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Post Picures Of Your Portable Rig

retro - 2012-09-28 17:04

This is a thread that I love to browse through on a daily basis over at head fi, and thought we should start one of our own. I think it would be nice to see what our members are listening to during their daily commutes and so forth. I'm currently listening to a Sony NWZ-Z1060, a TTVJ slim headphone amp (connected through LOD), and a pair of Sennheiser Amperior headphones. I'm very pleased with this combination, but on certain songs, the aggressive highs from the Amperiors can be fatiguing at times.

blaster - 2012-09-28 17:10

i also have a slim headphone amp made by Fiio i use it mostly to amplify my mp3 player at times when running it through my RCA jacks on certain low recorded tracks...or if the player just doesnt have enough volume....

blaster - 2012-09-28 17:13

is that TTVJ also a FIIO? or are they straps holding two devices together?

retro - 2012-09-28 17:18

They're two seperate companies, I also have a fiio E06 which is a nice little amp if you want to travel light. The straps are leftovers from an older amp.

blaster - 2012-09-28 17:28

oh..k...i see

blaster - 2012-09-28 17:47

yeah i visit head-fi as well sometimes, i like the FIIO amp...nifty little thing....i have the E5 perhaps an older model...has a clip to clip it on somewhere on you.....so the bottom part below im guessing is the mp3 player, which brand is that?....cool idea with the straps by the way...

retro - 2012-09-28 17:56

The player is the Sony Android Walkman NWZ-Z1060 pictured below with my Fiio E06 and the Sony MDR-D77 eggos.

ultraneo - 2012-09-28 19:24

Depending on the mood and usage I either use the Sony Walkman NW-X1060 (Japanese version) with my excellent but old Westone UM2, or my Shure SE530 (not pictured)...



or the original HD25-1 (not mkII) - You know? I never worked out what's the main differences between the first edition and the current revised version other than they're £50 cheaper!!!!


Whilst I'm out running or training in the gym, I want to be hassle and wire-free! So, for this I use the Sony NWZ W263, battery life only last eight hours from a full charge but who works out for 8 hrs anyway?


ultraneo - 2012-09-28 19:26

Originally Posted by retro:

The player is the Sony Android Walkman NWZ-Z1060 pictured below with my Fiio E06 and the Sony MDR-D77 eggos.

I have some age old D77's, they work but need a replacement headband. Know where I can find them? or go for spares? 

retro - 2012-09-28 19:42

Very nice setup you have there. I ordered two sets of these vinyl replacement pads on yahoo japan recently, I've seen them pop up from time to time. You probably can find them on ebay also. I have three pairs of D-77's, one with a broken headband, and a pair of mint D-55's.



claret.badger - 2012-09-28 19:47

them 77's were the media darlings back in the 90's

retro - 2012-09-28 19:52

The D-33's and 55's use the same band as well, so you can keep an eye out for those also.

ultraneo - 2012-09-28 19:59

Wanna part with your broken D77's? 

retro - 2012-09-28 20:10

I'm going to hold on to them for now, because they work perfectly, but if I spot a pair I'll send you a link through PM.

ultraneo - 2012-09-28 20:20

I just need the one titanium band... oddly it snapped!

toocool4 - 2012-09-29 05:57

I use a combination of Sony DC2, D6C or DD9 players with Ray Samuels P-51 Mustang amp and either Etymotic ER-4S or Beyerdynamic T70.


Portable rig

Peak Consult

retrodos - 2012-09-29 11:26

Here pretty much my mobile setup





One every so offen I will use my HiMD recorder




Here my other headphone amp/DAC




nak.d - 2012-09-29 12:16

X and S series with noise cancelling phones and Grados - SR 60.

nak.d - 2012-09-29 12:35

Not strictly for everyday use, more for fun from time to time. Must make some more DAT's. WMD-DT1 with Senn HD 590'S.

stereo2go - 2012-10-02 05:50

My setup at work:


Cowon J3 with an aging pair of Sennheiser HD-497 phones





retro - 2012-10-02 06:45

I considered purchasing a Cowon player, they get really good reveiews.

isolator42 - 2012-10-02 07:35

Currently using an iPod Classic 160GB:

through a Sony SEQ-50:

into Sennheiser HD250 Linears:

Could do with being a bit louder - that's partly the iPod's fault & partly down to the headphones, which although beautifully transparent &, well linear, are not the loudest.

retro - 2012-10-02 07:37

Very nice isolator, you can always add a headphone amp to drive the higher impedance of the headphones.

stereo2go - 2012-10-02 07:58

Originally Posted by retro:

I considered purchasing a Cowon player, they get really good reveiews.

