Mini Boomboxes

SmileHey all Very Pschyed! Just Got The same Jvc Aza and walkgirl Put Up,A Jvc Mini
Model NumberRC S21JW
Scooped it Right up From The Intake Basket it Had Just Come in To The Thrift Store as a Donated Item,The Guy Wanted $10 I hemmed and Hawed And he said Ok $5 Plus Tax,With That I Got The BBx,a 9 Volt Panasonic Adapter For It 4 Batteries and a Dionne warwick tape for $5.30! Awesome! Cool
SmileThanks Skip,it's pretty cool,I'm gonna clean it up some more,and then will post pics if tinypic works... Roll Eyes it sounds pretty awesome for a little thing but needs the contacts cleaned when sliding the volume slider up or down it's scratchy, i'm looking foward to putting it through it's paces in the next few days,i'm listening to the marlins-devil rays baseball game on it now. Cool
That is lovely Jaredscottfla! Cool

You maybe better use imageshack, because tinypic
is deleting pictures these days Frown

Or better get yourself a photobucket account,
then the pictures will be here forever!

Oh yes, are you sure about the number?, I did look
RC S21JW up, but nothing was found here on the
forum Confused
Red Face yep nicolle that is the right number it's not the same as your's now that i did a closer look,it's smaller and has sliders instead of buttons. I played with it last nite,Tape plays Perfect Fm is super,Am and Sw Are Pretty Good,Has Same Features as Your's Am Standard Coverage Fm Standard Coverage Sw 6-18 Mhz and The Tape Player.
oops, forgot some.
Here's my Hitachi TRK6700:

look at all those toys! 3-way spks (OTT, but why not, eh?), bass & treble, loudness, stereo-wide, servo deck, LED level meter, proper aux in...

Panasonic RX FM27:

lovely build quality, auto reverse deck, funny push-button EQ thingy.

Bass output is hampered by the small woofers on these, but both make a racket that belies their diminutive size.

Originally posted by walkgirl:
...Isotlator42, there is the sony!, I really want one for in my collection, I hope somebody on the forum does want to part with theirs!! Smile
Keep looking, Nicolle, it'll be worth it when you find one. However, if it's a nice example, you'll need deep pockets. Mine was a bit ropey when I got it - needed all my er, "expertise" to get it 100%. The tuner is still crackles when tuning between stations & the deck motor still makes a funny noise sometimes, but I'm happy enough Smile
SmileThanks Nicolle Your the best! Smile
And Yes This is a very very Cool Little Bugger. I cleaned it up,contact cleaning,tape heads cleaned it is a remarkbly well built well sounding extremely rare and cool boombox! And yes best of all Boombox,Ac Adapter,4 AA batteries and a Dionne warwick Tape Final cost $5.30= PRICELESS! Big Grin
Love the little JVC in your first set of pictures Walkgirl! Such classic styling... How does it sound? Maybe you have an electronic engineer friend that could VERY CAREFULLY add LED VU meters in the blank gray area above the speakers?? Then you would have your little bbx with LED lights! Would look cool too! Big Grin
Hi-I have a Magnavox D-1670.Although I don't know If I can technically call it a boombox because it doesn't have a cassette.
It is stereo and has 2 speakers and even has spatial sound and it's really a mini!
I'm trying to find a photo.
I really need to take photos of all of my boomboxes when I get some more film.
I have used my freind's digital camer but it's not the best.
My camera takes nice photos but I have to wait to get them developed! Red Face
If I find a photo I'll post it her otherwise I really do like my Magnavox,you can actually put it in your pocket,it's that small.
Have a super weekend-Ghettoboom777. Smile