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Mitchells Collection

mjl - 2012-07-09 00:14

Hello everybody.


It's about time i posted my collection of Walkman's. I started collecting them 2 years ago. Out of my entire collection I like the Sony WM-F65 because I can strap it to my belt.




The Whole Clan



To the left Sony WM-F35 and the Sony WM-SXF44





And my favorite the very portable WM-F65's The one to the left has the problem with the sound, Once again if someone could help with that issue that would be great. Its in the Walkman repair section under "Sony WM-F65 no sound"




This is a great one as well, the Sony WM-F77




One of the most expensive Walkmans i've brought, The Sony WM-F100




Here it is with its case.




One of my newest, The Sony WM-FX675



The Sony WM-GX652



This one is at my office, I forgot to bring it home to take a picture. But I brought it off ebay and this is the picture of it. The classic WM-F15




This one is still in the post from Ebay, Another WM-F15



This is the dead one's, Minus another WM-F65 but I have taken so many parts that its not even worth taking a picture. Starting from the left, WM-F15, Wont stay playing, Replaced almost everything in it, Still didn't fix it, Now somethings weird with the wiring/ The yellow Sports WM-AF58, Last owner thought it would be a good idea to test the water resistant case. Worked well till the time I got it. Main board is toast. Used it for parts. The WM-DD2 has the usual problems, Cracked fly wheel but came with a case.


That's all I got for now, Will buy more later.

