An old work colleague of mine had a Capri 3.0 Sport. Must say that one impressed me. Went like stink and sounded great too. My favourite car was a...
TooCooL4: Bas Vegas! That one must have come about after I left, but I like it a lot :loldiag: I do remember almost crashing the car laughing the...
Thanks for the welcome Longman! I moved to Weston in 2009, and have been here ever since. I think one last move may be on the cards though as the...
I worked in Chelmsford for a few years, at the mail centre next to the A12. Small world! If I'm honest, I still miss the 80s. My kids ask me...
Thank you Mister X! The old technology is certainly my bag. My day to day equipment is a Sharp GF 6060 (my 13th birthday present in 1982) and a...
Thank you TooCool4! Technically, I'm a Brummie, but my folks moved to Essex when I was 2 or 3 years old. I loved growing up in Southend in the...
Late to the party, but just had to say nice GF 6060! I have a real soft spot for this model as it was my 13th birthday present back in October...
Just a quick introduction. My name is Steve and I currently live in Weston Super Mare, but I'm originally an Essex boy and I still call Southend...
Separate names with a comma.