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If you like walkmans, you'll love my collection...

schokobomb - 2009-04-23 14:38


schokobomb - 2009-04-23 14:40

They also existed with radio.

WM-F109 and WM-F509 (somewhere i also have a pink one)

schokobomb - 2009-04-23 14:41


schokobomb - 2009-04-23 14:42

Some more sony voice recorders.

TCM-48, TCM-55

schokobomb - 2009-04-23 14:44

Ah, I can't see the names on the pictures.

schokobomb - 2009-04-23 14:45

A nice voice recorder with radio and a very big antenna!


schokobomb - 2009-04-23 14:48

TCM-9 and TCM-400

schokobomb - 2009-04-23 14:50

A panasonic voice recorder (with pop-up microphone) and the Sony TCM-5

schokobomb - 2009-04-23 14:51

A very ugly walkman but you can use two different kinds of batteries.


schokobomb - 2009-04-23 14:53

Basic Sonys. I think the left one is made of jelly.

WM-FX200 and WM-FX21

schokobomb - 2009-04-23 14:55

Aiwa for recording.


schokobomb - 2009-04-23 14:57

Two small aiwas. (When did they use the new logo?)

??? and PX550

schokobomb - 2009-04-23 15:00

A kenwood and a dual

CP-M5 and a Dual without control buttons (you can only use it with a remote control ... which I don't have)

schokobomb - 2009-04-23 15:03

I'm coming to the end.

I have some beauties left.

Toshiba KT-RS30

schokobomb - 2009-04-23 15:05

The all-in-one device!!!


schokobomb - 2009-04-23 15:07

And last but not least, my working all-time favourite:


schokobomb - 2009-04-23 15:10

I said, my walkmans are all boxed.

I didn't lie.

I hope you enjoyed this trip to my walkman wonderland!

I'll post new arrivals here.

Good night.

jameswp67 - 2009-04-23 16:54

wow! I am tired! That was an Agent Oroange type journey! I love the First National way back on page 1 and the Dual and Kenwood! No Boobo Khan I see! I have a few similar, Tosh KT-AS10(in two colors--red!), like your KT-4055...I love your Sharp TV or course, been looking for one of those, anyway very fun viewing, thanks so much!


ao - 2009-04-24 00:19

You're killing us...this is fantastic stuff.

I'm interested by your area of focus. You appear to have chosen to avoid the halcyon days of Walkman innovation (79 - 86) & instead have focus on the period when Sony were desperately developing the package rather than the product in order to remain on top.

That said, it's clear you have an enviable passion for the period. Is this a conscious effort or is this just the way it's fallen, not a WM-2, DD9, TPS, Boodo in sight. To get all the above models in all these colours clearly took some effort, I'm guessing hours spent on eBay DE scouring the 'Sonstige' section for poorly listed gems (I do it too). Certainly paid off, this is a remarkable stash.

So yeah, tell us, why do you like this 1990-2000 period, where do you get them all from, which is your favourite, which one cost you the most, do you use any, which was your first????

Most of all, a big welcome from us.

schokobomb - 2009-04-24 02:06


I'll try to explain my collection.

My first contact with a portable cassette player was the Sanyo M-G30 (Import to the GDR, Price 700M)
of my father in the late eighties.
Then I bought my own Walkman in 1993, one year later a Discman with 3 second shock protection (Wow!).
I became sony-addicted.

My collection was born four years ago.
I loved the walkman small, made of metal, with full logic control, and with gumstick battery.
So my WM-EX stuff grew more and more. But there were Walkmans in the pre-EX-era which made me
curious: WM-701C/702/703C and all their friends with radios or as recorders. So tiny and clean
(their followers EX60/70/80 came later).
Then I found the WM-100/101/... series and wanted more of them.
The same way with the WM-109/509/...

But then a shock! My first WM-20. Can a walkman be so small? Is this real? I WANT THEM ALL!
Are there more Walkmans with a special mechanical design? (WM-40, the Toshiba, the Sharp)

And the last discovery were the Wireless Walkmans.
I think most of them were only sold in japan.
They're really rare on the european or american market.

I found Yahoo!Auctions and the hardcore collecting began!
There are also those special colors which you won't see on ebay.

The older models I buy when I see them on the fleamarket,
but maybe later I will collect them more effectively.
The same with non-sonys. I have to set a focus on special
models or i will become a really poor man ;-)

My favourites: the black WM-20, WM-WE01, the red WM-EX70 and my Toshiba KT-4055
(and your green benetton, Agentorange - trade with a white WM-501?)

The most expensive: WM-EX808 unused in wooden box (150€)

In my car I have a WM-EX670 (it's cheap, it works, and scratches don't matter)

jcyellocar - 2009-04-24 15:17

damn, what a nice collection
thanks for sharing
wonder how many other collectors are out there like this

johnedward - 2009-04-25 11:35

INCREDIBLY SUPERB dedication to not just collecting but colors of each model. Leaves me speechless. I have focused on the early walkmans pre 84 and my real love like yours the 90's as these are ones I listen to daily. Am collecting all makes a huge task as we all know. I know the hours of searching online you must have done and do daily as I have for past 8 months. Scary how it becomes your free time life. Truly an incredibly collecting hobby. The world should be thankful for a man like you dedicated truly to saving an era of technology for future generations to know about. For me later in life I hope to donate my collection ( now 118 players) to Ft. Lauderdale Museum of Science. We are all excited for your truly GRAND ENTRANCE. JOHN Florida USA

coolcol - 2009-07-14 03:48

Wow as i must that is impressive indeed.

It must have took a lot of your time to find these types as how i wish i could have one for my little girl.

I only have a collection of about 25 but probably take me about 5 years or me to even get half way of your collection.

You made my day remembering the days when me and my dad going along Tottenham Court Road (London) and looking and viewing the walkmans.


ako - 2009-07-17 12:03

insane collection!

looks like you have the later era sony's on lock, now you just need to get more early ones.


coolcol - 2009-07-18 03:41

Originally posted by a-ko:
insane collection!

looks like you have the later era sony's on lock, now you just need to get more early ones.


Thank you for the comment but i don't even like the early ones as i got rid of a few. I think it was because i was only 5 years ols when the first ones come out. One of my first was the Aiwa HS G35 equalizer. So that may explain it why i don't like the early ones.


walkgirl - 2009-07-18 04:49


19lexicon78 - 2009-07-18 05:05

a real collector.
some beautifull units.
you love the 90's, perhaps collecting also md's and discmans?? Wink
don't forget the DCC 175