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Universum Toshiba RT-2800 clone

ao - 2013-08-12 03:14

This maybe of some interest, virtually identical to the glorious Tosh RT-2800 and at £50 BIN



andyboombox - 2013-08-12 03:27

looks fantastic!if only it were uk,and i wasnt skint lol

retro - 2013-08-12 04:47

Interesting, that's one model I didn't think would have an aka.

ao - 2013-08-12 07:35

Oooh, who grabbed that one then?  bravo

michiel - 2013-09-08 03:50

Hi Agent, it was me Thanks for the post, I missed it completely! Serviced the deck yesterday and its going again. Lots of rubber inside this thing!


Need to do some more cleaning and paint the tape deck door, but its getting there!


How does this mic work? is it wireless? It works while in the holder and pressing the record button, but that's all. I can confirm its completely Toshiba branded on the inside.


Cheers Michiel




Universum Parabola 3800

Universum Parabola 3800 [2)