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huge sharp GF-777-e on ebay.com

soundboy - 2013-02-15 21:12

item # 200893111645

i though someone may be intrested 

 seller in uk

  no bidds

  16 hrs left on auction

    ebay.com under "huge sharp gf-777-E


ao - 2013-02-15 22:40

Nah, looks like a normal sized 777 to me.


Can we keep posts like this in the eBay section, ta

northerner - 2013-02-16 01:01

Waaaay too expensive IMO hence no bids

radio.raheem - 2013-02-16 01:07

Look at the chrome rot....what a mess....and way to expensive

mtbed - 2013-02-16 13:22

I actually live near this seller, I contacted him regarding the unit but he never got back to me. Makes me wary when he won't oblige to a viewing.


Plus double what it's worth at least.

northerner - 2013-02-16 13:25

If he won't let someone view it when he's asking £500 then that says it all

soundboy - 2013-02-16 18:05

i cant find it on ebay now either
it make sence now he had me convinced it was the best and a true find for me that is when i get taking for the old saying it true "if its to good to be true"... well you know !Originally Posted by Northerner:
If he won't let someone view it when he's asking £500 then that says it all


bods1 - 2013-03-15 07:12

If it was so over priced


How come this sold for the price then  http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SHARP-GF777Z-GHETTOBLASTER-IN-TOP-WORKING-ORDER-BUT-HAS-THE-USUAL-USAGE-MARKS-/281069733691?pt=UK_CE_Portable_Audio_Portable_Stereos_ET&hash=item41710fc73b&nma=true&si=tdOa4WO%252BGBK0reE3WTQeHUeW74g%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557


Would sooner have a genuine, perfectly working 777E UK spec one than the crap 777Z thats common as mud with some dodgey black power switch fitted.


Yes it was mine and I am not desperate to sell it, quite happy to keep one that the Subs work in uniform unlike many. Not much point someone viewing that doesn't want to pay the asking price either, just a waste of my time.


It has been stripped and fully cleaned, the tape decks fully serviced and play, rw, fw and record perfect


Most for sale on ebay always claim to work, yet I have never bought a single one that was what I would call good working order, everyone has needed repairing



mtbed - 2013-03-15 07:46

This is hilarious, I quote! "Not much point someone viewing that doesn't want to pay the asking price either, just a waste of my time." 


1. How did you know I wasn't willing to pay the asking price. 


2. Would you expect someone to hand out £500 without seeing the item especially when I live so near.


3. You did me a favour as I picked up a mint condition one for £320


So the lesson here is if you want to sell something, Reply with intent to sell and you may reach your high asking price. Thus not needing to come back onto a forum to try and justify you asking price. 


I certainly know if i was selling a box and wanted £500, If someone contacted me to view it I wouldn't have had any reason not to be available for a viewing. But the main point is you didn't want just £500 that was just the starting bid! Hence why you weren't fourthcoming on a veiwing. If it's such a perfect box.


Easier to paint a switch silver than fix chrome rot!

claret.badger - 2013-03-15 09:24

I saw a brilliant quote somewhere in regard eBay Buy it Now prices


"Buy-It-Now prices are usually just pipe dreams by the seller, but if you see what you want at the right price, buy it now because it can go away even as you're clicking on it.


If a Buy-It-Now listing is more than a day old, it's priced too high."

stereo.mad - 2013-03-15 10:33

True that is

dogtemple - 2013-03-15 12:35

its true in the instance of some kinds of buy now auctions but not most.