I love the J3.  The UI isn't perfect but feature-wise it's great.  My only complaint is that once the battery needs replacement I think I'll be stuck...I don't see an easy way to open this thing and I'm not even sure they sell aftermarket batteries for this.

isolator42 - 2012-10-02 08:01

Originally Posted by retro:

Very nice isolator, you can always add a headphone amp to drive the higher impedance of the headphones.

Anyone got any advice on a budget (but not crap) headphone amp? 

stereo2go - 2012-10-02 08:03

Originally Posted by stereo2go:
Originally Posted by retro:

I considered purchasing a Cowon player, they get really good reveiews.

I love the J3.  The UI isn't perfect but feature-wise it's great.  My only complaint is that once the battery needs replacement I think I'll be stuck...I don't see an easy way to open this thing and I'm not even sure they sell aftermarket batteries for this.

Have any of you assembled your own headphone amp?  A lot of places sell them in kit form, is it worth doing?  Is the quality less than an inexpensive model like FiiO's?

retro - 2012-10-02 08:29

Take a look at this thread over at head fi, I found it to be very useful:The Sub-$100 Portable Amps Shootout – 8(+1) amps compared,   The Sub-$200 Portable Amps Shootout –11(+8) amps compared

ultraneo - 2012-10-06 18:03

Originally Posted by retro:

Very nice setup you have there. I ordered two sets of these vinyl replacement pads on yahoo japan recently, I've seen them pop up from time to time. You probably can find them on ebay also. I have three pairs of D-77's, one with a broken headband, and a pair of mint D-55's.



Well... I've sourced awesome looking pair of D77's the other day, just waiting for them now. I'm hoping they sounds as goods as they look.

Outta curiosity, how much should they be worth if they we're say 'Grade A' condition? Has everything minus packaging and short micro-jack to micro-jack lead. Think I over paid

retro - 2012-10-06 18:34

Congrats, I would say anywhere from $150.00 to $200.00 depending on the condition. The last pair I purchased, were about $175.00 and were almost mint. They have taken a back seat to the Amperiors as my go to portables sadly.

ultraneo - 2012-10-06 21:34

Originally Posted by retro:

Congrats, I would say anywhere from $150.00 to $200.00 depending on the condition. The last pair I purchased, were about $175.00 and were almost mint. They have taken a back seat to the Amperiors as my go to portables sadly.

Ah.. I got those D77's purely cause I miss them.

Like yourself, I have other IEM's for portables too! Closed headphones IMO don't cancel out background noise as well as high-end IEM's. 

retro - 2012-10-31 15:56

Here's may latest rig, although I often change DAP's depending on the headphones.



retrodos - 2012-11-05 22:22

My new rig


Headphones-Shures 535 IEM'S

Amp-iBasso T3D

DAP-SanDisk Sansa Fuze Version 2

Cable-Custom LOD cable with capacitors






blaster - 2012-11-06 05:45

Originally Posted by stereo2go:
Originally Posted by retro:

I considered purchasing a Cowon player, they get really good reveiews.

I love the J3.  The UI isn't perfect but feature-wise it's great.  My only complaint is that once the battery needs replacement I think I'll be stuck...I don't see an easy way to open this thing and I'm not even sure they sell aftermarket batteries for this.

One player that comes to mind that has a battery replacement feature was the Creative Zen Micro...you can buy extra batteries specifically for that player...i use to own the Creative zen M....was a great unit...but loved the creative micro for that feature.....

isolator42 - 2012-11-20 14:37

Originally Posted by retro:

Very nice isolator, you can always add a headphone amp to drive the higher impedance of the headphones.

