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kent - 2016-10-26 01:52


brutus442 - 2016-10-26 08:08

Just amazing! I'm loving all of your posts!

Where did you get these boxed classics from?

samovar - 2016-10-26 08:31

Brutus442 posted:

Where did you get these boxed classics from?

Either Kent was on the board of Sony directors or he owned a retail shop. Unless those units fell off a truck, so to speak...

boodokhan - 2016-10-26 09:49


Amazing collection. nice to see different boxes of TPS-L2 in one place

boodokhan - 2016-10-26 10:12

I have a question? Is there any of them dolls and guys version? Or do you know which box made for dolls and guys walkman? 

kent - 2016-10-26 11:22

WM-W800 posted:

I have a question? Is there any of them dolls and guys version? Or do you know which box made for dolls and guys walkman? 

There is no dolls and guys version here.I'm still looking forward to finding one set with box.There is one on eBay now,but it's not box set.And I think the box of dolls and guys version is the same as the box which top of the picture above.

walkman.archive - 2016-10-27 03:35

Wow. Impressive.

I have the common intl version, boxed and the guys and dolls but I guess too it has the same box with the girl with rollers.

SONY Walkman TPS-L2 TCM-600 Series 03

I also got the ultra-rare spanish-made version too . I'm lucky that I live in the right country to get it, ha ha.

funkitall - 2016-10-27 16:47

Bloody hell...I need to do some serious catching up to do...........I only knew of two versions............mine hit me for £125 about 3 years ago and no where in the add did it mention "Guardians of the Universe" and as yet still not seen the film......

kent - 2016-10-29 15:05

Walkman Archive posted:

Wow. Impressive.

I have the common intl version, boxed and the guys and dolls but I guess too it has the same box with the girl with rollers.

SONY Walkman TPS-L2 TCM-600 Series 03

I also got the ultra-rare spanish-made version too . I'm lucky that I live in the right country to get it, ha ha.

Hi friend,I sent an email to you for Toshiba V600 :-)

kent - 2016-11-02 01:37

I received a mint box set of Japan version TPS-L2 recently.It's rare.But it's not the guys and dolls either.R4191084R4191087P1IMG_9443IMG_9442

boodokhan - 2016-11-02 08:00

kent posted:

I received a mint box set of Japan version TPS-L2 recently.It's rare.But it's not the guys and dolls either.

How can i make friendship with your Japanese supplier???  

great collection. I am sure someday you will find a guys and dolls mint in the box. 

kent - 2016-11-02 21:04

WM-W800 posted:
kent posted:

I received a mint box set of Japan version TPS-L2 recently.It's rare.But it's not the guys and dolls either.

How can i make friendship with your Japanese supplier???  

great collection. I am sure someday you will find a guys and dolls mint in the box. 

Thanks,by the way,I got this mint box set from a Swiss collector,and I spend half a year on getting it.

boodokhan - 2016-11-03 08:36

kent posted:
guys and dolls mint in the box. 

Thanks,by the way,I got this mint box set from a Swiss collector,and I spend half a year on getting it.

I am willing to spend a full year to get it from you