James' recent comment in the thread about Akihabara made me wonder if BIC Camera was still going. That led me to this video [MEDIA] The only time...
It seems VWestlife was one of the few Americans to buy a MiniDisc recorder back in the day. He isn't as big a fan as Techmoan though [MEDIA]
By complete coincidence, yesterday I found out that the "choir" in this track was done using twelve tape loops running half way across the studio....
Rather than start a new thread I will post this here...
In the early 1960s that was the only option. This web page includes videos showing how it was done....
Watching Youtube I got this advert for some kind of drink powder. I found the boombox on the kitchen counter more interesting. [ATTACH]
I think I have posted this before. I have bought a couple of items through Jauce [MEDIA] Other services like Buyee are available
Multiplex = a fancy way of saying two channels in the same signal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multichannel_Television_Sound Japan might have...
After viewing a view this is quite a good demo of what a BBD does to sound [MEDIA] Fun fact. The CCD devices that made small cameras possible...
In 1969 BSR were exporting turntables from the U.K. to Japan via the Trans-Siberian railway ! [ATTACH] Photo from...
It makes it easy to stick a compact flash card in there instead. About a decade ago I stuck a 32GByte in one. You can go much larger.
No I hadn't seen that and found it interesting. In the early 1990s we bought some Olivetti PCs for a customer. They were probably made in that...
Rockwell took over a U.K. company Sumlock Anita who made the world's first all electronic calculator and even made some Rockwell branded...
Fast forward to 8:24 for some footage from inside a U.K. towns music store back in 1992. [MEDIA]
When logged in there is a donate button under "New Posts" on the right hand side of the screen (using a PC). A suggestion for Hugo. Maybe allow...
Separate names with a comma.