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SONY WM-FX43, the one I've had back in 1992

walkman.archive - 2013-03-28 07:49

Hi colleagues,


One of the walkmans I've had back in the early 90's was this one. After having a few SONYs of the mid-low range, I finally could afford this one, which was the top model of the mid-range, with digital radio, Dolby, autoreverse and MegaBass, but still without logic control.


 SONY Walkman WM-FX43 01-p


I haven't had it since those years because I gave it as a present, but I finally could find one recently so I was very happy to finally have it again with me. Now I have all the models I've had through the years.


It's actually in very good condition but with a few scratches:


 SONY Walkman WM-FX43 02-p


and I even got the box! ;-)


SONY Walkman WM-FX43 03-p


SONY Walkman WM-FX43 04-p


This remembers me a very nice post about your life in walkmans...

traveler - 2013-03-28 08:35

SONY WM-FX43 still all working ( see in Picture   )

    Very well used!

Everybody should have had this model @ One time or another  


IMG_0379 SONY WM-FX43 still all working well used Everybody should have had this model

sega.amusements - 2013-12-11 13:53

If there was one walkman that had a hold over me in the 90s it was this one, really nice walkman this one and sounds incredibly brilliant too, I bought this one in spain back in 1992 when they were still on the Spanish peseta as this walkman was nearly half price to what they were charging here in the UK lol I was 13 years old when I bought it in 1992, it took me a long time to save for this great little machine and I was so happy I could get it earlyer what with good old Spanish prices, I still have it today and is still used as I still love my tapes, I had to put a new belt in and oil up the engine as it was quite noisy but it sorted it and good as new, the deck also has a cracking radio too with 9 presets and an excellent stereo mode, the radio on these walkmans blows anything that phones have to offer right out the water, I dont know what it is about modern personal radios but even in stereo mode they still sound narrow and mono sounding.

The fx43 is still the best looking walkman of the 90s out of all this style of sony's walkmans