ultimate discman
19lexicon78 - 2013-05-31 15:01
ok, 11-12 years ago, we've noticed it's the dc2 or dd9. i prefer the dc2, sound is less, but it's more fun. it's 80's all over.. yes, design is also important..
i have many discman.
the philips 6829 is a very nice sounding one, don't have the denon dcp150. these ones are very detailled, but not portable= go for a real cdp.
number one discman design = d-z555, i don't like the 88
discman is 90's, and the discman of the 90's= design,sound, portable = d777.
sony's best year is 1992=515, 311, 303, 211, but these aren't portable.
the 777 is,+ has tube sound. love the 777 for using rock. it isn't detailled, but it's design, sound, portable and looks. it's the ultimate 90's discman. to me, the d777 is the ultimate discman.
which is your discman icon?
litfan - 2013-05-31 15:17
My panasonic SL-SX500. I have heard countless discman`s, this, to me, is the best i have heard. I have had it since 1998. It now needs a new door spring, as, the old one snapped. Sounds nice, with my grado 325`s.
19lexicon78 - 2013-05-31 15:21
has it enough power for a 325??
6 months ago is saw a person using a rs1/2. i have a rs-1, i would never use this one outside..
litfan - 2013-05-31 15:22
Those bose discman`s are good, cheap. You don`t see them for sale anymore though. They have cut down, in the cost of the casing etc, and, put all the money into the electronic`s. Excellent player.
litfan - 2013-05-31 15:24
Sorry. Yes, plenty of power for the 325`s.
19lexicon78 - 2013-05-31 15:24
bose.. they made discman?? never knew that one
19lexicon78 - 2013-05-31 15:26
unfortunate i have a rs1. always wanted to hear a 325= also got the looks
litfan - 2013-05-31 15:31
You`ll be a bit dissapointed lexicon, as, the RS1, is way ahead of the 325`s in sound, and build quality. I had to send mine back to grado, after 6 months, as, the plastic on the cable, split in about 3 places.
litfan - 2013-06-01 12:06
Here you go lexicon. An unsung little player, for sure.
19lexicon78 - 2013-06-07 15:11
hi liftan,
that's an ugly one. just as ugly as a denon dcp