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Rare one, on ebay UK. Don`t get too excited though.

litfan - 2013-08-09 11:43

I wonder, if, the seller is jefferson, that used to post on here. I vaguely remember him, using the name cs-j88?



mitchelljames - 2013-08-09 11:56

I saw that ad Lit, have you had of these or do you know what they are compareable  to sound wise?

litfan - 2013-08-09 13:55

I have one, but, it`s the same, cd drawer won`t open. Nice sanyo sound to it. It needs a complete overhaul.

bison - 2013-08-09 14:29

if i came across one of these i would buy it not that many cd/tape combos worthy of having,surely they cant be as rare as early eighties units though,i stumbled upon a panny cobra last week first time id seen one up close and  i was surprised by its size,it was shabby so i passed it by,if word gets round surely more of these sanyos will surface

radio.raheem - 2013-08-09 14:29

that is jefforson lit....i nearly bought it till i read the cd is buggered lad...the price has gone down 100 quid too

litfan - 2013-08-09 14:42

I thought it was jeff, our old chat room buddy. Shouldn`t be too hard to fix. I`ve got the service manual for it. There are 4 tiny ball bearings on the cd mech. In transit, they can fall out, like mine did. Very poorly put together inside though.

radio.raheem - 2013-08-09 14:47

me and jeff fell out big time lad...i was gunna get an aiwa 880 from him but changed my mind....i used to find them so damn ugly....shame as he was a nice guy

litfan - 2013-08-09 15:19

Yeah. He got me a victor rc-x777 from japan. He was obsessed with the old 880, had 6 then. Wonder, how many he`s got now? He was good at re-foaming as well. He did all the drivers in my 2 880`s.

brutus442 - 2013-08-09 19:05

No disrespect to anyone but these units don't float my boat. I can only point to the crossover design.

To each his own I guess

lunatic - 2013-08-23 04:58

Originally Posted by lunatic:

I purchased one of these after chatting to the guy who is selling this one, I owned one in the early 90's but it was stolen from me and for years I had been searching for another, after a quick search I found another one that hadn't sold 40 miles from me, I contacted the guy and got it for £40, it also had a drawer that wouldn't open, i took it apart and on the left hand side of the drawer there is a small 25mm belt, mine was missing so I replaced it (with an O ring from maplins) and I now have my drawer working, the laser mech seems to do its thing but the motors for the cd doesn't spin up so thats my next mission, has anyone got a pdf service manual I could look at please? also the accoustic bass speakers on mine has perished surrounds so i'll look into replacing the them or upgrading the units altogether. As you all prob know  Pannasonic took over Sanyo and shut it down here in the UK, I contacted them about the availability of spares and they just sent me links to independant repair guys so I fear that if I do need a spare part I might well be screwed unless I can find someone who is clever as my technological skills just consist of poking things :-(


For what its worth i exchanged a few emails with the guy selling the one in the link and he came across as a really nice chap, unfortunately his didn't have the remote control but the one i got had :-)