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A personal grail...a SANYO MG-34DT

brutus442 - 2013-09-07 18:53

I have been searching for many years for a functioning (and affordable) Sanyo MG-34DT.


I have a history with this Walkman. I purchased this with money I earned cutting grass at a seniors home when I was in my early teens. I played this thing to death and went through batteries like a hot knife through butter. It also had the Metal tape and Dolby functions! I was in the big leagues now! LOL


Not a day went by without this attached to my ears and it was probably the main reason the day went by so quickly.


Main factors on why I chose this model?


1. Dolby...every cool kid had a walkman with Dolby..my old Yorx was a hiss machine POS

2. Metal. I was recording on Metal tapes before I bought this for my home HI FI deck.


3 Most importantly...$$..the starving teen factor. I spent all my coins on albums, tapes and batteries.


So without an further blabbing...he she is in her WELL USED glory, a model I found on the Bay for cheap! Fully functional!










Note the separate volume controls for left/right sound. This proved to be a fantastic feature as I suffered some hearing loss in one ear as a child and have about %70 hearing left in the right ear. I easily compensated with the separate volume control


That's my sob story...I don't have a gem like JohnEdwards  http://REPLACEMENT ERROR/topic...n-wfm-tuner-cassette I wish I did though...for now this old girl will do.


Comments, critiques and general mocking always welcomed..fire away!

walkman.archive - 2013-09-08 05:44

Nice history, Brutus!

It's indeed true that when you get the same player that was with you for many years and gave you a lot of good experiences, memories flood back...

When I had my first player it was at '84 more or less and I remember that older ones were in that silver finish and newer ones started to feature some sort of modern desing, avoiding that silver color.

My first one was blue from a unknown brand and next ones were from SONY or AIWA.

At that time, features like separate knobs for volume started to dissapear :-(



deech - 2013-09-08 05:59

Great story Brutus

I m sure sanyo made a lot of those walkmans

but this one is yours !!

Really the feeling is unbeatable for finding

the machine you worked hard for to get and

have it back !

brutus442 - 2013-09-08 07:43

Thanks Gents!


It really is noce to have a piece of my history back. The memories flood back just looking at it , let alone listening to it!

ball000 - 2013-09-08 09:34

Nice found! Good you've been able to find the very Walkman you had fond memories of.

This kind of features, like the separated channels volume controls, and the proprietary radio cassette stuff always had my interest at that time too.

lav.loo - 2013-09-08 11:34

I'm not a Walkman fan but I feel it's only right to congratulate you here Brutus as you are such a nice fella great stuff mate

kin - 2013-09-08 15:09

Grats! Bringing back stuff from your teen memories... priceless!