Done. My FiiO E01 arrived today  


Now my set up this:


...the iPod Classic 160GB ('scuse the blasphemy, but the output from the 30 pin connector is pretty good), into a FiiO E01 headphone amp (amazing difference - cleaner sound & much louder), into the Sony SEQ50 (which can handle the higher level from the FiiO), feeding the oh-so transparent Sennheiser HD250 Linears with plenty enough signal to drive them nice & loud.

Started listening & was still there an hour later.

...looking for an excuse for a long train journey now...  

retro - 2012-11-20 14:48

Congrats isolator, the LOD does give a much cleaner sound. I just installed rockbox on my ipod classic for an even more customizable sound and flac support, here's a crappy cell phone pic.


mrkeith - 2012-11-20 15:36



retro - 2012-12-19 20:26

I'm currently listening to:




toocool4 - 2012-12-20 02:30

Hi retro I have heard good things about the Beyerdynamic DT-1350, but not had a chance to try one how do you find it?


I like circumaural headphones and IEM’s but not supraaural headphones, I don’t enjoy the pressure on my ears from supraaural headphones.

retro - 2012-12-20 04:36

Originally Posted by toocool4:

Hi retro I have heard good things about the Beyerdynamic DT-1350, but not had a chance to try one how do you find it?


I like circumaural headphones and IEM’s but not supraaural headphones, I don’t enjoy the pressure on my ears from supraaural headphones.


The DT-1350's have a very neutral sound signature. Compared to my Amperiors, they're more transparent, have wider soundstage, and deeper bass. I prefer the Amperiors for electro and electronic music, because of the V-shaped sound signature and warm mid bass, but for other genres the Beyers win hands down. They have less clamping force than the Amperiors, but smaller cups. These are my favorite portables so far.

dottor.walkman - 2012-12-20 07:47

This is the system that I use. It's very simple.



walkman.archive - 2012-12-20 14:26

I usually listen to my loved Sennheiser HD280 Pro, that I found very equilibrated and offer very good external isolation. Some of my favorite walkmans are the D6C, DD9, PX303, DD30 or 701C...


AIWA Walkman HS-PX900 Vender 08


I usually listen to spotify through a good sound card and this headphones (when working at the computer, paying not so much attention to music), but when I pay more attention to music and audio, I usually listen to high quality MP3 or a good recording in a UXPro or a TDK SA.


When walking in the street I don't take this enormous headphones; but a BOSE AE2i, much lighter and still very good audio quality, excellent soundstage and noise (passive) isolation:


BOSE Headphones AE2i 04


when I'm travelling I use to take my Cowon D2, which offer pretty good audio quality and excellent features for audio processing (5-band EQ, balance, spazialization, BBE...):




A good player for an excellent price (specially nowadays, as it's an old model now), Avoid the new one, called C2: it fails often. I've had two and both are dead, non working -> RMA. :-(

retro - 2013-01-22 09:44


Here's what I'm currently listening to:
















V-MODA Cross fade M100



retro - 2013-04-01 19:16

Here's a new edition to my portable rig, the Ultrasone Signature Pro, one of the most resolving and transparent headphones I've ever heard, closed or open. ((()))




blaster - 2013-04-01 19:36

wowzers   ret...i hope you found a good deal on those...they remind me of the koss pro-dj200s.......nice though....

retro - 2013-10-31 12:36

Fiio X3 and V-Moda M100, a match made in Hip Hop heaven, bass heads look no further. The X3 has a very powerful built in amp (540 mW@16 Ohms), and a respectable Wolfson WM8740 DAC, it also supports micro SD cards up to 64 gigs. A great alternative to the apple ipod.




retro - 2015-07-10 19:30

Here's my latest portable rig which includes the excellent sounding Hidizs AP100 loss less DAP, a sweet sounding and inexpensive C&C BH2 headphone amplifier driving the Beyerdynamic T51i which are my favorite cans at the moment.



