think also that we shouldn't let something like this get between us.  For my own part I'm sorry my link caused so much trouble.

minty - 2012-05-05 13:33

This seller is a middle aged lady. Clearly she is not a frequent eBay user. I certainly don't think there is anything underhand with her or her listing. I found her to be a very friendly lady.

retrodos - 2012-05-05 14:35

Originally Posted by Minty:
This seller is a middle aged lady. Clearly she is not a frequent eBay user. I certainly don't think there is anything underhand with her or her listing. I found her to be a very friendly lady.

She sure have just said, she was dealing with you instead and done the deal long before this posting instead of waiting weeks. And the fact that she fail to mention you and said she was going to the post office to get price for shipping, then waited days and won't respond to messages say alot, intill now.


Did she give you the listed price or the higher offer price, as I sent her a email saying all offers are voided and ask her to give you the lower price, I know she read the email? 


Word for word that what I sent her


"You sure have told me this before, not after the facts, as I email you several time and you were checking shipping, the other buyer I know, my offer are no longer vaild and I made sure I told him that to. Do believe you was playing games, instead of just selling the item, as he claim to email you weeks ago. If you want to do the right thing sell it at the lower listed price to him."


If I were you, I won't pay a cent over the original agree on price, that you made weeks ago, or listing price that advertise, or let her sit on it for a few more months for all I care, you don't have to worry about me anymore wanted it. 


It just not the way to do business and make people wait weeks, or in my case day's and keep the listing going, knowing it could have been long sold already, and lie saying you getting prices for shipping, when really you are just trying to get a higher EURO from the buyer. As any active listing is still consider negotiable, till taken down and listed as sold. 


This thread will hopefully seft destruct in 12 hours.

minty - 2012-05-05 15:26

I have agreed to pay the higher price. I won't go back on my word. I think it is worth the money anyway. I still think this lady meant no harm. Maybe she needs to raise some money, and found it hard to refuse the higher price.

retrodos - 2012-05-05 15:49

Originally Posted by Minty:
I have agreed to pay the higher price. I won't go back on my word. I think it is worth the money anyway. I still think this lady meant no harm. Maybe she needs to raise some money, and found it hard to refuse the higher price.

Maybe your right, reason why I offer her more, so she can ship to the states to being with. It's worth way more then what she was asking. Some people are different to deal with?

minty - 2012-05-06 05:16

A new day, and time to reflect. Maybe my comments were over the top, and for this I apologise to Retrodos. Life is too short for arguing over Walkmans. We can't take them with us. Stephen King wrote a book called "Needful Things". It was also made into a film. It tells the story of people's desire to own certain items, needful things. And the lengths they will go to get them. Perhaps I am also guilty of wanting these "Needful Things". And maybe I need to lighten up, before I sell my soul to the Devil!

lapis - 2015-05-17 05:42

WM-509 in action.


lapis - 2015-10-14 04:10

WM-109 CM: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd7yN0mpncw

dbxs - 2015-10-24 18:41

I own both.  Here they are side by side!






brutus442 - 2015-10-24 19:02


lapis - 2016-07-23 14:47

The first gen mega bass Walkmans were from 87, 88 are second gen.