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The grado rs1 killers are in

radio.raheem - 2011-05-09 15:38

yes my sony xb1000 have arived... what MONSTERS more to come soon...im still testing them

retro - 2011-05-09 18:32

Great, can't wait to read your initial impressions.

radio.raheem - 2011-05-09 18:44

Retro my friend did you get IT??hope you did man...


These are great headphones but there is something about them I can't put my finger on it...full review comming soon,,,


I have to say this tho there the only headphones ive had that are that LOUD they can take my amp on half volume without distortion...put it this way there that louud the headband is actually bouncing on my head..i mean at the top of my head...I know ill probbly be extreamyly deaf after this but balls to it this is outstanding performance for the money...I know for a fact I could blow the grados clean out as in blown drivers on number 3...full review comming soon...but there is something up and I can't putmy finger on it,,,yes great clarity Pure Warm unadultarated bass but there is something not wright about them but for the money id get them...review soon..

radio.raheem - 2011-05-09 18:56

One last thing for now...the ear pads there like putting your head btween two huge car velvat tires...never had cans so comefertable before....

radio.raheem - 2011-05-09 19:25

Ok stuff my review guys lol everybodys taistes are different and everybodys equipment is different...id run these againtst the new £1500 grados anyday...just buy them (retro)


bad points the cable is flimsy...your ears sweat after a couple of hours use....thats it...


good points there breathtaking for the money...ohh yes there bloody HUGE lol..these are keepers for me...pics of size comming later...

retro - 2011-05-09 19:32

I didn't win it unfortunately, but thanks for the tip and the review as well. I'm going to keep an eye out for these.

radio.raheem - 2011-05-09 19:38

I was going to bid for you Retro and send it ya...just as i went to bid i was locked out my computer....retro I love my grado Rs1 but to be honest for the money these kill them hence my heading...im not sure how much they are in america man or about import taxes over there..I was stung £50 import tax so they cost about £250 all in...I think if/when they are officially launched in america and over here they will be much cheaper...there has been some talk of them just being launched/sold in japan..but im not sure about that...

retro - 2011-05-09 20:04

There's a pair on Amazon listed as an imported item, hopefully there will be more.

radio.raheem - 2011-05-09 20:20

How much are they Retro...if there on our amazon im going to buy another pair..when i have some money...the only other anoying thing about them is i thought the housing was metal but it feels like plastic to me...if they had the build quality of the sony sa5000 (all metal) with this pformance i would say they could fetch an easy grand...

retro - 2011-05-09 20:34

They have the same suggested retail price and only $29.99 shipping, which is not bad.

radio.raheem - 2011-05-09 20:43

Cool...thanks man...I think im gunna be up all night lisning to these...next my technics sony battle..this could be close...

retro - 2011-05-09 21:25

 Enjoy, I do the same thing when I get something new.

radio.raheem - 2011-05-09 23:08

thanks blue...hey retro...something interesting for you..with the headphones the seller also gave me a sony brochere It must have over 1000 pairs of headphones in it.....It dosent list the xb1000 but the xb700 500 300 are there....whats interesting is that its all in japanese but also it lists most of the prices in there too...the xb 700 being some of the cheapest in there....The sa5000 of wich i had are the most expencive in there....they made the sa5000 3000 and 1000...im hoping that in a year they will make the xb3000 and possibly the 5000...god id love to see the ultimate in this range but made all of metal with possibly some sound improvments,,, 

radio.raheem - 2011-05-10 00:14

Ok technics eah x250 v sony xb1000 the technics win...wich dosen't suprize me...well it did at first considering the size of the sonys...but the technics are clearer and the bass is undiscribable on these cans....to top it off i doubt the technics ar 40mm drivers v the sonys 70mm drivers...may be it's because im use to the technics but for the size of them i don't know how there is such a sublime sound that comes out of them.....in turn thats the Great thing about the grado's to because the drivers on there are probbly 30/40mm there small...


first place the technics I mean these and i have 2 pairs cost what £20 each second hand there just unreal..


