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The Walkman color wheel

walkman.archive - 2012-09-14 15:07

Hi there,


Back with the color subject again, I thought it would be nice to see, after seeing almost every primary color (red, blue, green, yellow) and even white, all colors in the well-known color wheel.


Color and its perceiving is very interesting subject, and still misterious because science yet didn't discover all about it.


What's the color wheel? As you probably know, of all the thousands of different colors, there are six that are very important, and they are called the primaries. Three of them are found in white light: red, green and blue (usually called light primaries) and the other three are produced by mixing 50% two light primaries: yellow, magenta (usually called pink) and cyan (usually called turquoise or even blue, but last one is wrong). Many scientist tried to map all the colors that the human vision system sees through the last centurys, but only one did it, and it was Albert H. Munsell who finally achieved it in 1918 with the Munsell color system.


This is not the Munsell atlas, but it also explains (maybe clearly to profanes) the "spatial position" and the relationship between colors is like this:




As you can see, Red, green and blue are placed at about 60ยบ of each other, and the other thre are betweem them. White is obtained when mixing all colours at the time.


This Munsell color system describes the real relationship between primary colors, as well as with the luminance and saturacion, and has served as the starting point to develop further color studies that allowed the later born of the colorimetry, the color measurement science.


Yet for many people, color is a simple thing, specially for men, as we perceive the colors a bit differently from women ;-)




So... now seriously. The color wheel is a wheel where all six primary colors are placed -more or less- equidistantly, like this:





So, could we make the Walkman color wheel? Well, I tried to, and that was the result:


Walkmans Color Wheel series 03


where you can see a stunning red Sanyo JJ-P5 upside, the big yellow SONY WM-F5, the rare green AIWA G09, the cyan Kenwood CP-Q5, the deep blue SONY WM-DD33, and ultra-rare pink SONY WM-20 and the white SONY-702 at center of the image.


Walkmans Color Wheel series 02


And here are the six + 1 colors:


SANYO Walkman JJ-P5 Red 02


SONY Walkman WM-F5 02


AIWA Walkman HS-G09 Green






SONY Walkman WM-20 Pink 02


White walkmans 11


Hope you enjoy!


Do any of you can photograph a color wheel? John? Rengzi? A.O? David? Please add yours.

johnedward - 2012-09-14 16:04

HUGO your the BEST , always a creative genius with great new topics.   Wonderful explanation of a subject a person could study all his life and leave much not understood.  "" COLOR "".   I have taken a bit of a different take on your beautiful COLOR WHEEL of Walkman.    First here are two pictures with natural light and flash of the classic RAINBOW which consists of RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET.
















brutus442 - 2012-09-14 17:20

WOW! the colours of the rainbow...cool!!


That SANYO P5 is calling me.......

walkman.archive - 2012-09-15 15:03

Thanks for your compliments, John. I'm so glad to hear that.


Wow! You indeed showed an incredible image! Congrats on that. I have no orange walkmans, and those two are very beautiful. Impressive!


I'd like to add some few comments:


- your first image shows beautiful lightning: natural and soft. I suggest you leave off your flash and use more your natural light, that I believe that you have a lot and of good quality there in California.


- magenta (pink) is not part of the rainbow. This is the only color that is not part of it. Magenta appears when two primaries (red and blue) mix toghether, but as you can see, red is at left side of the rainbow and blue in the other side. Reason why it doesn't appear. That's usually a common mistake in many people.


- It seems to me that you misplaced blue instead cyan (I'm talking about your Panasonic S95). Cyan is = 50% green + 50% blue, but blue is a primary. In that thing you placed below your walkmans is clearly seen. If you look right to the green, next is cyan and next is blue, which looks very close to your S95. Although next to the right is magenta which is a mistake again. This is a very common problem: most people (If not all) call "blue" to the cyan, and "deep blue" or "sea blue" to the blue. However, your image is impressive!!


But magenta appears in the color wheel because it's artificial, not like the rainbow. Reason why I choosed it. 


Keep it up!

samovar - 2012-09-15 22:38

Originally Posted by hurodal:

Cyan is = 50% green + 50% blue, but blue is a primary.


primary blue(s)











ken80s - 2012-09-15 23:44

Wow, all that colorful walkmans, amazing!!! Well after all these hard work shall I dedicate this wonderful song to you guys " The Colour of Love" by Billy Ocean. Sit back and relax and let our legend Billy Ocean take you through the colours. 





walkman.archive - 2012-09-18 01:19

Originally Posted by JohnEdward:


John, what the hell is that thing that's just in the top center? I mean, left to the WM-F5 yellow?

If it's a walkman, wow, it's big like a brick, and if not, then what is it???


Hmmm, giving its size, it could be a waterproof case for the SONY WM-D6C ;-)


UPDATE: Oh, I forget to zoom the image. Looks as it's an UNISEF, right? If so, what a BIG unit. Probably the biggest walkman I ever seen!

