Hi, recently I got my hands on a near mint Sony Walkman Proffesional, or a wm-d6c, and the box i got it in came with the player, the leather case with a shoulder strap, a battery holder, a rechargavle battery pack, the leather battery pack holder case, a stereo microphone all in its nylon bag (all official sony products), and stereo headsets. Ive realized id like something of the same quality, but smaller and I have no need for recording, so I was wondering if anyone would like to trade my perfectly working d6c and acessories for a dc2? It would really mean a lot to me, or if no one can or would, does anyone have the contact info for reaching dr. walkman? I feel he has some answers or would be willing to do a trade. If anyone could reply, I would be very grateful. Oh, and I can supply pictures
you can write to @Doctor Walkman and he will respond to you regarding your trade offer, I have several D6C but i don't mind to add another one . Anyway, What are the other models that you might consider trading? I have only 3 DC2 and all of them are keepers. By the way, welcome to S2G forum
Thank you for such a warm welcome. Its a real shame for the dc2s, as im simply an appreciation of music and am only seeking one. In terms of quality, I guess im also thinking about a d3, but that doesnt have dolby c, if I'm correct. Either that or a ex5, but that doesnt have the same sound quality, but is stylish as heck. I dont know, im just a college student who would use it for what its worth and properly appreciate it.
your boxed D6C is worth more than D3. Let me see if i can make you an offer (probably next week) , that means i will find a combination of 3 walkmans A D3 and another 2 walkman to see whether not you are interested to trade. meantime other members are welcome to offer a DC2 or equal value walkman for your D6C Also,can you share some pictures of your walkman?
Thank you, but unfortunately im only seeking one walkman for personal use, rather than a collection. And essentially what i have is a d6c with everything minus the original box. I will post pictures later tonight!
Welcome to Stereo2go Archerg It sounds like you have a good D6C with all the bits to go with it. You should try and sell it for a good price and use what you get to buy a DC2 if you are not able to trade the D6C for a DC2. I have just sold one of my 3 D6C's so not looking for one as i still have 2, i have many DC2's 5 as i gave one away but since i can't get parts i intend to keep the lot as i rotate my Walkman so not to put all the strain on one unit. Maybe you should look for a DD9 with the money you may get for selling your D6C, i have to admit to my ears the DD9 does not sound as good as D6C or DC2 but other people will tell you that the DD9 is the best sounding of the lot. I have all 3 and to my ears the D6C is the best sounding of the lot. The D6C is still usable as a portable, i use mine as a portable. See this thread
oh, I apologize for the confusion! the box I gt all these items in is not the original, but rather a nondescript shipping box. and @TooCooL4 , thanks for the advice. ive been bouncing between keeping it ad selling it. Ill see where this goes
In my opinion just keep your own walkman since it is one of the best walkmans ever made. DC2 is not superior to this walkman (probably same sound quality).
You are missing the point here, he want's something a little more portable. Also from my experience since i own both units, the DC2 is not the same quality as the D6C. The DC2 is good but still someway behind the D6C.
well, I thought he has a D6C with box and i was gonna offer him some walkmans to trade with his D6C but once i found out that he was referring to a regular shipping box instead of a real walkman box, changed my mind and asked him to keep it. anyway, other members might be interested to offer him a DC2. There are more D6C models in the market than DC2. thats why i was telling him to just enjoy his own D6C
I have 3 D6C, and one scratched up DC2 rescued from a flea market. In my opinion, the DC2 has a very different sound signature, very enjoyable, and while the D6C is my favorite Walkman, and more accurate sounding than the DC2, the DC2 sounds "special".
Hi everyone, after much decision making, ive decided to sell my d6c on ebay, and now have roughly $250. I realized that I dont have a great need for the 'perfect' walkman, but with an eye for good (not perfect for my untrained ear) quality, portability, and style, my final idea is a red dd30. Is anyone willing to sell theirs? It would go to a great home where its used, valued, and appreciated. I could also chalk up some more if its up to you. If anyone could reply as soon as possible, I would be absolutely over the moon.
Hi Archerg, You'll be disappointed with the sound quality of the DD30. I can recommend the DD2 in this priced league. That sounds almost like a DC2. And if you need Megabass and you do not care about the design, buy a DD33 because that too sounds much better than DD30.