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A Collectors Favorite Toshiba KT-AS10

dbxs - 2013-08-02 08:47

If you do find one of these there is a good chance that it will be missing the ff button of the battery lid or both. So you may have to buy an extra one for parts. It is also a good one to practice changing the belt.  It also requires  soldering some wires that go through the center of the belt. Good luck!

dbxs - 2013-08-02 08:52

Originally Posted by dbxS:

Back in the day, I doubt  that I would have bought one of these. Very flimsy and I would never dare go jogging with one of these. However, that said, It is on my top ten list as a collector!  And you can see why. Love that half sized tuner pack. None of these worked when I got them.  All work now but the silver one. It will play the radio but  flips back and forth sides of the tape and will not stop!  I still love the looks of these!












walkman.archive - 2013-08-03 02:53

Originally Posted by dbxS:
Back in the day, I doubt  that I would have bought one of these. Very flimsy and I would never dare go jogging with one of these. However, that said, It is on my top ten list as a collector!  And you can see why. Love that half sized tuner pack. None of these worked when I got them.  All work now but the silver one. It will play the radio but  flips back and forth sides of the tape and will not stop!  I still love the looks of these!

Definitely, dbx! A must have for any serious collector!

I too love these players for their cool design that I find really outstanding, and hard to forgive.

I think that if I go with one of these in the underground wagon, I'll definitely catch many eyes :-D


I'm very lucky to have two of them in brand new condition, boxed with all accessories. Never, ever used...


Toshiba Walkman KT-V500 01 [1)



Toshiba Walkman KT-V500 08


Toshiba Walkman KT-V500 07 [1)


Toshiba Walkman KT-V500 11


Toshiba Walkman KT-V500 14


Toshiba Walkman KT-V500 15


Toshiba Walkman KT-V500 Blue 01


Toshiba Walkman KT-V500 Blue 02 [1)

dbxs - 2013-08-03 05:10

Also called the KT-V500. It will depend on where you buy it. Very nice pictures Hugo. Did you have to replace belts?  Much of the time a  New in the box player ,that is never used, will not work because the belt has gone bad!

cooper - 2013-08-03 11:41

HUGO has everthing that was ever made I think,and they are all very nice as well. COOPER.

dbxs - 2013-08-03 12:55

Originally Posted by COOPER:

HUGO has everthing that was ever made I think,and they are all very nice as well. COOPER.

So Cooper, let me guess. Hugo is your big brother?

walkman.archive - 2013-08-04 04:27

Thanks dbxS. No, I didn't changed the belts yet. These old Toshiba players are difficult to dissasemble and to change belts, so I rely on a technician.

However, I recently started to change belts by myself on easier models: SONY EX5...


Thanks Cooper! Well, I don't have all  models of course. If so I'll have to have thousands of them! :-)

No, I have around 120 or so, but I'm happy that the majority of them are top models (best of what was available every year between 85-95 more or less)

tgwilkinson - 2013-09-13 17:38

Low serial number KT-AS10 for sale:http://REPLACEMENT ERROR/topic...5-am-fm-stereo-tuner

lapis - 2013-09-14 04:27

dbxS - What is so fragile about these players? They seem to be made out of good metal or good plastic, not cheap plastic like current nowadays tape players.

dbxs - 2013-09-15 15:15

Originally Posted by tgwilkinson:

Thank you for bringing this up. It just so happens that the black AS-10 has a low serial number of 4360000875! I also have a Toshiba 4085 new in the box with a serial number of 6860000149!




dbxs - 2013-09-15 15:23

Originally Posted by Lapis:
dbxS - What is so fragile about these players? They seem to be made out of good metal or good plastic, not cheap plastic like current nowadays tape players.

It is a well built player. That said. the problem lies with the door and battery cover. 

The door latches on only to the spindle center. The fast forward button  is often missing. Other than that this is quite a good player.

dimateck - 2014-11-29 00:54

To :dbxS

Hi I new to forum I looking for toshiba kt-4085

are you interested to sell ? or trade ?

I also have intersting walkmans in box new ....

let Me know Thanks 

autoreverser - 2014-11-29 01:39

back to the KT-AS10 it's one of my favourites, too - I own a silver and a black one, both in working order and complete with foldable headphones, bag and extension-batterypack.


I remember me sitting in the school-bus first day with my tiny WM-10 and my buddy jumped in with his brand new KT-AS10 STEALING MY SHOW 


...had to own one of those units finally !

ao - 2014-11-29 01:58

I never liked them, over-engineered for no great extra benefit.  But to achieve this, there were some beautifully executed solutions.  The JVC CX-F5 is ugly but a marvel to watch and let's be honest, the WM-10 transport/chassis combo is a thing of beauty but I do believe these walkmans were designed so marketers could 'claim; that they have the smallest walkman.

kin - 2014-12-31 07:46

Mine has the motor running, so my guess is it needs a belt so I disassembled my unit finding out the two circuitboards are connected with solderingpoints on thinfilm...


I don't have the knowledge nor gear to unsolder it. Main issue is being afraid to burn the thinfilm.


Yes it's a bit overengineered.. need to be carefull with disassembly, especially the ballbearing that may fall out unnoticable when removing the door.