2'nd place goes to the sony xb1000  im so glad I bought these...


and lastly the rs1...wich are amazing but I find it hard to belive the most expensive out of the 3 comes last...but ill say this for the grado's they have the minimilistic build and the mahogony wood housing is sweet and they diserve to be a top headphone that they are....if headphones don't make my grade then off they go..that's what happened to my porta pro but both pairs went to loving homes and the guys love em

walkgirl - 2011-05-10 02:45

Them sonies are poop

walkgirl - 2011-05-10 02:46

radio.raheem - 2011-05-10 08:04

Originally Posted by walkgirl:

I know they are flower.....but at least there better than those grado things

walkgirl - 2011-05-10 09:38

No they are not

radio.raheem - 2011-05-10 10:32

Hey nicolle I promise you...im going to look for another pair of my cheap tecnics on ebay...get them and send them to you...you will love them...the stack system i have...i canno't help you with though..lol also im going to send you my walkman this week...as i get paid on thursday...

walkgirl - 2011-05-10 11:36

No, jou do not have to, I have a porta pro, I use it not much anyway!!


Just send the walkman!, so I can let my brother fix it!!

radio.raheem - 2011-05-10 11:49

I dont have to i know..but i would like to flower..there better than the grado and the sony...but i need to find a pair first...they go for peanuts flower...i will send the walkman lass...i just want you to have a good sound expearience and have some REAL good headphones....as i know you love your walkmen and music...

crashbt - 2011-05-10 12:41

Sometime ago i sell headphones, specially studio headphones.....something i learn its everybody has different tastes......AT has normally better sound, stax ....well the best...., Sony ....???? a lot of persons says are junk, AKG for me the best.......but someone prefers bass....and not music.....Sony was the best in the 80s but right now its on the game of the junk.....

radio.raheem - 2011-05-10 13:42

I agree..everybodys taists are different...these are the best sony headphones i have hear since the 80's lets face it to me they better than grado rs1...that is saying something...I wouldnt have bought them based on the sony sa5000 wich retailed at £500 they were junk best clarity i have heard but the bass was junk,,,,,,,,,,I took a chance on the xb1000 and there TOTALLY awsome,,,and thats not testing them on a junk ipod eather..

radio.raheem - 2011-05-11 02:03

Ok for anybody still folowing this thread...Remember I said there was something bugging me about these headphones....Well I have just worked out what it is...using both my 12 band eq's... they sound  PROMINENT in the 250hz area of the sound spectrum sometimes...That's whats been BUGGING me.....having 2 12 band eq's does inprove things alot though......It kind of makes the headphones sound plasticy at times...it's hard to explaine but it does bug me at times ...im still very Happy with the headphones so based on this fact..I would say

 technics first...

Grado rs1 in 2'nd place

and the sonys in 3'rd place

 In every other aspect the sonys beat the grado's...for comfort I havn't had a better pair of cans...i have been wairing them 12 hr's streight and it feels like I have nothing on my head....that's ya lot fellas...

radio.raheem - 2011-05-19 15:49

Just would like to say...after about a 50 hr burn in...these headphone sound much better...like all Good headphones they need a burn in process...there now easily in second place out of the 3....

toocool4 - 2011-05-20 01:53

So Radio Raheem what does the better one have or do that this one can’t do?

radio.raheem - 2011-05-20 03:46

I.ll try answer that tonight... just about to go out for the day....Basically tho if you don't use 2 12 band equ's in conjunction with each other it's impossible 2 explaine tho....I tried using just one with the amp and it sounded junk....I may buy a better amp tho....Id love to spend 1000 2000 on a good amp...but it's kind of pointless...as where I live I have to use headphones anyway....my speakers do have 2 10"" drivers in each cabinet but they sound junk compaired to all my headphones...

toocool4 - 2011-05-20 03:53


Radio Raheem have you thought about getting a decent headphone amp? This way you get to enjoy your music without disturbing your neighbours, I assume this is what you mean by where you live?    

radio.raheem - 2011-05-20 03:58

im not sure i need a headphone amp my friend....with both eq's on my grado rs1 cant handle the volume/sub bass on number 3....and would easily BLOW...basically I listen to any frequancy below 40 hz...anything above i turn off,,,i do use the middle/ trebble sliders tho...

toocool4 - 2011-05-20 05:00

I don’t mean amp for more volume but for better control of your headphones. An amp will give you better separation of the instruments, dynamic range, smoother, cleaner signal etc.

radio.raheem - 2011-05-23 04:30

Apologies tocool forgot to reply here...basically the technics have more bass than the sony but it's close...not that you need more bass than these sony headphones can provide....for the sheer look and comfort of them these should hold the number 1 spot out of the 3...that 250hz presance has all but vanished on the sony xb1000, these are just a pure joy to have...when i can afford another pair...i will get another set.there just like pure sex..

toocool4 - 2011-05-23 04:49

Originally Posted by Radio Raheem:

there just like pure sex..

No problem.


"there just like pure sex", they must be good