Well, there's a very old SANYO in white that's huge also.

johnedward - 2012-09-19 07:20

G'day Hugo,  That hellish huge 'Brick" of a Walkman at top in yellow is the Unisef AF-46 sports Walkman with Am/Fm Radio.  I have it new in the box and works.   Two and half years ago I started a topic "World's Largest Walkman".   Not to many people participated unlike the tremendous participation to my World's Smallest Walkman topic.   Here is picture of the Largest Walkman I found in my collection which is the Unisef AF-46.   Following that is my top 10 Largest Walkman that I own. You mentioned the BIG WHITE SANYO which I have it is the M6060 front load ejecting player MAJOR HEAVY !


  Here is link to the topic on Largest Walkman many more photos there..




FIRST PLACE - - UNISEF AF-46 166.2x93.1x41.7 = 645.2 cm3
Note flange sticking out and clips not measured just main body
2. Panasonic RQ-J11 158 x 98.2 x 39.3 = 609.8 cm3
3. Sony WM-D6C 170x93.3x37.8 =599.5 cm3
4. Panasonic RQ-J6 157.8x 98x38= 587.7 + 5.1 = 592.8 cm3
Microphones 21x8.5x28.6= 5.1 cm3
5. Sanyo M6060 138.3x115.3x36.7 = 585.2 cm3
6. Toshiba KT-RS1 169.2x92x37.1 = 577.5 cm3
7. Philips D6611 160 x 100.5 x35.4 = 569.23 cm3
8. Infinity RS-002 160.2x92.7x34.2 = 507.9 cm3
9. Akai PM-01 158x93x34 = 499.6 cm3
10. Sony WM-F1 141 x 87.5 x 36.1 = 445.4 cm3
11. International Telephone & Telegraph (in photo should be last)
Jogger 800 152.2x89.6x30=409.1 cm3


Unisef AF46

10 Largest Walkman

walkman.archive - 2012-09-19 15:21

Wow, John, that is a HUGE walkman, indeed! Oh my god, it's bigger than a D6C!!

The SANYO is that one what I remember, yes, the M6060. It's so big, but I'm surprised that's actually smaller than this orange monster 


I would like to thank you all the effort you have done by carefully measuring the sizes of every model and calculating the total volume. Thanks!


I don't have very big walkmans, except the TPS-L2, the D6C and the WM-F5, but the biggest one of this three is the D6C, of course.


I didn't realize about your thread of the biggest model, but I see that now many photos don't appear, again. It will be nice if you could fix that or re-upload all them just here.


Thanks for adding and sharing!



johnedward - 2012-09-19 19:56

Hugo I just checked that link and all my photos show up including a picture sometimes 2 of each of my collections largest Walkman.   Try link again or maybe in another browser but all works fine in Mozilla Firefox which is what I use most of time. 



walkman.archive - 2012-09-20 15:16

John, you're right. I think it's the integrated anti-advertising function of my browser, that is mistakenly blocking it. By setting it off, I could see all them.


walkman.archive - 2012-10-20 03:40

I've recently purchased a new acquisition for my collection that finally went to my 4-years old son.

After servicing it (two belts replaced) now he's so happy with it, and we also recorded two tapes with songs he like and he's enjoying the walkman too :-)


What's funny is that it's one of the most colurful walkmans I've seen, and for sure it's the most one in my collection, so I thought it should be here too!


SONY Walkman WM-F3050 My First 01


SONY Walkman WM-F3050 My First 04


SONY Walkman WM-F3050 My First 05


Hope you enjoy

johnedward - 2012-10-20 07:24

Hugo excellent addition and I would have to say that Walkman has the most different colors all on one Walkman I have seen.  A very FUN player and that is so great your son is enjoying it and using it.  Excellent you take special interest and time with him and maybe he will be the next generation Walkman guru like you ;-)

walkman.archive - 2012-10-21 14:21

Thanks John!


Yeah, me too think that it's the most colourful walkman I ever have seen. Yet beautiful color mix.


My son and his walkman 01_p 


I realized that he (my son) understands much better how to store music with tapes than with digital music (in the computer or MP3).

When he takes and touch a tape, he knows what music is there, and he even realize that there's different song in one side and another.

As we recorded the tape together, he could see the tape rolling and understands that music is recorded in the tape, and that the roll is the whole music. For us is a simple matter but for 4-year childs not as much.

Specially the matter that a small device like an MP3 player can contain such a huge collection of songs but you cannot touch them or see the whole set of songs at a sight confuses them. They simply think that the MP3 player is a "misterious" device that holds a lot of music (if not all songs).


Past week he was the "protagonist" of the class (every week, each child it is, so past week was he's time) and he had to take his favorite toy each day. I told the teacher that "tomorrow he will take a walkman, but today he couldn't because it's still repairing". And she said: "oh, no problem. Just tomorrow he take his walkie-talkie".


I though: Oh, god, she has no idea of what I'm talking about 

samovar - 2012-10-21 14:28

your son is so cute - and so happy with his walkie-talkie 

walkman.archive - 2012-10-22 04:26

Thanks Samowar!

Yeah, he is very happy with it. He likes to listen with headphones, specially Pixar's Cars movie soundtrack ;-)